SnapDrive for Windows 7.1.3P1 with cDOT 8.3.2, iSCSI, and Server 2008 R2

Part 1) Configuring cDOT

For a two-node cluster, the following commands:
- create the SVM
- configure a management LIF
- remove nfs and cifs
- create the iSCSI service
- create iSCSI-A and iSCSI-B SAN LIFs per node
- set a password for the vsadmin user and unlock the account.

vserver create -vserver clu1-san1 -aggregate clu1n2_sata_aggr1 -rootvolume rootvol -rootvolume-security-style UNIX
net int create -vserver clu1-san1 -lif clu1-san1 -role data -data-protocol none -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0g
vserver show -vserver clu1-san1 -fields allowed-protocols
vserver remove-protocols -vserver clu1-san1 -protocols nfs,cifs
iscsi create -vserver clu1-san1 -target-alias clu1-san1 -status-admin up
net int create -vserver clu1-san1 -lif clu1-san1-n1iscsiA -role data -data-protocol iscsi -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0c
net int create -vserver clu1-san1 -lif clu1-san1-n1iscsiB -role data -data-protocol iscsi -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0d
net int create -vserver clu1-san1 -lif clu1-san1-n2iscsiA -role data -data-protocol iscsi -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0c
net int create -vserver clu1-san1 -lif clu1-san1-n2iscsiB -role data -data-protocol iscsi -address -netmask -home-node clu1n1 -home-port e0d
security login password -vserver clu1-san1 -username vsadmin
security login unlock -vserver clu1-san1 -username vsadmin

Part 2) Configuring the Windows server

The server has two NICs to access the iSCSI SAN -
iSCSI-A on
iSCSI-B on
- both are configured to not register in DNS.

Via an elevated command prompt, first enable iSCSI (if not already)>

sc config MSiSCSI start= auto
net start MSiSCSI

Then Install the Multipath I/O feature>

dism /online /enable-feature:MultipathIo

Image: Installing MPIO via CLI on Server 2008 R2
Part 3) IMT Checks @

The following is a supported configuration:
iSCSI + SnapDrive 7.1.3 + Windows Server 2008 R2 EE SP1 + Clustered Data ONTAP 8.3.2 + Windows Host Utilities 7.0 + Microsoft MS DSM

Part 4) Installing Windows Host Utilities 7.0

From the “Windows Unified Host Utilities 7.0 Installation Guide”, the minimum required hotfixes for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 are -

A reboot is required after installing these.

*These two did not install “The update is not applicable to your computer”

Double-click the MSI and follow the prompts or...
... to install Host Utilities from an elevated DOS command prompt>

cd "Windows Host Utilities 7.0"
msiexec /i netapp_windows_host_utilities_7.0_x64.msi /quiet MULTIPATHING=1

The install will reboot the server.

Part 5) Installing SnapDrive for Windows

Note: SnapDrive 7.1.3P1 requires .Net 4.0 and Windows Management Framework 3.0 (for PowerShell 3.0) pre-installed.

The SnapDrive domain user account needs to be a local admin on the server.

Double-click the exe and follow the prompts or...
... via an elevated command prompt:


The above example:
- Generates an installation log
- Default transport is HTTP
- Default credentials are LAB\SVC_SDW
- ESX server settings are disabled

For more examples see the Installation Guide from:

Default ports:
808 = SnapDrive Web Service Tcp/Ip Endpoint
4094 = SnapDrive Web Service HTTP Endpoint
4095 = SnapDrive Web Service HTTPS Endpoint

Part 6) Configuring SnapDrive and Attaching a LUN

SnapDrive cannot create volumes (SAN admin task) so we first do this::>

vol create -volume testvol001 -vserver clu1-san1 -aggregate clu1n1_sata_aggr1 -size 10g -space-guarantee none

In SnapDrive, add the storage system and credentials.

Image: Adding Storage System in SDW
Note 1: I have a DNS A record for clu1-san1 that points to the management LIF on my SVM which is also called clu1-san1.
Note 2: If you want AD Authentication for a SVM based AD user, then the SVM needs a CIFS server setup (or Active-Directory create)

And follow through the straightforward gui to Create Disk and perform iSCSI Management.

Image: iSCSI Management in SDW

Note: There’s 4 sessions above because the host has 2 iSCSI addresses, one per iSCSI Fabric, and then each node has one iSCSI SAN LIF per iSCSI Fabric.
