7MTT 1.2 CLI Commands Reference

I’d not come across a 7MTT 1.2 CLI Commands Reference (perhaps I’ve not been looking in the right place, if this is the case please let me know) so, since one would be useful and interesting, thought to grab the ? outputs and make notes.

Recommended reading:

7-Mode Transition Tool 1.2
Data and Configuration Transition Guide
For Transitioning to Clustered Data ONTAP

- and the section entitled ‘Transitioning volumes using the 7-Mode Transition Tool (CLI)’.

7MTT 1.2 CLI Commands Reference

7-Mode Transition Tool>?

transition -- Transition 7-Mode volumes and configuration to Cluster-Mode by using the 7-Mode Transition tool.

transition abort - Aborts the transition session.
transition add-cluster-info - Add the cluster information to the given session.
transition add-primary-seven-mode-system - Add information about a 7-Mode primary system to a transition session.
transition add-secondary-cluster-mode-system - Add information about a Cluster-Mode secondary system to the session.
transition complete - Completes the transition to Cluster-Mode.
transition create - Create a transition session.
transition delete - Deletes a transition session.
transition job-results - View the results of a job.
transition job-status - See the status of a job.
transition jobs - This command displays the list of jobs ran or running on the given session and operation.
transition menu - Wizard that helps in completing the end-to-end transition workflow.
transition modify - Modify a transition session.
transition pause - Pause data transfers from 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode volumes.
transition precheck - Verify compatibility of the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode systems for transition.
transition property-get - Gets the value of a specific session property.
transition property-reset - Clears the value of a specific session property.
transition property-set - Sets value for a specific session property.
transition remove-primary-seven-mode-system - Remove a 7-Mode primary system from the session.
transition remove-secondary-cluster-mode-system - Remove a Cluster-Mode secondary system that has been added the session.
transition resume - Resume data transfers from the 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode volumes.
transition setup - A wizard that helps in preparing a session.
transition show - Display the list of transition sessions or display information about a given session.
transition show-primary-seven-mode-systems - Display the list of 7-Mode primary systems added to the session.
transition show-secondary-cluster-mode-systems - Display the list of Cluster-Mode secondary systems added to the session.
transition start - Start data copy from 7-Mode volumes to Cluster-Mode volumes.
transition version - Display the version of 7-Mode Transition Tool.

transition credentials - Transition credentials management commands.
transition lif - LIF management commands.
transition volumepair - Transition volume pair commands.

The 7-Mode Transition Tool enables transitioning 7-Mode volumes and configurations to a new Cluster-Mode system. The tool provides a CLI-based wizard and commands to perform the transition.

Valid options for all commands are:
[-r] no - Disable interactive nature of this command.


7-Mode Transition Tool>transition abort ?

abort -- Aborts the transition session.

transition abort -s {session-name} [ -r {interactive} ]

This command stops all data transfers from the 7-Mode to the Cluster-Mode volumes, and deletes the SnapMirror relationships. Session must be in 'copy-baseline', 'copy-pause' or 'copy-update' to run this command.

Valid options are:
-s {session-name}  - Session name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition add-cluster-info ?

add-cluster-info -- Add the cluster information to the given session.

transition add-cluster-info -s {session-name} -h {host-name} -v {vserver-name} [ -g {aggregate} ]

Add the cluster information to the given session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Name of a session
-h {host-name}    - FQDN or IP address of the cluster-management LIF of the cluster
-v {vserver-name} - Vserver on the Cluster-Mode system
-g {aggregate}    - Aggregate name on which Vserver's root volume is created

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition add-primary-seven-mode-system ?

add-primary-seven-mode-system -- Add information about a 7-Mode primary system to a transition session.

transition add-primary-seven-mode-system -s {session-name} -h {source-host} -f {management-ipaddress} -d {data-copy-ipaddress} [ -m {multipathing-ipaddress} ]

Add information about a 7-Mode primary system to the session. This information is used by the tool to establish data-protection relationship with the 7-Mode primary volumes. This command is applicable only for 'secondary' type sessions. When transitioning a fan-in relationship, you can add information of more than one 7-Mode primary system.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}           - Name of a session
-h {source-host}            - FQDN or IP address of the source of data-protection relationship
-f {management-ipaddress}   - Management IP address of the source host
-d {data-copy-ipaddress}    - IP address over which data is copied
-m {multipathing-ipaddress} - Additional IP address that is used for data copy

