Note: See the following updates from the 17th August:
Command History to Syslog for CDOT Version 2: Part 2/2 - The Script
Getting PowerShell 3 (If you’ve not already got it)
Command History to Syslog for CDOT Version 2: Part 2/2 - The Script
Getting PowerShell 3 (If you’ve not already got it)
Firstly, check you’ve got PowerShell 3 using the command:
In the example below we only have PowerShell 2.
PS C:\Users\administrator.LAB>
Minor Build Revision
----- ----- --------
2 0 -1
PowerShell 3 is built into Windows 2012. For Windows 7
SP1+ and Windows Server 2008R2 SP1+, you can download PowerShell 3 from:
Testing the
You can get a free syslog from here:
Example Outputs
I did try to get the outputs from 7-Mode and C-Mode
looking roughly the same.
Image: Example
7-Mode Output to Syslog
Image: Example of
C-Mode Output to Syslog Using the Script
The Script
As always,
formatted for blogger (definitely displays all the characters correctly,
including greater and less than symbols, if using Google Chrome). Note: Just over
a day was spent on this endeavor - when I get time I intend to revisit and
improve the script.
## Command History to Syslog for CDOT (v1.1 - July 23rd 2014) ##
## ========================================================== ##
## ##
## Description: ##
## In CDOT 8.2.1 it is not possible to send the contents of the ##
## command-history.log to a syslog server natively. This script gets around ##
## this by simply reading and comparing reads of the command-history.log ##
## files as obtained over the SPI and sending the differences. It can also ##
## handle when the command-history.log recycles itself. ##
## ##
## Additional notes: ##
## + It's not real time, but, if you set a scheduled task to run this ##
## regularly, it's not too far off. ##
## + This uses all native PowerShell 3 commands. It doesn't use any ##
## DataONTAP PowerShell toolkit cmdlets. ##
## + The user connecting to the SPI needs only HTTP application, but admin ##
## role (doesn't work with HTTP and readonly role.) ##
## ::> sec login cre -user syslogger -app http -auth password -role admin ##
## Setup Variables ##
$currentWorkingPath = (pwd).path
$whoAmI = $env:username
$credentialsFile = $currentWorkingPath + "\command-history.toSyslogCreds_" + $whoAmI + ".txt"
$clusterNameFQDNorIP = "NACLU5"
$nodeNames = @("NACLU5N1","NACLU5N2") # Separate by , for more nodes (case sensitive)
$URLtoSPI = "https://" + $clusterNameFQDNorIP + "/spi/"
$syslogServer = ""
## Store File Names for Locally Stored Command History Logs ##
# We store 3 command-history.logs (per node) - why?
# We check the latest against the previous and send differences to syslog, but ...
# if the file size of the latest is smaller than the previous we know the logs have rotated on CDOT, so ...
# we compare the last saved command-history.log with the previous one, send all the differences,
# and we then send all the latest file's messages
$savedLogFileName = @()
foreach ($node in $nodeNames){
$savedLogFileName += $currentWorkingPath + "\command-history." + $node + ".latest.log"
$savedLogFileName += $currentWorkingPath + "\command-history." + $node + ".previous.log"
$savedLogFileName += $currentWorkingPath + "\command-history." + $node + ".lastCycled.log"}
## A Fix for Invoke-Web Request not liking some SSL Certificates ##
# This add-type is to get around SSL certificate errors with Invoke-WebRequest
# From:
add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult(
ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
return true;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
## FUNCTION: Send-SyslogMessage ##
## This was written by: ##
## Kieran Jacobsen ##
## Original link: ##
## This function is totally perfect - I've not made any changes to it (apart ##
## from compacting it a little.) The function needs to be in the script and ##
## before the main part of the program. ##
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Syslog_Facility
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Syslog_Severity
function Send-SyslogMessage {
.SYNOPSIS: Sends a SYSLOG message to a server running the SYSLOG daemon
.DESCRIPTION: Sends a message to a SYSLOG server as defined in RFC 5424. A SYSLOG message contains not only raw message text,
but also a severity level and application/system within the host that has generated the message.
