Quite possibly a pointless post - this has never been a good reason to stop me posting something…
I needed
to test if there’s a limit to the number of export policy rules in an export
If you
check out the ONTAP Maximums, it says (this is for small (<=4) / medium
(<=8) / large clusters) -
number of export policies = 4000 / 12000 / 12000
number of export rules = 70000 / 70000 / 140000
- it
also says that ‘these aren’t enforced by code’, so we don’t really expect to
hit any limit. The ONTAP Maximums don’t tell us “Maximum number of export rules
in an export policy”, hence the test (the figures above were the same in 8.3.x
as 9.1).
To find
out if there is any enforced limit with number of export rules in an export
policy, you can run a simple test in PowerShell with the Data ONTAP PowerShell
Import-Module DataOntap
New-NcExportPolicy -Name
TEST1 -VserverContext SVM
for($i = 1; $i -lt 50000;
$i++){ $i; New-NcExportRule -Policy TEST1 -VserverContext SVM -index $i
-ClientMatch ("host" + $i + ".lab.priv") -ReadOnlySecurityFlavor
any -ReadWriteSecurityFlavor sys}
I went
for 50’000 and had no problem creating 50’000. It’s not a good idea to
have anything like this number of export rules in an export policy (the use of
NetGroups to manage sets of clients - where there’s lots of client - is highly
recommended!) Really, I was just curious to see if 4’000 was possible (don’t
ask why.)
Image: Export Policy with 50’000 Export Policy
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