Evacuate Loan Kit and Transition to Switchless - Quick Notes

It’s not uncommon to use loan kit as part of the process to transition to NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP. The following post is just a few notes on this process (which is - of course - non-disruptive.)

Image: Evacuate Loan Kit and Transition to Switchless


1) Preparation
2) Evacuate Loan Nodes
3) Transition to Switchless
4) Remove Loan Switches


In this guide, Node 1 & 2 are the loan kit. Node’s 3 & 4 will eventually become the only nodes in the cluster.

1) Preparation

1.1) Vol move all volumes off nodes 1 & 2
1.2) Destroy data aggregates on nodes 1 & 2
1.3) (If required) Sanitize disks on nodes 1 & 2.
Note: Cannot sanitize disks used by root aggregates, and recommend still keeping at least 1 spare.
1.4) Migrate data LIFs to nodes 3 & 4.
Note: This includes SAN LIFs which can be moved if the LIF is administratively downed first. For SAN LIFs be sure to check Selective LUN Mapping before moving SAN LIFs.
1.5) Verify cluster is healthy via AutoSupport Health Summary/Config Advisor/other means, and remediate any issues.
1.6) Make sure Epsilon is on nodes 3 & 4::>

set -c off; set d
cluster show
cluster modify -node {EPSILON_NODE} -epsilon false
cluster modify -node {NEW_EPSILON} -epsilon true

2) Evacuate Loan Nodes

2.1) Perform cluster unjoin of node 1 via a clustershell session not on node 1::>

cluster unjoin -node {NODE-01}

2.2) Perform cluster unjoin of node 2 via a clustershell session not on node 2::>

cluster unjoin -node {NODE-02}

2.3) (If required) Zero the disks used by root aggregates on the loan kit.
2.4) Remove loan nodes.
2.5) Verify cluster ha is enabled on the cluster, and enable if not::>

cluster ha show
cluster ha modify -configured true

2.6) (As required) Rename nodes, aggregates, LIFs, … ::>

node rename -node {OLD_NODE_NAME} -newname {NEW_NODE_NAME}
aggr rename -aggregate {OLD_AGGR_NAME} -newname {NEW_AGGR_NAME}
net int rename -vserver {VSERVER} -lif {OLD_LIF_NAME} -newname {NEW_LIF_NAME}

3) Transition to Switchless

3.1) Disable auto-revert on Cluster LIFs, and very cabling from cdpd output::>

net int show -role cluster
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS1} -auto-revert false
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS2} -auto-revert false
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS1} -auto-revert false
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS2} -auto-revert false
net port show
run * cdpd show-neighbors

3.2) Migrate Clus1 LIFs to Clus2’s port::>

net int migrate -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS1} -dest-node {NODE1} -dest-port {PORT_CLUS2}
net int show -role cluster
net int migrate -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS1} -dest-node {NODE2} -dest-port {PORT_CLUS2}
net int show -role cluster

3.3) Disconnect cables from Clus1 ports and direct connect.
3.4) Revert Clus1 LIFs and verify::>

net int revert -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS1}
net int revert -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS1}
net int show -role cluster
cluster show
cluster ping-cluster -node {NODE1}
cluster ping-cluster -node {NODE2}

3.5) Enable Switchless::>

network options switchless-cluster modify -enabled true
network options switchless-cluster show

3.6) Migrate Clus2 LIFs to Clus1’s port::>

net int migrate -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS2} -dest-node {NODE1} -dest-port {PORT_CLUS1}
net int show -role cluster
net int migrate -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS2} -dest-node {NODE2} -dest-port {PORT_CLUS1}
net int show -role cluster

3.7) Disconnect cables from Clus2 ports and direct connect.
3.8) Revert Clus2 LIFs and verify::>

net int revert -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS2}
net int revert -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS2}
net int show -role cluster
cluster show
cluster ping-cluster -node {NODE1}
cluster ping-cluster -node {NODE2}

3.9) Re-enable auto-revert on Cluster LIFs::>

net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS1} -auto-revert true
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N1_CLUS2} -auto-revert true
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS1} -auto-revert true
net int modify -vserver {CLUSTER} -lif {N2_CLUS2} -auto-revert true

4) Remove Loan Switches

4.1) Remove Loan Switches.

