7MTT and vFiler Consolidation: Part 2/3 Migration

In the following 3 part posting, we migrate 3 vFilers into one Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).

Part 2) Migrating the 7-Mode vFilers to just one SVM in Clustered Data ONTAP

Migrating to NASVM1: vFiler0

7-Mode Transition Tool>
transition credentials add -h n7a01 -u root
transition credentials add -h naclu1 -u admin
transition create -s n7a01_TO_naclu1 -t standalone -n n7a01 -c -h naclu1 -v NASVM1 -d hourly
transition volumepair add -s n7a01_TO_naclu1 -v test01 -c test01 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01_TO_naclu1 -v test02 -c test02 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01_TO_naclu1 -v test03 -c test03 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01_TO_naclu1 -v test11 -c test11 -g aggr1
Error(31239) : 7-Mode volume 'test11' does not belong to the vFiler 'vfiler0'.

Note: The above is an example of what happens when you try to add volumes from a vFiler to a transition session for vFiler0. You must do one vFiler at a time (so a later migration doesn’t overwrite settings for one system with another.) It is possible to enable parallel consolidation ... (if you’re totally sure of yourself*.) And the below is an example of trying to create a parallel session from the vFiler n7a01_v1 to the one SVM, at the same time as one session already exists to that SVM from vFiler0.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition create -s n7a01_v1_TO_naclu1 -t standalone -n n7a01 -c -f n7a01_v1 -h naclu1 -v NASVM1 -d hourly
Error(31315) : Failed to set the specified Vserver 'NASVM1' to the session 'n7a01_v1_TO_naclu1' because another session 'n7a01_TO_naclu1' is already using this Vserver. The tool does not allow the simultaneous consolidation of volumes from different 7-Mode sources to a Vserver. You must complete the session 'n7a01_TO_naclu1' before using this Vserver in another session.

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition precheck -s n7a01_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'precheck' operation is completed with warnings.

 0  Errors - No action required
34  Warnings - Need your attention!
 1  Informational messages

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition start -s n7a01_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'start' operation is completed with warnings.

 0  Errors - No action required
34  Warnings - Need your attention!
 7  Informational messages

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition menu

Step: Main menu
Select one of the following menu items:
1. Show all sessions
2. Create a new session
3. Select existing session
4. Exit
Enter your selection(1-4): 1

Name            Type       7-Mode system Cluster-Mode system Status
----            ----       ------------- ------------------- ------
n7a01_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:vfiler0 naclu1:NASVM1       Copy-update

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete -s n7a01_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.

 0  Errors - No action required
 2  Warnings - Need your attention!
52  Informational messages

Migrating to NASVM1: vFiler - n7a01_v1

7-Mode Transition Tool>
transition create -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 -t standalone -n n7a01 -c -f n7a01_v1 -h naclu1 -v NASVM1 -d hourly
transition volumepair add -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 -v test11 -c test11 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 -v test12 -c test12 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 -v test13 -c test13 -g aggr1
transition start -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'start' operation on the session 'n7a01v1_TO_naclu1' has failed.

 1  Errors - Failed!
32  Warnings - Need your attention!
 1  Informational messages

1 Errors:
20841: Checking whether the configuration for CIFS local users and groups can be transitioned to the   [     Error     ]
    Vserver 'NASVM1'.
  > The configuration for CIFS local users and groups cannot be transitioned to the Vserver
  > 'NASVM1' because the specified Vserver already has CIFS local users and groups configured
  > in addition to BUILTIN users and groups.
  > CORRECTIVE-ACTION: Use a Vserver that does not contain users or groups other than BUILTIN
  > CIFS local users and groups, and then retry the operation.

How to fix the 20841 error...

These are the defaults:

::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show
Group Name                       Description
-------------------------------- ----------------------------
BUILTIN\Administrators           Built-in Administrators group
BUILTIN\Backup Operators         Backup Operators group
BUILTIN\Power Users              Restricted administrative privileges
BUILTIN\Users                    All users

::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show
Vserver User Name         Description
------- ----------------- -------------
SVM     SVM\Administrator Built-in administrator account

::> vserver cifs users-and-groups privilege show
This table is currently empty.

Remove (temporarily will work, just whilst we setup the session, and before final cutover), the non-default users:

NACLU1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group delete -group-name "NASVM1\compliance administrators"

Then re-run the tool...

7-Mode Transition Tool> transition precheck -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1
7-Mode Transition Tool> transition start -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1
7-Mode Transition Tool> transition complete -s n7a01v1_TO_naclu1

Migrating to NASVM1: vFiler - n7a01_v1

7-Mode Transition Tool>
transition create -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 -t standalone -n n7a01 -c -f n7a01_v2 -h naclu1 -v NASVM1 -d hourly
transition volumepair add -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 -v test21 -c test21 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 -v test22 -c test22 -g aggr1
transition volumepair add -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 -v test23 -c test23 -g aggr1
transition precheck -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1

We get the same 20841 local users and groups error so:

NACLU1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group delete "NASVM1\compliance administrators"
NACLU1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user delete "NASVM1\emperor"
NACLU1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user delete "NASVM1\root"

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition precheck -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'precheck' operation is completed with warnings.

 0  Errors - No action required
32  Warnings - Need your attention!
 1  Informational messages

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition start -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'start' operation is completed with warnings.

 0  Errors - No action required
32  Warnings - Need your attention!
 7  Informational messages

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show
Name              Type       7-Mode system  Cluster-Mode system Status
----              ----       -------------  ------------------- ------
n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:n7a01_v1 naclu1:NASVM1       Complete
n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:n7a01_v2 naclu1:NASVM1       Copy-baseline
n7a01_TO_naclu1   standalone n7a01:vfiler0  naclu1:NASVM1       Complete

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show
Name              Type       7-Mode system  Cluster-Mode system Status
----              ----       -------------  ------------------- ------
n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:n7a01_v1 naclu1:NASVM1       Complete
n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:n7a01_v2 naclu1:NASVM1       Copy-update
n7a01_TO_naclu1   standalone n7a01:vfiler0  naclu1:NASVM1       Complete

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete -s n7a01v2_TO_naclu1

Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.

 0  Errors - No action required
 4  Warnings - Need your attention!
49  Informational messages

Reviewing the Complete Transitions to NASVM1

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show
Name              Type       7-Mode system  Cluster-Mode system Status
----              ----       -------------  ------------------- ------
n7a01v1_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:n7a01_v1 naclu1:NASVM1       Complete
n7a01v2_TO_naclu1 standalone n7a01:n7a01_v2 naclu1:NASVM1       Complete
n7a01_TO_naclu1   standalone n7a01:vfiler0  naclu1:NASVM1       Complete

*Enabling parallel consolidation: $7MTT_INSTALL_DIR\etc\conf\transition-tool.conf file:
allow.vserver.parallel.consolidation = true