.PARAMETER Server: Destination SYSLOG server that message is to be sent to
.PARAMETER Message: Our message
.PARAMETER Severity: Severity level as defined in SYSLOG specification, must be of ENUM type Syslog_Severity
.PARAMETER Facility: Facility of message as defined in SYSLOG specification, must be of ENUM type Syslog_Facility
.PARAMETER Hostname: Hostname of machine the mssage is about, if not specified, local hostname will be used
.PARAMETER Timestamp: Timestamp, myst be of format, "yyyy:MM:dd:-HH:mm:ss zzz", if not specified, current date & time will be used
.PARAMETER UDPPort: SYSLOG UDP port to send message to
.INPUTS: Nothing can be piped directly into this function
.OUTPUTS: Nothing is output
Send-SyslogMessage mySyslogserver "The server is down!" Emergency Mail
Sends a syslog message to mysyslogserver, saying "server is down", severity emergency and facility is mail
NAME: Send-SyslogMessage
AUTHOR: Kieran Jacobsen
LASTEDIT: 2014 07 01
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $Server,
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $Message,
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [Syslog_Severity] $Severity,
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [Syslog_Facility] $Facility,
[String] $Hostname,
[String] $Timestamp,
[int] $UDPPort = 514
# Create a UDP Client Object
$UDPCLient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$UDPCLient.Connect($Server, $UDPPort)
# Evaluate the facility and severity based on the enum types
$Facility_Number = $Facility.value__
$Severity_Number = $Severity.value__
Write-Verbose "Syslog Facility, $Facility_Number, Severity is $Severity_Number"
# Calculate the priority
$Priority = ($Facility_Number * 8) + $Severity_Number
Write-Verbose "Priority is $Priority"
# If no hostname parameter specified, then set it
if (($Hostname -eq "") -or ($Hostname -eq $null)){$Hostname = Hostname}
# If the hostname hasn't been specified, then we will use the current date and time
if (($Timestamp -eq "") -or ($Timestamp -eq $null)){$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy:MM:dd:-HH:mm:ss zzz"}
# Assemble the full syslog formatted message
$FullSyslogMessage = "<{0}>{1} {2} {3}" -f $Priority, $Timestamp, $Hostname, $Message
# create an ASCII Encoding object
$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
# Convert into byte array representation
$ByteSyslogMessage = $Encoding.GetBytes($FullSyslogMessage)
# If the message is too long, shorten it
if ($ByteSyslogMessage.Length -gt 1024){$ByteSyslogMessage = $ByteSyslogMessage.SubString(0, 1024)}
# Send the Message
$UDPCLient.Send($ByteSyslogMessage, $ByteSyslogMessage.Length)
# Note: I've made no changes to the above function except compacting it a bit.
## FUNCTION: Convert-MessageHistoryDate2SyslogFormat ##
## e.g. "Tue Jul 22 2014 09:13:40 +01:00" to "yyyy:MM:dd:-HH:mm:ss zzz" ##
function Convert-MessageHistoryDate2SyslogFormat {
Param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $cdotDateFormat )
$syslogDateFormat = $cdotDateFormat.substring(11,4) # yyyy
$syslogDateFormat += ":"
$month = $cdotDateFormat.substring(4,3)
$months = @("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
do {
$iToString = [string]($i+1)
if ($i -lt 9){$iToString = "0" + $iToString}
if ($month -eq $months[$i]){$syslogDateFormat += $iToString} # MM
} while ($i -lt 12)
$syslogDateFormat += ":"
$syslogDateFormat += $cdotDateFormat.substring(8,2) # dd
$syslogDateFormat += ":-"
$syslogDateFormat += $cdotDateFormat.substring(16,2) # HH
$syslogDateFormat += ":"
$syslogDateFormat += $cdotDateFormat.substring(19,2) # mm
$syslogDateFormat += ":"
$syslogDateFormat += $cdotDateFormat.substring(22,2) # ss
$syslogDateFormat += " +"
$syslogDateFormat += $cdotDateFormat.substring(26,5) # zzz
return $syslogDateFormat}
## FUNCTION: FormAndSendToSyslog ##
function FormAndSendToSyslog {
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $syslogger,
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $inputLine,
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String] $nodeFrom
# We need to process the date into syslog format
$cdotDateTime = $inputLine.substring(27,31)
$syslogDateTime = Convert-MessageHistoryDate2SyslogFormat $cdotDateTime
# We remove the "00000046.00000b3c 00001b27 " and date from the command-history lines
$outputLine = $inputLine.remove(0,59)
"$outputLine Debug local7 $nodeFrom $syslogDateTime" # Write Output To Screen
$Sent2Syslog = Send-SyslogMessage $syslogger $outputLine Debug local7 $nodeFrom $syslogDateTime}
## 1) Check for credentials or prompt ##
# Check for credentials File
$isThereACredentialsFile = Test-Path $credentialsFile
