Get-NcCommands ONTAP Data Collector: Part 2 of 2 (Collect-NcDataSVM.ps1)

Continuing from the previous post ... a few Get-NcCommands erred with “This cmdlet must be directed to a data vserver”. The following (simpler) script handles those. My learned list of this Get-NcCommands - that need to be directed to a data vserver - from running against an ONTAP 8.3.2 SIM was:


Image: Files and Outputs with Collect-NcDataSVM.ps1
The Script

## INPUTS: ##
  # TIP: Use PS> $P = Read-Host -AsSecureString
  [String]$DirectToVserverFile = "~DirectToVserver.CSV"

## OUTPUTS: ##
# $Cluster\~Timings.$Vserver.CSV - used for timing how long the Get-Ncs take
# $Cluster\$Cluster.$Vserver.$GetNc.XML - for each Get-Nc

## FUNCTION: Collect-NcData ##
Function Collect-NcDataSVM{
    [String]$DirectToVserverFile = "~DirectToVserver.CSV"
  ## TEST/LOAD ##
  If(!(Test-Path $DirectToVserverFile)){ ("ERROR: Unable to access path: $DirectToVserverFile"); RETURN }
  [System.Array]$GetNcs = (Import-CSV $DirectToVserverFile)."NAME"
  [Void](New-Item "$Cluster" -ItemType Directory -Force)
  If(!(Test-Path $Cluster)){ ("ERROR: Unable to access folder: $Cluster"); RETURN }
  [System.Array]$DataSVMs = (Get-NcVserver | Where{ $_.VserverType -eq "data" }).Vserver
  [System.Array]$TimingsOutput = "SVM,NAME,Time(Secs)"
  Foreach($SVM in $DataSVMs){
    $global:currentnccontroller.Vserver = $SVM
    Foreach($GetNc in $GetNCs){
      $Time1 = Get-Date -uformat %s
      "INFO_: Collecting for $SVM : $GetNc"
      [System.Array]$NcData = Invoke-Expression $GetNc
      If($NcData){ $NcData | Export-CLIXML "$Cluster\$Cluster.$SVM.$GetNc.XML" }
      $TimingsOutput += "$SVM,$GetNc," + [math]::Round(((Get-Date -uformat %s) - $Time1),2)
  "INFO_: Finished data collection"
  $TimingsOutput | Out-File "$Cluster\~Timings.$SVM.CSV" -Encoding Default -Force

## GENERIC: Load PSTK ##
"INFO_: Loading the Data ONTAP PSTK"
If(!(Get-Module DataONTAP)){ [Void](Import-Module DataONTAP -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) }
If(!(Get-Module DataONTAP)){ "ERROR: Failed to load Data ONTAP PSTK"; EXIT }

## GENERIC: Connect to Cluster ##
"INFO_: Connecting to $Cluster"
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($UserName,$Password)
If(!(Test-Connection $Cluster)){ "ERROR: Cannot ping to $Cluster"; EXIT }
$Global:CurrentNcController = $NULL
[Void](Connect-NcController -Name $Cluster -Credential $Cred)
If(!$Global:CurrentNcController){ "ERROR: Cannot connect to $Cluster"; EXIT }

Collect-NcDataSVM $Cluster
