7MTT Copy Free Transition (CFT): Step-by-Step High-Level Notes/Checklist

Just some high-level notes that can be formed into a check list, so we can tick things off once complete!

1) Pre-Work

1.1) 7MTT Collect & Assess

Run 7MTT Collect & Assess to collect a Transition Assessment Report
To include:
- Data ONTAP Storage
- Microsoft Windows SAN hosts
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux SAN hosts
- VMware ESXi SAN hosts
- FC SAN Switches (Brocade/Cisco)

Review the Transition Assessment Report
- Make remediation’s as required

1.2) Cluster Build

Design and create the Cluster

1.3) Placeholder SVMs

Design and create SVMs*
*each Storage System/vFiler Unit needs an SVM to map to
* if CIFS data is being migrated, DNS and CIFS servers must be configured

1.4) Physical Cabling Plan

Create cabling schedule to map shelf, ACP, and data connections, from the 7-Mode systems, to ports on the new Clustered Data ONTAP controllers as required.

1.5) Additional Checks

- Check 7MTT release notes for known issues
- Check ONTAP release notes for known issues
- Check ASUPs of involved 7-Mode systems
- Check ASUPs of involved cDOT systems

2) 7MTT Plan and Design

Plan a Copy-Free Transition project
- Add the 7-Mode Controllers
- Add the Clustered Data ONTAP Cluster

Plan CFT project: Select Source Systems
- Select Target Cluster
-- Select Target HA Pair Nodes
--- Select Source to Target Node Mapping

Plan CFT project: SVM and Volume Mapping
- Select a Target SVM for each source Storage System/vFiler Unit
-- Select Junction Path Policy
--- Choose Target Volume Name

Plan CFT project: Networking
- Either: Select 7-Mode IPs for transition
- And/or: Create New LIFs on the target SVMs
- And/or: Use LIFs created earlier

Plan CFT project: Run Prechecks*
- Make remediation’s as required
- Record any required post cutover activities
*Errors must be resolved before proceeding

Plan CFT project: Project Summary
- Review Project Details
- Review Mapped SVMs
- Review Mapped Volumes
- Review Aggregates
- Review Networking

IMPORTANT: Double check the Project Summary to ascertain things have been mapped as intended!

3) Migrate (7MTT Migration Dashboard)

3.1) Pre-Cutover

7MTT click “Run Prechecks”*
*If this is green we’re good to proceed to the next step!

7MTT click “Apply SVM Config”*
- Make remediation’s as required
- Record any required post cutover activities
*When/if this is green we’re good to proceed!

Note i: Any changes to the source 7-Mode systems after clicking “Apply SVM Config”, must be manually copied across.
Note ii: 7-Mode does not support SMB3, whereas cDOT does support SMB3. If you don’t want SMB3 enabled on your SVM, disable.

7MTT click “Check Readiness
- Make remediation’s as required
Note: “Check Readiness” can be run any number of times

Additional checks:
- Check ASUPs of involved 7-Mode systems
- Check ASUPs of involved cDOT systems

3.2) Cutover Day

7MTT click “Check Readiness
Note: Very final check…

- Confirm I/O on the 7-Mode systems is zero

Send Pre-Cutover Autosupports:
7-Mode> options autosupport.doit "Beginning CFT operation"
cDOT::> autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message "Beginning CFT operation"

Pre-cutover: Manipulate SnapMirrors as required

7MTT click “Export & Halt”*
- Resolve any issues that present
*When/if this is green we’re good to proceed!

Verify systems are halted (console access)

*As attached to the 7-Mode Controllers!

Cables shelves to cDOT Controllers are per cabling schedule
Cable ACP
Cable any required data connections
Visually double-check cabling


Basic cabling checks (per node)::>
node run local
options acp.enabled off
acpadmin configure
storage show disk -p
storage show acp

Note: You could plug your laptop into a node-mgmt port and run over the node mgmt IP.

7MTT click “Verify Cabling
- Resolve any issues that present
*When/if this is green we’re good to proceed!

7MTT click “Import
- Resolve any issues that present
*When/if this is green we’re good to proceed!

Apply any required post-cutover configurations
- As flagged by 7MTT Pre-Checks
- Any specific customer requirements

Verify the carried over configuration
- CIFS Shares, NFS Exports, iGroups, Mappings, Snapshot Policies, etcetera …
Note: If you had snap sched 0 0 0 on the source 7-Mode volumes, check the volume snapshot policy is set to none on the transitioned volumes!

Send Post-Cutover Autosupports:
cDOT::> autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message "Beginning CFT operation"


Post cutover: Manipulate SnapMirrors as required

3.3) Finalizing

7MTT click “Commit

Note: Whilst you’re in the pre-“Commit” phase, certain cluster operations are blocked. Once “Commit” is clicked there is no rollback to 7-Mode. Ideally, “Commit” should be done within a few days of the cutover. Whilst pre-“Commit” keep an eagle eye on aggregate utilization in case the aggregate snapshots start to eat up space!

4) Post Cutover Tidy Up

Tidy up 7-Mode Snapshots

Image: Completed Copy Free Transition (got 6 greens)

Final Comment: CFT is awesome - pretty simple to do and works nice! Thumbs up!
