Exploring the OCUM MIB

Image: Dowloaded ZIP, unzipped mib, ps1 script to parse data, and output txt

In this post we explore what SNMP alerts are available via the OCUM MIB. Specifically, we’re looking at NetApp’s OnCommand Unified Manager 7.2 and the mib_ocum_7.2.zip as downloaded from here:

Once you’ve downloaded mib_ocum_7.2.zip, unzip it to reveal ocum.mib. I should point out that the ocum.mib does:


For this post we’re just looking at ocum.mib. The following little bit of PowerShell generates the output which we list below:

[System.Array]$OcumMib = Get-Content "ocum.mib"
[System.Array]$Output = @()
$OcumMib | Foreach{
    [String]$OE = $_.Trim(" ").Split(" ")[0]
    $OE = ($OE.substring(0,1).toupper() + $OE.substring(1) -creplace '[A-Z]', ' $&').Trim()
    $Output += $OE
$Output | Set-Content "ocumEvents.txt"
Notepad "ocumEvents.txt"

List of OCUM 7.2 Trap Types (505)

Ocum Evt Aggregate64 Bit Upgrade
Ocum Evt Aggregate Discovered
Ocum Evt Aggregate State Failed
Ocum Evt Aggregate State Restricted
Ocum Evt Aggregate State Online
Ocum Evt Aggregate State Offline
Ocum Evt Aggregate Raid State Normal
Ocum Evt Aggregate Raid State Degraded
Ocum Evt Aggregate Raid State Reconstructing
Ocum Evt Aggregate Space Ok
Ocum Evt Aggregate Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Aggregate Full
Ocum Evt Aggregate Days Until Full Not Soon
Ocum Evt Aggregate Days Until Full Soon
Ocum Evt Aggregate Not Overcommited
Ocum Evt Aggregate Almost Overcommitted
Ocum Evt Aggregate Overcommitted
Ocum Evt Aggregate Snap Reserve Ok
Ocum Evt Aggregate Snap Reserve Full
Ocum Evt Aggregate Growth Rate Ok
Ocum Evt Aggregate Growth Rate Abnormal
Ocum Evt Aggregate Deleted
Ocum Evt Aggregate Renamed
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster Aggregate Left Behind Fixed
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster Aggregate Left Behind
Ocum Evt Cluster Unassigned Disks None
Ocum Evt Cluster Unassigned Disks Some
Ocum Evt Disks Spares Available
Ocum Evt Disks No Spares
Ocum Evt Disks None Failed
Ocum Evt Disks Some Failed
Ocum Evt Cluster Removed
Ocum Evt Cluster Add Failed
Ocum Evt Cluster Renamed
Ocum Evt Cluster Reachable
Ocum Evt Cluster Unreachable
Ocum Evt Cluster Monitoring Succeeded
Ocum Evt Cluster Monitoring Failed
Ocum Evt Cluster Node Added
Ocum Evt Cluster Node Removed
Ocum Evt Cluster Node Renamed
Ocum Evt Sfo Interconnect Up
Ocum Evt Sfo Interconnect One Or More Links Down
Ocum Evt Sfo Settings Enabled
Ocum Evt Sfo Settings Not Configured
Ocum Evt Sfo Settings Disabled
Ocum Evt Sfo State Connected
Ocum Evt Sfo State Takeover
Ocum Evt Sfo State Partial Giveback
Ocum Evt Sfo Node Status Up
Ocum Evt Sfo Node Status Down
Ocum Evt Sfo Takeover Possible
Ocum Evt Sfo Takeover Not Possible
Ocum Evt Fans Normal
Ocum Evt Fans One Or More Failed
Ocum Evt Nvram Battery Ok
Ocum Evt Nvram Battery Low
Ocum Evt Nvram Battery Over Charged
Ocum Evt Nvram Battery Discharged
Ocum Evt Power Supply Ok
Ocum Evt Power Supply One Or More Failed
Ocum Evt Cluster Node Root Volume Space Ok
Ocum Evt Cluster Node Root Volume Space Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Port Status Up
Ocum Evt Port Status Down
Ocum Evt Flash Card Online
Ocum Evt Flash Card Offline
Ocum Evt Service Processor Online
Ocum Evt Service Processor Offline
Ocum Evt Service Processor Not Configured
Ocum Evt Efficiency Policy Enabled
Ocum Evt Efficiency Policy Disabled
Ocum Evt Lif Status Up
Ocum Evt Lif Status Down
Ocum Evt Lif Migrated
Ocum Evt Lif Failover Possible
Ocum Evt Lif Failover Not Possible
Ocum Evt Lif No Route Configured
Ocum Evt Lif Not At Home Port
Ocum Evt Lif At Home Port
Ocum Evt Lun Snapshot Ok
Ocum Evt Lun Snapshot Not Possible
Ocum Evt Lun Space Reservation Enabled
Ocum Evt Lun Space Reservation Disabled
Ocum Evt Lun Online
Ocum Evt Lun Offline
Ocum Evt Lun Multiple Active Path
Ocum Evt Lun Single Active Path
Ocum Evt Lun Reachable
Ocum Evt Lun Not Reachable
Ocum Evt Lun Optimized Path Active
Ocum Evt Lun Optimized Path Inactive
Ocum Evt Lun Ha Partner Path Active
Ocum Evt Lun Ha Partner Path In Active
Ocum Evt Alert Created
Ocum Evt Alert Deleted
Ocum Evt Alert Modified
Ocum Evt Qtree Files Ok
Ocum Evt Qtree Files Soft Limit Breached
Ocum Evt Qtree Files Hard Limit Reached