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition add-secondary-cluster-mode-system ?

add-secondary-cluster-mode-system -- Add information about a Cluster-Mode secondary system to the session.

transition add-secondary-cluster-mode-system -s {session-name} -h {c-mode-host-name} -v {vserver-name}

Add information about a Cluster-Mode secondary system to the session. This information is used by the tool to establish data-protection relationship with the Cluster-Mode secondary volumes. This command is applicable only for 'primary' type sessions. When transitioning a fan-out relationship, you can add information about more than one Cluster-Mode system.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}     - Name of the session
-h {c-mode-host-name} - FQDN or IP address of the Cluster-Mode system.
-v {vserver-name}     - Name of the Vserver hosting the secondary volumes.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete ?

complete -- Completes the transition to Cluster-Mode.

transition complete -s {session-name} [ -m {safe-mode} ]
[ -h {ad-server-host-name} ]
[ -i {ad-server-ip-address} ]
[ -u {ad-server-admin-user-name} ]
[ -p {ad-server-password} ]
[ -x {kdc-server-host-name} ]
[ -y {kdc-server-admin-user-name} ]
[ -z {kdc-server-password} ] [ -r {interactive} ]

The transition complete command completes the transition process.
This process involves:-
* Precheck to maximize success of this operation.
* Final data copy from 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode volumes.
* Transitioning Cluster-Mode volumes.
* Transitioning configuration from 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode system.
* Taking 7-Mode volumes offline and removing 7-Mode IP addresses.
* Creating Vserver data LIFs.
* Establish appropriate data Protection relationships for sessions of type primary and secondary

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}               - Name of the session
-m {safe-mode}                  - Run transition in safe mode, where the 7-Mode volumes are not made offline, the 7-Mode IP addresses are not removed, and the Vserver LIFs are not brought to the 'up' state.
-h {ad-server-host-name}        - Active Directory server FQDN
-i {ad-server-ip-address}       - Active Directory server IP address
-u {ad-server-admin-user-name}  - Administrative user name of Active Directory server
-p {ad-server-password}         - Password of the administrative user of the Active Directory server
-x {kdc-server-host-name}       - KDC server FQDN
-y {kdc-server-admin-user-name} - Administrative user name of KDC
-z {kdc-server-password}        - Password of the KDC's administrative user.

You ensure that all the necessary manual steps are performed prior to invoking this command. After successfully completing this operation, carefully review the messages for any manual steps that might be required to be performed before enabling client access to the transitioned volumes.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition create ?

create -- Create a transition session.

transition create -s {session-name} -t {session-type} -n {7-mode-host-name} -c {data-copy-ipaddress} [ -f {vfiler} ]
[ -m {multipathing-ipaddress} ] [ -h {c-mode-host-name} ]
[ -v {c-mode-vserver-name} ] [ -g {vserver-rootvol-aggr} ]
[ -d {schedule-name} ] [ -a {apply-config} ]

Create a session that is a unit of transition. It describes the 7-Mode objects and how they map to Cluster-Mode after transition.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}           - Name of the session
-t {session-type}           - Specifies whether the transitioning volume is the primary or secondary in a data protection relationship this session will transition. Valid values are: primary, secondary and standalone
-n {7-mode-host-name}       - FQDN or IP address of management interface of 7-Mode system
-c {data-copy-ipaddress}    - IP address over which data is copied
-f {vfiler}                 - Specifies the vFiler unit from which the volumes must be transitioned, if MultiStore is licensed on the 7-Mode system. The default value of this parameter is vfiler0.
-m {multipathing-ipaddress} - Additional IP address that will be used for data copy
-h {c-mode-host-name}       - FQDN or IP address of the cluster-management LIF of the cluster
-v {c-mode-vserver-name}    - Vserver on the Cluster-Mode system
-g {vserver-rootvol-aggr}   - Aggregate name on which Vserver's root volume is created
-d {schedule-name}          - Schedule to periodically update Cluster-Mode volumes
-a {apply-config}           - When set to true, all configurations of the volumes, protocol and services are transitioned to the Vserver. when set to false, only configurations of the volume are transitioned. Default value is true.

