Notes for Citrix XenDesktop 5 Administration Exam 1Y0-A19: Part 3/3 – Ports and Policies

2598 : Session Reliability
3389 : Allow to permit shadowing through Desktop Director
5985 : Allow for collection of Windows metrics using Windows Remote Management 2.0 service


The HDX Multimedia for Flash (server side) section contains policy settings for handling Flash content on session hosts. The setting is: Flash quality adjustment.

Enabling client clipboard redirection policy prevents copying and pasting between user sessions and the local machine
"Client clipboard redirection: Control cut-and-paste data transfer between the server and the local clipboard"

To ensure that end users can only access their client's default printer during sessions, set the 'Auto-create client printers' policy setting to 'Auto-create the client's default printer only' and 'Client printer redirection' set to 'Allowed'
Note: By default, all client printers are auto-created

When a Citrix policy contradicts an Active Directory GPO policy, the Active Directory GPO policy takes precendence ( precedence: AD GPO > Citrix Policy > Local Security Policy )

To modify policy settings in a XenDesktop environment, can use →
i: Desktop Studio
ii: Group Policy Editor

Use Flash (client-side) HDX MediaStream policy to configure a Flash URL blacklist.
"The HDX MediaStream for Flash (client side) section contains policy settings for handling Flash content in user sessions."
"When adding this setting to a policy, make sure the Flash acceleration setting is present and set to Enabled. Otherwise, web sites listed in the URL blacklist are ignored."


Unable to connect to a desktop through the Citrix online plug-in “the connection was unsuccessful” → Port 2598 (Session Reliability) closed
Unable to map and access fixed drives on client device →
i: The client drive redirection policy setting is NOT enabled
ii: The auto connect client drives policy setting is NOT enabled

USB icon remains dimmed after USB device is plugged into client device →
i: XenDesktop policy does NOT allow USB device redirection
ii: Specific client user preferences for USB redirection NOT set

"Unavailable" when attempting to connect to a third pooled desktop → User policy only grants a maximum of two desktops

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