Ocum Evt Qtree Space Ok
Ocum Evt Qtree Space Soft Limit Breached
Ocum Evt Qtree Space Hard Limit Reached
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Enabled
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Disabled
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Created
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Deleted
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Schedule Added
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Schedule Modified
Ocum Evt Snapshot Policy Schedule Removed
Ocum Evt Storage Service Created
Ocum Evt Storage Service Subscribed
Ocum Evt Storage Service Unsubscribed
Ocum Evt Storage Service Unexpected Relationship Deletion
Ocum Evt Storage Service Unexpected Volume Deletion
Ocum Evt Shelf Fan Normal
Ocum Evt Shelf Fan Failed
Ocum Evt Shelf Power Supply Normal
Ocum Evt Shelf Power Supply Failed
Ocum Evt Shelf Voltage Normal
Ocum Evt Shelf Voltage Abnormal
Ocum Evt Shelf Current Normal
Ocum Evt Shelf Current Abnormal
Ocum Evt Shelf Temperature Normal
Ocum Evt Shelf Temperature Abnormal
Ocum Evt Storage Shelf Discovered
Ocum Evt Storage Shelf Removed
Ocum Evt Protection Job Task Failed
Ocum Evt Protection Job Aborted
Ocum Evt Volume Online
Ocum Evt Volume Restricted
Ocum Evt Volume Offline
Ocum Evt Volume Mixed
Ocum Evt Volume Space Ok
Ocum Evt Volume Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Volume Full
Ocum Evt Inodes Util Ok
Ocum Evt Inodes Almost Full
Ocum Evt Inodes Full
Ocum Evt Volume Clone Discovered
Ocum Evt Volume Clone Deleted
Ocum Evt Volume Clone Split
Ocum Evt Volume Qtree Quota Overcommit Ok
Ocum Evt Volume Qtree Quota Almost Overcommitted
Ocum Evt Volume Qtree Quota Overcommitted
Ocum Evt Volume Inline Compression Enabled
Ocum Evt Volume Inline Compression Disabled
Ocum Evt Volume Background Compression Enabled
Ocum Evt Volume Background Compression Disabled
Ocum Evt Volume Dedupe Enabled
Ocum Evt Volume Dedupe Disabled
Ocum Evt Volume Efficiency Operation Ok
Ocum Evt Volume Efficiency Operation Error
Ocum Evt Volume Growth Rate Ok
Ocum Evt Volume Growth Rate Abnormal
Ocum Evt Volume Renamed
Ocum Evt Volume Discovered
Ocum Evt Volume Removed
Ocum Evt Volume Mounted
Ocum Evt Volume Unmounted
Ocum Evt Volume Remounted
Ocum Evt Volume Export Policy Modified
Ocum Evt Volume Days Until Full Not Soon
Ocum Evt Volume Days Until Full Soon
Ocum Evt Volume Fractional Reserve Modified
Ocum Evt Volume Space Guarantee Modified
Ocum Evt Volume Space Guarantee Enabled
Ocum Evt Volume Space Guarantee Disabled
Ocum Evt Volume Autosize Enabled
Ocum Evt Volume Autosize Disabled
Ocum Evt Volume Autosize Modified Max
Ocum Evt Volume Autosize Modified Increment
Ocum Evt Volume Move Finished
Ocum Evt Volume Move Progress
Ocum Evt Volume Move Completed
Ocum Evt Volume Move Cutover Deferred
Ocum Evt Volume Move Failed
Ocum Evt Volume Junction Path Active
Ocum Evt Volume Junction Path Inactive
Ocum Evt Snapshot Space Ok
Ocum Evt Snapshot Full
Ocum Evt Snapshot Too Many
Ocum Evt Snapshot Not Too Many
Ocum Evt Snap Sched Modified
Ocum Evt Snap Enabled
Ocum Evt Snap Disabled
Ocum Evt Snapshot Autodelete Enabled
Ocum Evt Snapshot Autodelete Disabled
Ocum Evt Snapshot Autodelete Modified
Ocum Evt Volume Snapshot Reserve Days Until Full Not Soon
Ocum Evt Volume Snapshot Reserve Days Until Full Soon
Ocum Evt Volume Snapshot Reserve Modified
Ocum Evt Volume Next Snapshot Possible
Ocum Evt Volume Next Snapshot Not Possible
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Discovered
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Modified
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Deleted
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Healthy
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Unhealthy
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship State Ok
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship State Brokenoff
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Initialize Ok
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Initialize Failed
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Update Ok
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Update Failed
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Resync Ok
Ocum Evt Snapmirror Relationship Resync Failed
