CI - Reducing the Size of the Applications.json File

IHAC who has a lot of applications specified in OCI. And they have 5 OCI servers. Globally from -
SELECT count(*) FROM dwh_inventory.application;
- it is over 50'000.

Of the 5 collects done, we had 50000,10'000,45000,50000,50000 applications. And trying to import applications into CI is very very slow (if say 10 seconds per application import, you get the picture), so we need to trim this down.

When I was looking in Applications.json, I see a lot of -
"assets": []
- which got me thinking, why don't we just remove everything (every Application) with -
"assets": []

We can use PowerShell to process the JSON file (I really need to find time to learn Python):

$apps = Get-Content -Raw -Path Applications.json | ConvertFrom-Json

To count the number of apps, it is just:


To find the number of apps with no assets:

($apps | where-object {$_.assets.count -eq 0}).count

Conversely, to find the numbers of apps with assets (in our case, this turns out to be a very tiny number compared to the total):

($apps | where-object {$_.assets.count -ne 0}).count

To get an output in JSON format of just the Applications which have assets:

$apps | where-object {$_.assets.count -ne 0} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Set-Content Applications2.json

Or, even more directly:

(Get-Content -Raw -Path Applications.json | ConvertFrom-Json) | where-object {$_.assets.count -ne 0} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Set-Content Applications-new.json

This should give you a much more compact Applications.json file (one renamed from the output above), and speed up your OCI to CI Application migration.

Note: The Applications-new.json file might be larger after running the above. This is simply due to extra spaces in the file, but if you ZIP the file, it will be smaller.

PS Interesting reading (use $PSVersionTable to check your PowerShell version):

Going Deep Converting PowerShell Objects to JSON | Jeff Brown Tech


NetApp Cloud Insights
