The scripts below are for putting SnapCenter application
plugin hosts into maintenance mode and then exiting maintenance mode. This
might be useful say if you’re upgrading your SnapCenter server. Everything
highlighted needs to be modified accordingly. The scripts could be improved on, here we’re just testing.
Note: These scripts are designed to be run on the SnapCenter
server itself (we just specify a credential for ‘open-smconnection’, don’t
specify ‘-SMSbaseURL’.)
Script 1) Enter-MaintenanceMode.ps1
import-Module Snapcenter
$SC_admin = "domain\username"
$SVM_Password = ConvertTo-SecureString
-AsPlainText -Force
$cred_Admin = New-Object -TypeName
System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($SC_admin, $SVM_Password)
# open connection
open-smconnection -Credential $cred_Admin
# Set all Windows hosts under Maintenance
Foreach ($hostname in
((Get-SmHost).Hostname)){set-SmMaintenanceMode -Hostnames $hostname
-MaintenanceStatus UnderMaintenance -Confirm:$false}
Script 2) Exit-MaintenanceMode.ps1
import-Module Snapcenter
$SC_admin = "domain\username"
$SVM_Password = ConvertTo-SecureString
-AsPlainText -Force
$cred_Admin = New-Object -TypeName
System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($SC_admin, $SVM_Password)
# open connection
open-smconnection -Credential $cred_Admin
# Set all Windows hosts under Maintenance
Foreach ($hostname in
((Get-SmHost).Hostname)){set-SmMaintenanceMode -Hostnames $hostname
-MaintenanceStatus Production -Confirm:$false}
The below screenshots show before and after of running
the above scripts against a SnapCenter with Microsoft Exchange environment with
one DAG and 3 mailbox servers.
Image 1: SnapCenter Managed Hosts before running
Image 2: SnapCenter Managed Hosts after running
Notice that the DAG is ‘Suspended’.
Image 3: Checking ‘Details’ for our DAG object in
Notice that – even thought we only see the DAG suspended
above – all the mailbox servers are saying “Scheduled jobs for host ... are
Image 4: SnapCenter Managed Hosts after running Exit-MaintenanceMode.ps1
To understand the Cmdlet’s check out the ‘SnapCenter
Software Cmdlet Reference Guide’.
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