Ocum Evt Snap Mirror Relationship Lag Warning
Ocum Evt Snap Mirror Relationship Lag Error
Ocum Evt Snap Mirror Relationship Lag Normal
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Healthy
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Unhealthy
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship State Ok
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship State Brokenoff
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Initialize Ok
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Initialize Failed
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Update Ok
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Update Failed
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Resync Ok
Ocum Evt Snapvault Relationship Resync Failed
Ocum Evt Snap Vault Relationship Lag Warning
Ocum Evt Snap Vault Relationship Lag Error
Ocum Evt Snap Vault Relationship Lag Normal
Ocum Evt Vserver Cifs Service Status Up
Ocum Evt Vserver Cifs Service Status Down
Ocum Evt Vserver Fc Service Status Up
Ocum Evt Vserver Fc Service Status Down
Ocum Evt Vserver Iscsi Service Status Up
Ocum Evt Vserver Iscsi Service Status Down
Ocum Evt Vserver Nfs Service Status Up
Ocum Evt Vserver Nfs Service Status Down
Ocum Evt Vserver Cifs Service Not Configured
Ocum Evt Vserver Fc Service Not Configured
Ocum Evt Vserver Iscsi Service Not Configured
Ocum Evt Vserver Nfs Service Not Configured
Ocum Evt Vserver Renamed
Ocum Evt Vserver Up
Ocum Evt Vserver Down
Ocum Evt Vserver Discovered
Ocum Evt Vserver Deleted
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Available
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Partially Available
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Not Available
Ocum Evt Vserver Space Ok
Ocum Evt Vserver Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Vserver Full
Ocum Evt Vserver Snapshot Usage Ok
Ocum Evt Vserver Snapshot Usage Exceeded
Ocum Evt Vserver Ns Mirror Availability Ok
Ocum Evt Vserver Ns Mirror Availability Having Issues
Ocum Evt Vserver Namespace Space Ok
Ocum Evt Vserver Namespace Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Vserver Namespace Full
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Available
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Partially Available
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Not Available
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Space Ok
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Full
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Snapshot Usage Ok
Ocum Evt Vserver Storage Class Snapshot Usage Exceeded
Ocum Evt Script Normal
Ocum Evt Script Information
Ocum Evt Script Warning
Ocum Evt Script Error
Ocum Evt Script Critical
Ocum Evt User Or Group Quota File Count Ok
Ocum Evt User Or Group Quota File Count Soft Limit Breached
Ocum Evt User Or Group Quota File Count Hard Limit Reached
Ocum Evt User Or Group Quota Disk Space Ok
Ocum Evt User Or Group Quota Disk Space Soft Limit Breached
Ocum Evt User Or Group Quota Disk Space Hard Limit Reached
Ocum Performance Incident
Ocum Performance Incident Cleared
Ocum Performance Error
Ocum Performance Warning
Ocum Performance Information
Ocum Thin Provision Volume Space At Risk
Ocum Thin Provision Volume Space Not At Risk
Ocum Disk Shelf Connectivity In Multi Path
Ocum Disk Shelf Connectivity Not In Multi Path
Ocum Disk Shelf Connectivity Path Normal
Ocum Disk Shelf Connectivity Path Failure
Ocum Cluster Add Needed
Ocum Cluster Added
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Switch Fcvi Links Up
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Switch Fcvi Links One Or More Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Switch Fcvi Links Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Switch Fc Links Up
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Switch Fc Links One Or More Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Switch Fc Links Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Switch Bridge Fc Links Up
Ocum Evt Mcc Switch Bridge Fc Links Down
Ocum Evt Switch Temperature Normal
Ocum Evt Switch Temperature Abnormal
Ocum Evt Switch Fans Normal
Ocum Evt Switch Fans One Or More Failed
Ocum Evt Switch Power Supplies Normal
