This could be any file really, just happens to be video files for this post.
It has been a long time coming, but
here’s a post that is more Microsoft based than what I normally write about …
Essentially, we have a CIFS share with
videos in, and to test if there’s any difference in behaviour accessing videos
over the share, we want to setup IIS 6 (Windows 2003 R2 SP2) and IIS 7 (in
Windows 2008 R2 SP1) to allow web-based delivery of these video files.
The IIS 6 Setup
We can leave the Default Web Site with the default settings (which include
anonymous authentication enabled and no directory browsing.)
Firstly, right-click the Default Web Site,
and choose New > Virtual Directory... (saves reconfiguring the Default Web Site
- leaves it untouched)
IIS 6 New Virtual Directory
Follow through the wizard giving an
alias of say ‘videos’:
IIS 6 VDCW Virtual Directory Alias
For the web site content directory we
enter the share path name:
Test you can get to this share first via Windows Explorer.
IIS 6 VDCW Web Site Content Directory
For the credentials, since this is going
to be a video repository that anyone can get to, un-tick the ‘Always use the
authenticated user’s credentials’ and enter a user name and password which has
access to the share, and NTFS permissions to the files
IIS 6 VDCW Security Credentials
All we need is read permissions (we’ll
add browse too, this isn’t a requirement though.)
IIS 6 VDCW Virtual Directory Access Permissions
And Finish!
That’s pretty much it. If we have a
video called movie.mpg and our web server is called IIS6, the following link
should open up with the movie:
The IIS 7 Setup
The IIS 7 setup is pretty much
Firstly, right-click the Default Web Site,
and choose Add Virtual Directory...
IIS 7 Add Virtual Directory
Enter ‘videos’ for alias, enter the
physical path (the share), click on ‘Connect as...’ and provide the login.
IIS 7 Configure Virtual Directory
And that’s it (we don’t even need
directory browsing, and by default it selects anonymous authentication.) A link
like the below should deliver our movie.
Miscellaneous Bits
Unrelated note (but we like it anyway) -
just something discovered in the process of writing this - take it for a spin:
To create a local windows user in
Windows with a random password (displayed on screen) via the DOS shell>
net user “xerxes” /add /random
No post can escape without a little of
my passion for NetApp ... Of course, the CIFS share in question was on NetApp
storage, and the main purpose of my lab was to convince myself a problem was an
IIS configuration issue ...
Some commands to investigate CIFS share
permissions, and more, on NetApp Clustered ONTAP:
set diag
cifs options show -vserver svm1
export-policy rule show
-vserver svm1 -policyname default -instance
vserver name-mapping show
-vserver svm1 -direction win-unix
vserver name-mapping show
-vserver svm1 -direction unix-win
cifs share show
vol show -fields policy,junction-path,junction-parent
i: Volumes/Qtrees acting as just CIFS shares would usually have the default
ii: Only using set diag here because it usually gives more detail in the
You have a typo in the post. the URL should be "http://IIS7/videos/moive.Mpg"