OnCommand Performance Manager 1.0RC1 Quick Install Guide

Carrying on from the previous post ... I needed OCPM 1.0RC1 in my lab to test with OCUM 6.1. Again, I’ve got a vSphere ESXi 5.5U1 standalone host and a vCenter Server 5.5U1. And again, OCPM 1.0 is free, no license is required.

Hardware Requirements

The ESXi 5.5U1 host requires minimum: 4 GB RAM, 2 CPU cores, 4 GB Disk Space*

*4 GB is the minimum recommended, it will install on 1 GB though!

OCPM 1.0 requires minimum: 12 GB RAM (reserved), 4 CPU cores and 9572 MHz (reserved), 5 GB Disk Space if using thin provisioning or 300 GB if thick provisioning

There’s nothing in the IAG about a lesser configuration. So, for my lab (using the previous post’s experience), I’ll give the ESXi host 12 GB RAM, 2 CPU cores, 4 GB Disk Space - for the ESXi install - plus a 50 GB thin-provisioned disk for OCPM 1.0. And for OCPM 1.0 - 8 GB RAM (keeping the reservation on), 2 CPU cores (no reservation), and use thin provisioning.

Software Requirements

Browser: IE9 and IE10 - for IE ensure Compatibility View is disabled and Document Mode set to the default; Chrome versions 30 and 31; Firefox versions 24 and 25; and for all browsers disable any popup blockers.

Port Requirements: Connections to OCPM 1.0

HTTP port 80: Performance Manager web UI (redirects to HTTPS port 443)
HTTPS port 443: Performance Manager web UI and programs using APIs
SSH/SFTP port 22: Maintenance console

Port Requirements: Connections from OCPM 1.0

HTTPS port 443: Storage systems
HTTPS port 443: AutoSupport server
LDAP port 389: Authentication requests for users and groups
SMTP port 25: Alert notification emails
NTP port 123 (UDP): Synchronize time

Information Required before Deployment

OVF Template Deployment
- Name for the deployed template in vCenter
- vCenter inventory location for the deployed template
- Disk Format {Thick Lazy Zeroed, Thick Eager Zeroed, Thin}

OCPM 1.0 Appliance Setup
- Geographic area
- Time zone
- DHCP of static network configuration
- Enter the host FQDN
- Enter the host IP address
- Enter the network mask
- Enter the IP address of the default gateway
- Enter the primary DNS address
- Enter the secondary DNS address
- Enter additional DNS search domains
- Maintenance user username
- Maintenance user password

Installation Step by Step Walkthrough

Download the image file
Download the image file - OnCommandPerformanceManager-netapp-1.0.0RC1.ova - from:

Deploy OVF Template
Login to the vSphere Client
File Menu > Deploy OVF Template

Image: vSphere Client - Deploy OVF Template...

Follow through the “Deploy OVF Template” wizard as below:

Deploy OVF Template: Source
Deploy from a file or URL: {Point this at your downloaded OnCommandPerformanceManager-netapp-1.0.0RC1.ova}
Click Next >

Deploy OVF Template: OVF Template Wizard Details
The details are as in the image below.
Click Next >

Image: OCPM 1.0 OVF details

Deploy OVF Template: End User License Agreement
Click Accept to accept the EULA
Click Next >

Deploy OVF Template: Name and Location
Enter name for the deployed template in vCenter
Select the vCenter inventory location for the deployed template
Click Next >

Deploy OVF Template: Disk Format
The choice is: Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, Thick Provision Eager Zeroed or Thin Provision.
For the lab we’ll definitely select ‘Thin Provision’
Click Next >

Note: OnCommand Performance Manager 1.0 RC1 OVF deployment doesn’t have the ‘Static Networking configuration’ section as part of the ‘Deploy OVF Template Wizard’.

Deploy OVF Template: Ready to Complete
Review the ‘Deployment settings’.
Leave ‘Power on after deployment’ unchecked*
Click Finish

*Only so we can adjust settings before power-on for lab purposes

If all’s good you’ll be rewarded with “Deployment Completed Successfully”.

Image: Deploying OCPM Completed Successfully

Configuring the OCPM 1.0 VM
For a lab environment, you may want to adjust the OCPM 1.0 VM’s Virtual Machine Properties. Out of the box, OCPM 1.0 is configured with 12 GB memory and 4 CPUs. It also comes with a CPU reservation of 9572 MHz and Memory reservation of 12288 MB.

Image: OCPM VM Properties - Hardware tab

Image: OCPM VM Properties - Resources tab

Powering on the OCPM 1.0 VM
Click the ‘Power On’ button to boot the OCPM 1.0 VM Appliance.

Note: On first boot, the VMware Tools will automatically configure and update.

Configuring the OCPM 1.0 VM in the console: Geographic Area
First prompt is for the ‘Geographic area’, enter as appropriate.

Image: OCPM console - configuring geographic area

Configuring the OCPM 1.0 VM in the console: Time zone
Then you will be prompted for the ‘Time zone’, enter as appropriate.

Image: OCPM console - configuring time zone

Configuring the OCPM 1.0 VM in the console: DHCP or Static
Then it will try and configure via DHCP, and if not successful, it will prompt to retry DHCP, or set up a static network configuration. Select option 2 for ‘Set up a static network configuration’.

Image: OCPM console - DHCP or Static?

Configuring the OCPM 1.0 VM in the console: static network configuration
Enter the host FQDN:
Enter the host IP address:
Enter the network mask:
Enter the IP address of the default gateway:
Enter the primary DNS address:
Enter the secondary DNS address:
Search domains are: {the domain part of the FQDN you entered above}
Enter additional search domains separated by spaces (Optional field):
Are these values correct?

Configuring the OCPM 1.0 VM in the console: Username and Password
The next prompts are for the username and password for the new maintenance user.

Image: OCPM console - configuring maintenance user

And that’s it, we’ve deployed OCPM 1.0!

Image: OCPM console - at ocpm login prompt

And can get to the login box via an internet browser at https://OCPM_IP_ADDRESS!

Image: OCPM web UI login

To be continued ... (time permitting - configuring OCPM 1.0 and integration with OCPM 6.1)

Further Reading