To ensure that the transition session is created successfully, you must add credentials of the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode systems by using the 'credentials add' command.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition delete ?

delete -- Deletes a transition session.

transition delete -s {session-name}

This command deletes the specified transition session.

Valid options are:-

-s session-name  - Name of a session

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition job-results ?

job-results -- View the results of a job.

transition job-results -j {job-id} [ -r {interactive} ]

This command is used to retrieve results of a given job.

Valid options are:-
-j {job-id}  - Specifies the job ID

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition job-status ?

job-status -- See the status of a job.

transition job-status -j {job-id}

This command is used to monitor the progress of a given job.

Valid options are:-
-j {job-id} - Specifies the job ID

Job status can be one of the possible values: running, completed, rejected or aborted.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition jobs ?

jobs -- This command displays the list of jobs ran or running on the given session and operation.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}    - Name of the session
-o {operation-name}  - Name of the operation.

transition jobs -s {session-name} [ -o {operation-name} ]

Displays the jobs information

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition menu ?

menu -- Wizard that helps in completing the end-to-end transition workflow.

transition menu [ -s {session-name} ] [ -v  ]

This wizard helps to transition a set of volumes and configuration from a 7-Mode system to a cluster.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Session name
[-v]              - Turn on verbose mode for this command

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition modify ?

modify -- Modify a transition session.

transition modify -s {session-name} [ -c {data-copy-ipaddress} ]
[ -m {multipathing-ipaddress} ] [ -v {vserver-name} ]
[ -a {apply-config} ] [ -d {schedule-name} ]
[ -h {c-mode-host-name} ] [ -g {vserver-rootvol-aggr} ]

This command can be used to modify composition of a transition session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}           - Name of the session
-c {data-copy-ipaddress}    - IP address over which data is copied
-m {multipathing-ipaddress} - Additional IP address that will be used for data copy
-v {vserver-name}           - Vserver name
-h {c-mode-host-name}       - FQDN or IP address of cluster-management LIF of the cluster
-g {vserver-rootvol-aggr}   - Aggregate name on which Vserver's root volume is created
-d {schedule-name}          - Schedule to periodically update Cluster-Mode volumes
-a {apply-config}           - When set to true, all configurations of the volumes, protocol and services are transitioned to the Vserver. When set to false, only configurations of the volume are transitioned. Default value is true.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition pause ?

pause -- Pause data transfers from 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode volumes.

transition pause -s {session-name} [ -r {interactive} ]

This command pauses data transfers from the 7-Mode volumes to the Cluster-Mode volumes. Session must be in 'copy-baseline' or 'copy-update' to run this command.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}  - Session name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition precheck ?

precheck -- Verify compatibility of the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode systems for transition.

transition precheck -s {session-name} [ -p  ] [ -r {interactive} ]

This command performs all the necessary validations to verify whether transition is possible with the objects provided in the session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Name of the session
[-p]              - Verify 7-Mode configuration only. If this parameter is not specified, the compatibility between the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode system for transition is also verified.

The command returns a detailed report of all the validations performed on the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode systems. Each entry in the report is classified in one of the following categories:-

Error        : Feature or functionality that is not supported in Cluster-Mode. For example traditional volumes.

Warning      : Feature or functionality that is not supported in
               Cluster-Mode or some incompatible configuration between
               7-Mode and Cluster-Mode or feature or functionality
               that can be configured manually post transition.

Notification : Incompatibilities or restrictions that might cause
               some inconveniences post transition.

Informational: Successful validation performed as part of this operation.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition property-get ?

property-get -- Gets the value of a specific session property.

transition property-get -s {session-name} -p {property-name}

Gets the value of a specific session property. Currently, only one property(cluster-audit-saveas-path) is valid, which represents the path for the Vserver audit logs.

Valid options for all commands are:
[-s] - Session name
[-p] - Property name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition property-reset ?

property-reset -- Clears the value of a specific session property.

transition property-reset -s {session-name} -p {property-name}

Clears the value of a specific session property. Currently, only one property(cluster-audit-saveas-path) is valid, which represents the path for the Vserver audit logs.

Valid options for all commands are:
[-s] - Session name
[-p] - Property name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition property-set ?

property-set -- Sets value for a specific session property.

transition property-set -s {session-name} -p {property-name} -v {property-value}

Sets value for the session properties. Currently, only one property(cluster-audit-saveas-path) is valid, which represents the path for the Vserver audit logs.

