ONTAP 8.3: Storage Virtual Machine Setup using the Wizard in System Manager


Carrying on from -

- we now create a DATA SVM for our 8.3 2-Node Simulator Cluster.

In 8.3 the CLI based “Vserver Setup“ wizard does not exist anymore, but we have on-box OnCommand System Manager, so, first we’ll setup an SVM using this.

1) On-Box OnCommand System Manager

Point a browser at: https://CLUSTERNAME (this redirects to: https://CLUSTERNAME/sysmgr/SysMgr.html) and login.

Image: On-Box OnCommand System Manager login
Click the + next to “Storage Virtual Machines” in the right-hand pane, and then click the Create button.

Image: OCSM Storage Virtual Machines Create
2) Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) Setup Wizard

2.0) Pre-Requisites to Completing Storage Virtual Machine Setup Wizard using OnCommand System Manager

i) Licenses: Protocol licenses must have been installed
ii) IPspace: If you want to use anything other than the default IPspace, this must be created beforehand.
iii) Configured Subnets: Configured subnets must exist in the IPspace that is used. For example:

network subnet create -subnet-name DATA-10.10.10.X -broadcast-domain Default -subnet -ipspace Default -gateway -ip-ranges ""

2.1) Enter SVM basic details:

- SVM Name
- IPspace (if you’ve not already created a non-default IPspace, this selection is greyed out)
- Volume Type: FlexVol Volumes or Infinite Volume
- Data Protocols: CIFS and/or NFS and/or iSCSI and/or FC/FCoE
- Default Language (Default character set used by NAS volumes)
- Security Style: NTFS or UNIX (this is for the SVM rootvol, and all new volumes by default inherit this)
- Root Aggregate (for the SVM rootvol)
- DNS Search Domains (if not already populated to satisfaction)
- DNS Name Servers (if not already populated to satisfaction)

Then click Submit & Continue

Image: SVM Setup Wizard - SVM Details
Note: For the sake of this walkthrough I’ve selected CIFS, NFS, and iSCSI

2.2) Configure CIFS/NFS protocol:

- Data LIF Configuration
+ Tick ‘Retain the CIFS data LIF’s configuration for NFS clients’ if CIFS and NFS are to use the same Data LIF
+ Select Subnet
+ Select Port

- CIFS Server Configuration
+ CIFS Server Name
+ Active Directory
+ Organization Unit (if not CN=Computers)
+ Administrator Name
+ Administrator Password

- (Optional) Provision a volume for CIFS
+ Share Name
+ Size
+ Permission

- (Optional) NIS Configuration

Then click Submit & Continue

Image: SVM Setup Wizard - Configure CIFS/NFS protocol
Note: The Active Directory domain needs to be fully qualified!

2.3) Configure iSCSI protocol:

- Data Interface (LIF) Configuration
+ Target Alias
+ LIFs Per Node
+ Subnet
+ Tick/Untick ‘Review or modify LIF configuration (Advanced Settings)’

- Provision a LUN for iSCSI storage (Optional)
+ LUN Size
+ LUN OS Type
+ Host initiator

Image: SVM Setup Wizard - Configure iSCSI protocol

2.4) SVM Administration (optional):

This section is optional!

- (Optional) (SVM) Administrator Details
+ Password

- (Optional) Management Interface (LIF) Configuration for SVM
+ Tick ‘Create a new LIF for SVM management’ if desired
++ Configure Subnet
++ Configure Port

Then click Submit & Continue

Image: SVM Setup Wizard - SVM Administration (optional)

2.5) You have successfully created a new SVM with the following configuration...

Click OK

To be Continued ...

And in true Cosonok style, next time we do this using the ClusterShell CLI!