Ocum Evt Switch Power Supplies One Or More Failed
Ocum Evt Switch Reachable
Ocum Evt Switch Unreachable
Ocum Evt Switch Temperature Sensor Normal
Ocum Evt Switch Temperature Sensor Failed
Ocum Evt Bridge Temperature Normal
Ocum Evt Bridge Temperature Abnormal
Ocum Evt Bridge Reachable
Ocum Evt Bridge Unreachable
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster All Links Between Partners Up
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster All Links Between Partners Down
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster Partners Reachable Over Peering Network
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster Partners Not Reachable Over Peering Network
ocum Evt Metro Cluster All I S L Between Switches Up
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster All I S L Between Switches Down
ocum Evt Metro Cluster D R Status Ok
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster D R Status Partially Impacted
Ocum Evt Metro Cluster D R Status Impacted
ocum Evt Metro Cluster D R Status Completed
ocum Evt Metro Cluster Aggregate Mirror Normal
ocum Evt Metro Cluster Aggregate Mirror Degraded
ocum Evt No Spare Disk Left Behind
ocum Evt Spare Disk Left Behind
Ocum Evt Mcc Bridge Storage Stack S A S Links Up
ocum Evt Mcc Bridge Storage Stack S A S Links Down
Ocum Evt Cluster Flash Disk Fewer Spare Block Normal
Ocum Evt Cluster Flash Disk Fewer Spare Block Error
Ocum Evt Cluster Flash Disk No Spare Block Normal
Ocum Evt Cluster Flash Disk No Spare Block Critical
Ocum Evt Backup Creation Succeeded
Ocum Evt Backup Creation Failed
Ocum Evt Backup Creation Normal
Ocum Evt Cluster Unsupported Disks None
Ocum Evt Cluster Unsupported Disks Some
Ocum Evt Mcc Inter Node Links Up
Ocum Evt Mcc Inter Node Links One Or More Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Inter Node Links Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Bridge Links Up
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Bridge Links Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Stack Links Up
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Stack Links One Or More Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Node Stack Links Down
Ocum Evt Mcc Automatic Unplanned Switch Over Disabled
Ocum Evt Mcc Automatic Unplanned Switch Over Enabled
ocum Evt E M S Warning Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Critical Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Error Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Informational Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Notice Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Debug Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Emergency Event Received
Ocum Evt E M S Alert Event Received
Ocum Evt Heartbeat Service Status Down
Ocum Evt Heartbeat Service Status Up
Ocum Evt Unified Manager Disk Space Nearly Full
Ocum Evt Unified Manager Disk Space Full
Ocum Evt Unified Manager Disk Space Normal
Ocum Evt Unified Manager Data Normal
Ocum Evt Unified Manager Data Missing Analyze
Ocum Evt Unified Manager Data Missing Collection
Ocum Aggregate Latency Incident
Ocum Aggregate Latency Warning
Ocum Aggregate Latency Cleared
Ocum Aggregate Iops Incident
Ocum Aggregate Iops Warning
Ocum Aggregate Iops Cleared
Ocum Aggregate Mbps Incident
Ocum Aggregate Mbps Warning
Ocum Aggregate Mbps Cleared
Ocum Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Incident
Ocum Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Warning
Ocum Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Cleared
Ocum Aggregate Utilization Incident
Ocum Aggregate Utilization Warning
Ocum Aggregate Utilization Cleared
Ocum Node Latency Incident
Ocum Node Latency Warning
Ocum Node Latency Cleared
Ocum Node Iops Incident
Ocum Node Iops Warning
Ocum Node Iops Cleared
Ocum Node Mbps Incident
Ocum Node Mbps Warning
Ocum Node Mbps Cleared
Ocum Node Perf Capacity Used Incident
Ocum Node Perf Capacity Used Warning
Ocum Node Perf Capacity Used Cleared
Ocum Node Perf Capacity Used Takeover Incident
Ocum Node Perf Capacity Used Takeover Warning
Ocum Node Perf Capacity Used Takeover Cleared
Ocum Node Utilization Incident
Ocum Node Utilization Warning
Ocum Node Utilization Cleared
Ocum Cluster Iops Incident
Ocum Cluster Iops Warning
Ocum Cluster Iops Cleared