Valid options for all commands are:
[-s] - Session name
[-p] - Property name
[-V] - Property value

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition remove-primary-seven-mode-system ?

remove-primary-seven-mode-system -- Remove a 7-Mode primary system from the session.

transition remove-primary-seven-mode-system -s {session-name} -h {source-host}

This command removes a 7-Mode primary system from the transition session. This command is applicable only for 'secondary' type sessions.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition remove-secondary-cluster-mode-system ?

remove-secondary-cluster-mode-system -- Remove a Cluster-Mode secondary system that has been added the session.

transition remove-secondary-cluster-mode-system -s {session-name} -v {secondary-vserver}

This command removes a Cluster-Mode secondary system from the transition session. This command is applicable only for 'primary' type sessions.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition resume ?

resume -- Resume data transfers from the 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode volumes.

transition resume -s {session-name} [ -r {interactive} ]

This command resumes data transfers from the 7-Mode volumes to Cluster-Mode volumes. Session state must be in 'copy-pause' to run this command.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Session name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition setup ?

setup -- A wizard that helps in preparing a session.

transition setup [ -s {session-name} ] [ -v  ]

This transition setup wizard helps in creating a transition session by walking through a series of prompts to collect information of 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode systems, volumes and IP addresses.

Valid options are:
[-v] - Turn on verbose mode for this command

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show ?

show -- Display the list of transition sessions or display information about a given session.

transition show [ -s {session-name} ] [ -c  ] [ -r {interactive} ]

Display information about a given session such as session name, 7-Mode storage system, Vserver and session status.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Display detailed information about a session
[-c]              - Display copy status of all the volume-pairs in the session

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show-primary-seven-mode-systems ?

show-primary-seven-mode-systems -- Display the list of 7-Mode primary systems added to the session.

transition show-primary-seven-mode-systems -s {session-name}

This command displays the list of 7-Mode primary systems added to the session. This command is applicable only for 'secondary' type sessions.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show-secondary-cluster-mode-systems ?

show-secondary-cluster-mode-systems -- Display the list of Cluster-Mode secondary systems added to the session.

transition show-secondary-cluster-mode-systems -s {session-name}

This commands displays the list of Cluster-Mode secondary system added to the session. This command is applicable only for 'primary' type sessions.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition start ?

start -- Start data copy from 7-Mode volumes to Cluster-Mode volumes.

transition start -s {session-name} [ -n  ] [ -r {interactive} ]

This command starts the transition process. This process involves the following steps:
* Validating compatibility of 7-Mode system against Cluster-Mode system
* Creating Vserver and volumes on Cluster-Mode system, if required
* Start data copy from 7-Mode to Cluster-Mode volumes

The Cluster-Mode volumes are periodically updated according to the schedule specified in the session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Name of the session
[-n]              - Skip precheck operation if no errors were reported in the last precheck operation.

Note that:-
* If the precheck operation reports any error, start operation fails. In this case, fix the errors reported before invoking this command again.
* Data copy operation can still fail after a successful start. Refer to relevant documentation for diagnostic and troubleshooting details.
* Monitor the progress of data copy process by using the "transition show" command.
* Data copy can be paused by using the "transition pause" command and resumed by using the "transition resume" command.

CATEGORIES: transition credentials

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials ?

credentials -- Transition credentials management commands.

transition credentials add    - Caches the credentials of a host in the transition server.
transition credentials get    - Retrieve the cached user name of a host.
transition credentials modify - Modifies the cached username and password of host.
transition credentials remove - Delete the cached entry of username and password of a host.

Transition credentials management commands.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials add ?

add -- Caches the credentials of a host in the transition server.

transition credentials add -h {host-name} -u {username}

This command enables the tool to cache user name and password of any host, which is used in the work flow of transition.

Valid options are:-
-h {host-name} - FQDN or IP address of a host
-u {username}  - Administrative user name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials get ?

get -- Retrieve the cached user name of a host.

transition credentials get -h {host-name}

This command retrieves the cached user name of the specified host.

Valid options are:-
-h {host-name} - FQDN or IP address of a host

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials modify ?

modify -- Modifies the cached username and password of host.

transition credentials modify -h {host-name} -u {username}

This command modifies the cached username and password of the specified host.

