7MTT and vFiler Consolidation: Part 1/3 Intro

In the following 3 part posting, we migrate 3 vFilers into one Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).

Part 1) Introduction and Setting up vFiler0 (the pFiler) and 2 vFilers

In the following series, we migrate a vFiler0 (the pFiler), and two vFilers (n7a01_v1 and n7a01_v2) to Clustered Data ONTAP and one Storage Virtual Machine - NASVM1.

Image: Migration Scenario - vFiler Consolidation

Our 7-Mode system is running Data ONTAP 8.1.2P4.
Our Clustered ONTAP system is running 8.2.1.

vfiler0 is already licensed for CIFS and NFS, with cifs setup already run.
vol0 security setting  is unix, so all volumes inherit this setting.

Enable Multistore

options licensed_feature.multistore.enable on

Create the vFilers

qtree create /vol/vol0/n7a01_v1_vol0
qtree create /vol/vol0/n7a01_v2_vol0
vfiler create n7a01_v1 -n -s default-ipspace -i /vol/vol0/n7a01_v1_vol0
vfiler create n7a01_v2 -n -s default-ipspace -i /vol/vol0/n7a01_v2_vol0

Create Volumes

vol create test01 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test02 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test03 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test11 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test12 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test13 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test21 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test22 -s none aggr1 2g
vol create test23 -s none aggr1 2g

Setup the vFilers

vfiler add n7a01_v1 /vol/test11 /vol/test12 /vol/test13
vfiler allow n7a01_v1 proto=cifs proto=http proto=nfs

vfiler add n7a01_v2 /vol/test21 /vol/test22 /vol/test23
vfiler allow n7a01_v2 proto=cifs proto=http proto=nfs

vfiler run n7a01_v1 setup
vfiler run n7a01_v2 setup
vfiler run n7a01_v1 options security.passwd.rules.history 0
vfiler run n7a01_v2 options security.passwd.rules.history 0
vfiler run n7a01_v1 cifs setup
vfiler run n7a01_v2 cifs setup

Building vFiler0 (the pFiler)

qtree create /vol/test01/share01
qtree create /vol/test01/share02
qtree create /vol/test01/share03
qtree create /vol/test02/nfsexport01
qtree create /vol/test02/nfsexport02
qtree create /vol/test02/nfsexport03
qtree create /vol/test03/mixed01
qtree create /vol/test03/mixed02
qtree create /vol/test03/mixed03

qtree security /vol/test01/share01     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test01/share02     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test01/share03     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test02/nfsexport01 unix
qtree security /vol/test02/nfsexport02 unix
qtree security /vol/test02/nfsexport03 unix
qtree security /vol/test03/mixed01     mixed
qtree security /vol/test03/mixed02     mixed
qtree security /vol/test03/mixed03     mixed

cifs shares -add share01 /vol/test01/share01
cifs shares -add share02 /vol/test01/share02
cifs shares -add share03 /vol/test01/share03
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test02/nfsexport01
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test02/nfsexport02
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test02/nfsexport03

cifs shares -add share04 /vol/test03/mixed01
cifs shares -add share05 /vol/test03/mixed02
cifs shares -add share06 /vol/test03/mixed03
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test03/mixed01
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test03/mixed02
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test03/mixed03

wrfile -a /etc/usermap.cfg "00 Vfiler User1" == 00user1
wrfile -a /etc/usermap.cfg "00 Vfiler User2" == 00user2
wrfile -a /etc/usermap.cfg "00 Vfiler User3" == 00user3

Building the vFiler n7a01_v1

vfiler context n7a01_v1

qtree create /vol/test11/share11
qtree create /vol/test11/share12
qtree create /vol/test11/share13
qtree create /vol/test12/nfsexport11
qtree create /vol/test12/nfsexport12
qtree create /vol/test12/nfsexport13
qtree create /vol/test13/mixed11
qtree create /vol/test13/mixed12
qtree create /vol/test13/mixed13

qtree security /vol/test11/share11     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test11/share12     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test11/share13     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test12/nfsexport11 unix
qtree security /vol/test12/nfsexport12 unix
qtree security /vol/test12/nfsexport13 unix
qtree security /vol/test13/mixed11     mixed
qtree security /vol/test13/mixed12     mixed
qtree security /vol/test13/mixed13     mixed

cifs shares -add share11 /vol/test11/share11
cifs shares -add share12 /vol/test11/share12
cifs shares -add share13 /vol/test11/share13
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test12/nfsexport11
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test12/nfsexport12
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test12/nfsexport13

cifs shares -add share14 /vol/test13/mixed11
cifs shares -add share15 /vol/test13/mixed12
cifs shares -add share16 /vol/test13/mixed13
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test13/mixed11
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test13/mixed12
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test13/mixed13

vfiler context vfiler0

wrfile -a /vol/vol0/n7a01_v1_vol0/etc/usermap.cfg "01 Vfiler User1" == 01user1
wrfile -a /vol/vol0/n7a01_v1_vol0/etc/usermap.cfg "01 Vfiler User2" == 01user2
wrfile -a /vol/vol0/n7a01_v1_vol0/etc/usermap.cfg "01 Vfiler User3" == 01user3

Building the vFiler n7a01_v2

vfiler context n7a01_v2

qtree create /vol/test21/share21
qtree create /vol/test21/share22
qtree create /vol/test21/share23
qtree create /vol/test22/nfsexport21
qtree create /vol/test22/nfsexport22
qtree create /vol/test22/nfsexport23
qtree create /vol/test23/mixed21
qtree create /vol/test23/mixed22
qtree create /vol/test23/mixed23

qtree security /vol/test21/share21     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test21/share22     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test21/share23     ntfs
qtree security /vol/test22/nfsexport21 unix
qtree security /vol/test22/nfsexport22 unix
qtree security /vol/test22/nfsexport23 unix
qtree security /vol/test23/mixed21     mixed
qtree security /vol/test23/mixed22     mixed
qtree security /vol/test23/mixed23     mixed

cifs shares -add share21 /vol/test21/share21
cifs shares -add share22 /vol/test21/share22
cifs shares -add share23 /vol/test21/share23
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test22/nfsexport21
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test22/nfsexport22
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test22/nfsexport23

cifs shares -add share24 /vol/test23/mixed21
cifs shares -add share25 /vol/test23/mixed22
cifs shares -add share26 /vol/test23/mixed23
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test23/mixed21
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test23/mixed22
exportfs -p rw,root=* /vol/test23/mixed23

vfiler context vfiler0

wrfile -a /vol/vol0/n7a01_v2_vol0/etc/usermap.cfg "02 Vfiler User1" == 02user1
wrfile -a /vol/vol0/n7a01_v2_vol0/etc/usermap.cfg "02 Vfiler User2" == 02user2
wrfile -a /vol/vol0/n7a01_v2_vol0/etc/usermap.cfg "02 Vfiler User3" == 02user3
