Getting Quota Information from Clustered Data ONTAP with PowerShell

This is something I knocked up over the weekend. I needed a PowerShell script that brings back from a Vserver/SVM, a list volumes and their qtrees, whether quotas were turned on for those volumes, and - for those volumes with quotas enabled - how much disk used per qtree/volume (the volumes/qtrees have tracking quotas/enforced hard disk limits). The intention for the future is that this information will be used to produce a spreadsheet, so returning the information as an array we can manipulate later was desired.

Example Output:

PS C:\> GetVerverQuotaInfoOutput PRICLU1V1
Vserver # Volume # Qtree # Volume Quota State # Disk Used (KB)
PRICLU1V1 # test #  # off #
PRICLU1V1 # v_PKD # q_PKD_Other # on # 20920
PRICLU1V1 # v_PKD #  # on #
PRICLU1V1 # v_PKD # q_PKD_PDF # on # 30912
PRICLU1V1 # v_TEST01 # q_disk_limit # off #
PRICLU1V1 # v_TEST01 # q_file_limit # off #
PRICLU1V1 # v_TEST01 #  # off #

The Script:

Note: Formatted for blogger.

# Getting Quota Information from Clustered Data ONTAP with PowerShell #
# =================================================================== #

# This function returns an X,Y array of:                                    #
# "Vserver # Volume # Qtree # Volume Quota State # Disk Used (KB)"          #
# Requires Vserver/SVM Name as an argument.                                 #
# If the script is saved as quotaInfo.ps1, the function can be loaded with: #
# PS C:> . .\quotaInfo.ps1                                                  #
# First you will need to connect to a cluster, then run:                    #
# PS C:> $output = GetVserverQuotaInfo {SVM/Vserver Name}                   #
# The function's $output is an array.                                       #
# A simple output display function is also included, run:                   #
# PS C:> GetVserverQuotaInfoOutput SVM {SVM/Vserver Name}                   #

function GetVserverQuotaInfo { # args[0] = vservername

$vserverName = $args[0]

# Find the Vserver RootVol
$attribute = Get-NcVserver -Template
$attribute.RootVolume = ""
$vserver = Get-NcVserver -Attributes $attribute -VserverContext $vserverName
$rootVol = $vserver.RootVolume

# Get all the Qtrees
$attribute = Get-NcQtree -Template
$attribute.volume = ""
$attribute.qtree = ""
$qtrees = Get-NcQtree -Attributes $attribute -VserverContext $vserverName
$tableMaxRows = $qtrees.count

# Make an X,Y output array
$outputArray = New-Object 'object[,]' 5,$tableMaxRows

# Define attribute templates
$quotAttr = Get-NcQuotaStatus -Template
$quotAttr.status = ""
$quotaRepAtt = Get-NcQuotaReport -Template
$quotaRepAtt.DiskUsed = ""
$volAttr = Get-NcVol -Template
Initialize-NcObjectProperty -object $volAttr -name VolumeIdAttributes
$volAttr.VolumeIdAttributes.type = ""

# y is the row number
$y = 0

# Go through all the qtres
foreach ($qtree in $qtrees){

# Find the volume type (i.e. read-write or not)
$volType = Get-NcVol -Attributes $volAttr -Volume $qtree.volume  -VserverContext $vserverName

# We're not interested in SVM rootvols or non-read-write vols
if (($qtree.volume -ne $rootvol) -and ($volType.VolumeIdAttributes.Type -eq "rw")){

# Construct Output Array
$outputArray[0,$y] = $vserverName
$outputArray[1,$y] = $qtree.volume
$outputArray[2,$y] = $qtree.qtree
$quotaOnOff = (Get-NcQuotaStatus -Attributes $quotAttr -Volume $qtree.volume -VserverContext $vserverName).status
$outputArray[3,$y] = $quotaOnOff

# If Quotas is not turned on for the volume, there is no Quota Report info!
if ($quotaOnOff = "on"){
$quotaReport = Get-NcQuotaReport -Attributes $quotaRepAtt -Volume $qtree.volume -Qtree $qtree.qtree -VserverContext $vserverName
$outputArray[4,$y] = $quotaReport.DiskUsed

# Increment Rows
} # END of if (($qtree...

} # END of foreach ($qtree...)

# Returns outputArray
, $outputArray

} # END of function GetVserverQuotaInfo

# This function produces a simple display output for the #
# GetVserverQuotaInfo function                           #

function GetVserverQuotaInfoOutput { # args[0] = vservername

$vserverName = $args[0]
$output = GetVserverQuotaInfo $vserverName

$i = 0
$stop = $null
"Vserver # Volume # Qtree # Volume Quota State # Disk Used (KB)"

do {

$vserverOut = $output[0,$i]
$volumeOut = $output[1,$i]
$qtreeOut = $output[2,$i]
$quotaStateOut = $output[3,$i]
$diskUsedOut = $output[4,$i]
if ($vserverOut){"$vserverOut # $volumeOut # $qtreeOut # $quotaStateOut # $diskUsedOut"}
if (!$vserverOut){$stop = "true"}

} while (!$stop)

} # END of function GetVserverQuotaInfoOutput

