Using Excel to Quickly Modify Post 7MTT Transition Export Policy Names

If post 7MTT transition, you want to change NFS Export Policy names as per a standard naming convention (the example below uses EXP_VOLNAME, or EXP_VOLNAME_QTREENAME), a very quick and easy way is possible using Excel:

1) Run the Clustershell command::>

set -showseparator &

2) For Volume Export Policies, run the Clustershell Command::>

vol show -fields policy -junction-path !"-"

And copy and paste the output to a Volumes sheet using “Text Import Wizard” and & as separator.

3) For Qtree Export Policies, run the Clustershell Command::>

qtree show -fields export-policy -qtree !"-"

And copy and paste the output to a Qtrees sheet using “Text Import Wizard” and & as separator.

4) In the Volumes sheet, use the following formula to create the export-policy rename clustershell commands:

="export-policy rename -vserver "&A3&" -policyname "&C3&" -newpolicyname EXP_ "&B3

5) In the Qtrees sheet, use the following formula to create the export-policy rename clustershell commands:

="export-policy rename -vserver "&A3&" -policyname "&D3&" -newpolicyname EXP_"&B3&"_"&C3

6) Filter and manipulate as desired.

7) Copy and paste commands into Clustershell.


Image: Example from Volumes sheet
