Christmas bonus
For Christmas - amongst other things - I got 3 more
Jamiroquai albums (I’ve got all 8 now) and also an Amazon Giftcard with which I
purchased Anjunabeats Volume 13. So, I wanted to update my car music USB key,
but needed to use a fresh USB key. I realized that the method of my 24th April
2018 post Using
PowerShell to Create a Correctly Ordered USB Music Key was way too clunky,
so came up with the following script.
You’ll need to copy all your music into a folder of
folders first, and make sure it’s ordered how you want.
Image: Car Music
Then just run the PowerShell as in the below example:
.\BurnUSB.ps1 -SourcePath "D:\CAR
MUSIC" -DestinationDrive F
And your USB key will be burned like a CD (since car
music systems read USB keys like a CD, that is the first copied file is first
in the playlist, second copied second, third copied third, etcetera.)
The Script
= (Get-ChildItem $SourcePath | sort-object Name).Name
in $Folders){
[String]$NewFolderPath = Join-Path
($DestinationDrive + ":") ($Folder)
"New-Item -Path $NewFolderPath -ItemType
New-Item -Path $NewFolderPath -ItemType
[String]$ReadFolderPath = Join-Path
($SourcePath) ($Folder)
[System.Array]$MusicFiles = (Get-ChildItem
$ReadFolderPath | sort-object Name).Name
$MusicFiles | Foreach{
[String]$FileToCopy = Join-Path
($ReadFolderPath) ($_)
[String]$FileDestination = Join-Path
($NewFolderPath) ($_)
"Copy-Item -LiteralPath $FileToCopy
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $FileToCopy
A modest suggestion...MP3Tag. And all your issues about music contents, ordering, naming, tagging and so on will disappear! ;-)