Valid options are:-
-h {host-name} - FQDN or IP address of a host
-u {username}  - Administrative user name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials remove ?

remove -- Delete the cached entry of username and password of a host.

transition credentials remove -h {host-name}

This command deletes the cached entry of username and password of the specified host.

Valid options are:-
-h {host-name}  - FQDN or IP address of a host

CATEGORIES: transition lif

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition lif ?

lif -- LIF management commands.

transition lif add    - Adds a Vserver data LIF to given session.
transition lif modify - Modifies a Vserver data LIF of a session.
transition lif remove - Removes an IP addresses from a session.
transition lif show   - Lists all the IP addresses in a session.

LIF management commands

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition lif add ?

add -- Adds a Vserver data LIF to given session.

transition lif add -s {session-name} -i {ip-address} [ -m {netmask} ] [ -g {default-gateway} ] [ -p {home-port} ] [ -n {home-node} ]

This command adds a Vserver data LIF to a specified session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}    - Name of the session
-i {ip-address}      - IP address of the LIF
-m {netmask}         - Netmask
-g {default-gateway} - Default gateway
-p {home-port}       - LIF's home port
-n {home-node}       - LIF's home node

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition lif modify ?

modify -- Modifies a Vserver data LIF of a session.

transition lif modify -s {session-name} -i {ip-address} [ -m {netmask} ] [ -g {default-gateway} ] [ -p {home-port} ] [ -n {home-node} ]

This command modifies a Vserver data LIF of a given session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}    - Name of the session
-i {ip-address}      - IP address of the LIF
-m {netmask}         - Netmask
-g {default-gateway} - Default gateway
-p {home-port}       - LIF's home port or interface group
-n {home-node}       - LIF's home node

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition lif remove ?

remove -- Removes an IP addresses from a session.

transition lif remove -s {session-name} -i {ip-address}

This command removes an IP addresses from a specified session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Name of the session
-i {ip-address}   - IP address of the LIF

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition lif show ?

show -- Lists all the IP addresses in a session.

transition lif show -s {session-name} [ -i {ip-address} ]

This command lists all the IP addresses of a specified session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name} - Name of the session
-i {ip-address}   - IP address of the LIF

CATEGORIES: transition volumepair

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition volumepair ?

volumepair -- Transition volume pair commands.

transition volumepair add    - Adds 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volume pair to a session.
transition volumepair modify - Modifies the Cluster-Mode volume in the volume pair of the session.
transition volumepair remove - Removes the volume pairs from the session.
transition volumepair show   - Lists all the volume pairs in a session.

Transition volume pair management commands.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition volumepair add ?

add -- Adds 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volume pair to a session.

transition volumepair add -s {session-name} -v {volume-name-7-mode} [ -c {volume-name-c-mode} ] [ -g {aggregate-name} ]

This command adds 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volume pair to the specified session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}       - Name of the session
-v {volume-name-7-mode} - 7-Mode volume name
-c {volume-name-c-mode} - Cluster-Mode volume name
-g {aggregate-name}     - Aggregate name that hosts the Cluster-Mode volume

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition volumepair modify ?

modify -- Modifies the Cluster-Mode volume in the volume pair of the session.

transition volumepair modify -s {session-name} -v {volume-name-7-mode} [ -c {volume-name-c-mode} ] [ -g {aggregate-name} ]

This command modifies the Cluster-Mode volume in the volume pair of the session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}       - Name of the session
-v {volume-name-7-mode} - 7-Mode volume name
-c {volume-name-c-mode} - Cluster-Mode volume name
-g {aggregate-name}     - Aggregate name which hosts the Cluster-Mode volume

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition volumepair remove ?

remove -- Removes the volume pairs from the session.

transition volumepair remove -s {session-name} -v {volume-name-7-mode}

This command removes the volume pairs the transition session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}       - Name of the session
-v {volume-name-7-mode} - 7-Mode volume name

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition volumepair show ?

show -- Lists all the volume pairs in a session.

transition volumepair show -s {session-name} [ -v {volume-name-7-mode} ]

This command displays all the volume pairs in a session.

Valid options are:-
-s {session-name}       - Name of the session
-v {volume-name-7-mode} - 7-Mode volume name
