Research Links & Info - 21st April 2014

Just a place to put some links and notes collected in my inbox over the last month…
With sections: HP, Kerberos and SPNs, NetApp, Microsoft, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Security, Veeam, VMware

## HP ##

Got HP 3PAR ? , time to update to avoid ODX blues
“CUSTOMER BULLETIN: HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage – HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 can Improperly Zero Blocks Beyond the Requested Range When Using Windows Server 2012 ODX Commands”

## Kerberos and SPNs ##

Why do we need SPN for File Server (NAS / RAS / File Share System) DNS Alias (Cname)

Active Directory and Kerberos SPNs Made Easy!

How to Use SetSPN to Set Active Directory Service Principal Names

Connecting to SMB share with an alias name (CNAME)

Enable Windows Server SMB 2.0 or 3.0 Alias (CNAME)

How to: NFS Kerberos Configuration with Linux Client

Kerberos Technical Supplement for Windows

3 Simple Rules to Kerberos Authentication/Delegation SPNs
1. The SPN must match the site name
2. The SPN must be registered against the App Pool identity (IIS6)
3. The SPN must be registered against only one account

NTLM Blocking and You: Application Analysis and Auditing Methodologies in Windows 7

How to get rid of ntlm

## NetApp ##

CDOT 8.2, 8.2.1 Maximum Configuration Guide
Small-Sized Clusters (4 nodes):
Medium-Sized Clusters (8 nodes):
Large-Sized Clusters (24 nodes):

“Managing cDOT Systems with OnCommand Unified Manager 6.1”

## Microsoft ##

Support for Windows XP finally ended on April 8, 2014!

Exchange (DAG) VMware Backups: Updated list of tips and tricks for Veeam Backup & Replication

In a Single Legal Action, Microsoft Kills Privacy and Trust in Its Clouds

Overview of Server Message Block signing
Policy locations for SMB signing … default domain controllers Group Policy … Server
Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always) Policy Setting: enabled
Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees) Policy Setting: enabled
Note: Please refer to the article for all the settings.

Data corruption occurs on iSCSI LUNs in Windows
Applies to: Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, and Windows 7 SP1

## Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ##

Securing Communications with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) {in IIS 7.0}

Image: IIS 7.0 SSL Settings - ‘Require SSL’ and ‘Require 128-bit SSL’ tick boxes. Client certificates: Ignore, Accept, or Require
Certificates for SSL Applications

Image: Certificates on SSL Client and Server (Case 2)
Note: This was 1 of 5 very good graphical illustrations on SSL.

## Security ##

Everything you need to know about the Heartbleed SSL bug

## Veeam ##

Veeam to offer advanced data protection with NetApp

## VMware ##

How to quickly setup and test VMware VSAN (Virtual SAN) using Nested ESXi

Frequent NFS APDs after upgrading ESXi to 5.5 U1 (2076392)
