Configuring On-Box DNS Load-Balancing in Clustered ONTAP

The following post runs though configuring On-Box DNS Load-Balancing in Clustered ONTAP in 2 steps:

Step 1 - Configuration of the DNS Zone on the SVM (using a simple example to demonstrate this)
Step 2 - Configuring a DNS Delegation in Windows Server 2008 R2 DNS

Step 1 of 2: Configuration of the DNS Zone on the SVM

We have a SVM (Storage Virtual Machine) NASVM01.lab.priv with two data LIFs. Currently the LIFs are not configured with a DNS zone as below:

NACLU01::> net int show -fields dns-zone,listen-for-dns-query -vserver NASVM01.lab.priv
 vserver          lif  dns-zone listen-for-dns-query
---------------- ---- -------- --------------------
NASVM01.lab.priv lif1 none     false
NASVM01.lab.priv lif2 none     false

We configure a DNS zone NASVM01-LB.lab.priv with the commands:

NACLU01::> net int modify -vserver NASVM01.lab.priv -lif lif1 -dns-zone NASVM01-LB.lab.priv
NACLU01::> net int modify -vserver NASVM01.lab.priv -lif lif2 -dns-zone NASVM01-LB.lab.priv

And that’s that, super simple - one command per LIF and we’ve configured DNS Load-Balancing on the SVM!

NACLU01::> net int show -fields dns-zone,listen-for-dns-query -vserver NASVM01.lab.priv
vserver          lif  dns-zone            listen-for-dns-query
---------------- ---- ------------------- --------------------
NASVM01.lab.priv lif1 NASVM01-LB.lab.priv true
NASVM01.lab.priv lif2 NASVM01-LB.lab.priv true

Step 2 of 2: Configuring a DNS Delegation for CDOT On-Box Load-Balancing

Our DNS domain is called lab.priv and we want to create a delegation for NASVM01-LB.lab.priv.

Note: We cannot use conditional forwarders in this instance since our NASVM01-LB.lab.priv is effectively a child DNS domain of lab.priv.

In DNS Manager (using Windows Server 2008 R2), right-click the lab.priv Forward Lookup Zone and select ‘New Delegation...

Image 1: DNS Manager in Windows Server 2008 R2
New Delegation Wizard: Welcome...
Click Next >

New Delegation Wizard: Delegated Domain Name
Specify NASVM01-LB as the delegated domain
Click Next >

Image 2: NDW - Delegated Domain Name
New Delegation Wizard: Name Servers
Add... the IP Addresses of the two data LIFs as name servers for the delegated zone (can use the IP address for ‘Server fully qualified domain name (FQDN)’ and ‘IP Addresses of this NS record’)
Click Next >

Image 3: NDW - Name Servers
New Delegation Wizard: Completing...
Click Finish

Image 4: NDW - Complete
The DNS delegation of NASVM01-LB.lab.priv in the DNS domain lab.priv is complete.

Image 5: DNS Manager and the Delegated Zone NASVM01-LB.lab.priv


Test by pinging NASVM01-LB.lab.priv multiple times:

C:\Users\netappadmin2>ping NASVM01-LB.lab.priv

Pinging NASVM01-LB.lab.priv [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from ...

C:\Users\netappadmin2>ping NASVM01-LB.lab.priv

Pinging NASVM01-LB.lab.priv [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from ...


  1. Nice!

    Need your help.

    My main question is, if I did not set it up from scratch, then how could I know DNS name clu1-nfs-2-t would RR to either clu1-nfs-2-t-01 or clu1-nfs-2-t-02?

    Then on the other side, there is no DNS pointer to the pair of clu1-nfs-2-01 and clu1-nfs-2-02.

    The following is the configuration.

    > net int show -vserver clu1-nfs-2
    (network interface show)
    Logical Status Network Current Current Is
    Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
    clu1-nfs-2-01 up/up x.x.23.11/24 clu1-01 a0a-314 true
    clu1-nfs-2-02 up/up x.x.23.12/24 clu1-02 a0a-314 true
    up/up x.x.18.61/24 clu1-02 a0a-310 true
    up/up x.x.30.11/24 clu1-01 a0a-308 true
    up/up x.x.30.12/24 clu1-02 a0a-308 true
    5 entries were displayed.


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