# If no credentials file, prompt and write one
$getCredential = Get-Credential -Credential $cotA1
$username = $getCredential.username
$securePassword = $getCredential.password
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($username, $securePassword)
$securePasswordString = $securePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString
$credentialsFileContent = @($username,$securePasswordString)
$credentialsFileContent | Set-Content $credentialsFile}
# If there is a credentials file, read it
$fileContent = Get-Content $credentialsFile
$username = $fileContent[0]
$securePasswordString = $fileContent[1]
$securePassword = $securePasswordString | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($username, $securePassword)}
## 2) Cycle Through all the Nodes and Send Syslog Updates ##
# Count the node we're on
$count = 0
foreach ($node in $nodeNames){
# 2a) Check for stored command-history files #
"Checking node $node"
$countX3 = $count * 3
$isThereALatestSavedCommandHistoryFile = Test-Path $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 0]
$isThereAPreviousSavedCommandHistoryFile = Test-Path $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 1]
# If there is a Latest Saved Command History File, we rename it
if ($isThereALatestSavedCommandHistoryFile){
if ($isThereAPreviousSavedCommandHistoryFile){Remove-Item $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 1]}
Rename-Item $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 0] $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 1]}
# Get a new LatestSavedCommandHistoryFile
$URLtoMlog = $URLtoSPI + $node + "/etc/log/mlog/"
$LatestCommandHistoryFileURL = $URLtoMlog + "command-history.log"
invoke-webrequest -uri $LatestCommandHistoryFileURL -credential $credential -OutFile $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 0]
# 2b) Compare logs #
# If there was no a Previous Saved Command History File, the for loop effectively ends here.
# If there was a Previous Saved Command History File, we continue!
if ($isThereAPreviousSavedCommandHistoryFile){
$sizeOfLatestFile = (Get-Item $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 0]).length
$sizeOfPreviousFile = (Get-Item $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 1]).length
# If the files are the same size (no update), the for loop effectively ends here.
# If the files are different sizes, we continue!
if ($sizeOfLatestFile -ne $sizeOfPreviousFile){
# If the latest file is greater than the previous, get the differences and transmit them
if ($sizeOfLatestFile -gt $sizeOfPreviousFile){
$differences = Compare-Object $(Get-Content $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 0]) $(Get-Content $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 1])
foreach ($difference in $differences){
$message = $difference.InputObject
FormAndSendToSyslog $syslogServer $message $node}}
# If the latest file is smaller than the previous, we need to do read from an archived log file
if ($sizeOfLatestFile -lt $sizeOfPreviousFile){
# We get the list of command-history links from mlog and find the last archived log
$linksInMlogPage = invoke-webrequest -uri $URLtoMlog -credential $credential
$linksInMlog = $linksInMlogPage.links | foreach {$_.href}
$commandHistoryLogLinks = $linksInMlog | where-object {$_ -match 'command-history'}
$countCommandHistoryLogs = $commandHistoryLogLinks.count
$penultimateCmdHistFile = $commandHistoryLogLinks[$countCommandHistoryLogs-2]
# Then we save that log file
$penultimateCmdHistFileURL = $URLtoMlog + $penultimateCmdHistFile
invoke-webrequest -uri $penultimateCmdHistFileURL -credential $credential -OutFile $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 2]
# Check for differences between that and the previous one
$differences = Compare-Object $(Get-Content $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 1]) $(Get-Content $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 2])
foreach ($difference in $differences){
$message = $difference.InputObject
FormAndSendToSyslog $syslogServer $message $node}
# Finally send what's in the new log
$newContent = Get-Content $savedLogFileName[$countX3 + 0]
foreach ($line in $newContent){FormAndSendToSyslog $syslogServer $line $node}
} # END if ($sizeOfLatestFile -lt $sizeOfPreviousFile)
# Note: The circumstance where command-history.log.9999999999 goes back to command-history.log.000000000 has not been handled (would take a long time if log cycles once a day.)
} # END if ($sizeOfLatestFile -ne $sizeOfPreviousFile)
} # END if ($isThereAPreviousSavedCommandHistoryFile)
} # END foreach ($node
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