Using PowerShell to Create a Correctly Ordered USB Music Key

I have a car which has an Alpine CDE-181RR stereo system. This stereo has a USB slot which you can either use for charging your phone up, or plug in a USB Key full of music. My usage case for this blog post is the latter. I use a 4GB SanDisk thumb drive which is so tiny you barely notice it. The problem with copying music to the USB thumb drive, is that the stereo treats it like a CD i.e. what you copy first is first track in the music list, and what you copy last is the last song.

Image: Alpine CDE-181RR car stereo

Image: SanDisk thumb drive

So, I thought, why not use PowerShell to construct my USB Music Key like a CD burn.
The PowerShell script is below, copy it into a text editor and save as say USB_Music_Key.ps1.
The first thing we need is a correctly formatted CSV with headers:

Include = Put ‘Y’ in the column if you want to include the audio media file
Source Path = Source directory path (need to put ‘\’ on the end)
Source File Name = Source audio media file name
Destination Path = Destination directory path (will be the USB drive, and needs ‘\’ on the end)
Destination File Name = Destination save file name

Once you’ve constructed your CSV file, run the PowerShell script as>

.\USB_Music_Key.ps1 -CSVFilePath {FILENAME/PATH}

This will tell you how much capacity is required on the destination.
Then run as>

.\USB_Music_Key.ps1 -CSVFilePath {FILENAME/PATH} -CalculateOff

- to construct your USB Music Key.

Image: Using USB_Music_Key.ps1

Image: Input CSV

Image: Completed “burnt” USB Music Key (notice capacity is spot on)

Note: I’ve not actually tested this in my car yet. I will update if the order of tracks is not as expected.

The PowerShell Script

  Creates a correctly ordered USB Music Key.

  Simple program to copy music files from source to USB key.

  -CSVFilePath CSVFilePath
    Use this switch to specify where to find the CSV file.
    Use this switch to make the program copy data.
    (Default behaviour is just to calculate how much data will be copied.)
  A correctly formatted CSV.
  CSV HEADER 1 = "Include"
  CSV HEADER 1 = "Source Path"
  CSV HEADER 2 = "Source File Name"
  CSV HEADER 3 = "Destination Path"
  CSV HEADER 4 = "Destination File Name"
  Note: Use (Get-ChildItem SOURCE_PATH).Name to obtain list from source path.
  Copied data to USB key.

  Creation Date: April 23, 2018


  Param([String]$Echo,[String]$Ink = "WHITE")
  If($Echo){Write-Host $Echo -ForegroundColor $Ink -NoNewLine}

If(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $CSVFilePath)){Wr "Cannot find $CSVFilePath!" RED;Wr;EXIT}
[System.Array]$Data = Import-CSV $CSVFilePath -Encoding Default

[Int64]$CR = 0
$Data | Foreach{
  [String]$Include = $_."Include"
  [String]$SourcePath = $_."Source Path"
  [String]$SourceFileName = $_."Source File Name"
  [String]$Source = $SourcePath + $SourceFileName
  [String]$DestinationPath = $_."Destination Path"
  [String]$DestinationFileName = $_."Destination File Name"
  [String]$Destination = $DestinationPath + $DestinationFileName
  If(($Include -eq "Y") -and $CalculateOff){
    If(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $SourcePath)){
      Wr "Failed test path $SourcePath" RED;Wr
      Wr "Copying Item: $Source to $Destination";Wr
      If(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $DestinationPath)){
        [Void](New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $DestinationPath)
      Copy-Item -LiteralPath $Source -Destination $Destination
  }elseif($Include -eq "Y"){
    $CR += (Get-Item -LiteralPath $Source).length
  Wr "Capacity Required" CYAN;Wr
  Wr ($CR / 1024);Wr " KB";Wr
  Wr ($CR / (1024*1024));Wr " MB";Wr
  Wr ($CR / (1024*1024*1024));Wr " GB";Wr