Ocum Cluster Mbps Incident
Ocum Cluster Mbps Warning
Ocum Cluster Mbps Cleared
Ocum Network Port Utilization Incident
Ocum Network Port Utilization Warning
Ocum Network Port Utilization Cleared
Ocum Network Port Mbps Incident
Ocum Network Port Mbps Warning
Ocum Network Port Mbps Cleared
Ocum Svm Latency Incident
Ocum Svm Latency Warning
Ocum Svm Latency Cleared
Ocum Svm Iops Incident
Ocum Svm Iops Warning
Ocum Svm Iops Cleared
Ocum Svm Mbps Incident
Ocum Svm Mbps Warning
Ocum Svm Mbps Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Cleared
Ocum Volume Iops Incident
Ocum Volume Iops Warning
Ocum Volume Iops Cleared
Ocum Volume Mbps Incident
Ocum Volume Mbps Warning
Ocum Volume Mbps Cleared
Ocum Volume Cache Miss Ratio Incident
Ocum Volume Cache Miss Ratio Warning
Ocum Volume Cache Miss Ratio Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Iops Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Iops Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Iops Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Mbps Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Mbps Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Mbps Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Utilization Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Utilization Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Utilization Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Node Perf Capacity Used Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Node Perf Capacity Used Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Node Perf Capacity Used Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Takeover Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Takeover Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Takeover Cleared
Ocum Volume Latency Node Utilization Incident
Ocum Volume Latency Node Utilization Warning
Ocum Volume Latency Node Utilization Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Cleared
Ocum Lun Iops Incident
Ocum Lun Iops Warning
Ocum Lun Iops Cleared
Ocum Lun Mbps Incident
Ocum Lun Mbps Warning
Ocum Lun Mbps Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Iops Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Iops Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Iops Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Mbps Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Mbps Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Mbps Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Utilization Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Utilization Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Utilization Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Node Perf Capacity Used Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Node Perf Capacity Used Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Node Perf Capacity Used Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Takeover Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Takeover Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Aggregate Perf Capacity Used Takeover Cleared
Ocum Lun Latency Node Utilization Incident
Ocum Lun Latency Node Utilization Warning
Ocum Lun Latency Node Utilization Cleared
Ocum Network Lif Mbps Incident
Ocum Network Lif Mbps Warning
Ocum Network Lif Mbps Cleared
Ocum Fcp Port Utilization Incident
Ocum Fcp Port Utilization Warning
Ocum Fcp Port Utilization Cleared
Ocum Fcp Port Mbps Incident
Ocum Fcp Port Mbps Warning
Ocum Fcp Port Mbps Cleared
Ocum Aggregate Disks Over Utilized Warning
Ocum Aggregate Disks Over Utilized Cleared
Ocum Node Ha Pair Over Utilized Information
Ocum Node Ha Pair Over Utilized Cleared
Ocum Node Disk Fragmentation Warning
Ocum Node Disk Fragmentation Cleared
Ocum Node Over Utilized Warning
Ocum Node Over Utilized Cleared
Ocum Cluster Dynamic Event Warning
Ocum Cluster Dynamic Event Cleared
Ocum Node Dynamic Event Warning
Ocum Node Dynamic Event Cleared
Ocum Aggregate Dynamic Event Warning
Ocum Aggregate Dynamic Event Cleared
Ocum Fcp Lif Mbps Incident
Ocum Fcp Lif Mbps Warning
Ocum Fcp Lif Mbps Cleared
Ocum Evt Cluster Fabricpool License Capacity Limit Exceeded
Ocum Evt Cluster Fabricpool License Capacity Limit Normal
Ocum Event External Capacity Unreachable
Ocum Event External Capacity Reachable
