I’ve been involved with a SnapCenter issue - in conjunction
with SnapCenter for Exchange - where SnapCenter will fail to rename the VSS
snapshot to the human readable name. This is a big SnapCenter for Exchange
environment and it seems like the rename API never actually gets to the cluster
(or is dropped). I understand that the reason behind this is that, say 2 rename
APIs are sent in the same millisecond, one might get dropped (ZAPIs are low
priority, so if the storage is busy doing something else, it drops the ZAPI
from the queue.)
Looking at this problem from the perspective of “can/should
we do a workaround to rename the snapshots”, I reached the conclusion that
there’s no benefit to doing so.
Firstly, to check the Audit log in ONTAP 9+, you can use
the clustershell command:
security audit log show
In the audit log you’ll see if the snapshot-rename
requests get to the ONTAP cluster (in this case they don’t.)
In the SCW_XXX.log {where XXX is an incrementing
number - newer jobs have higher numbers} you’ll see something like the below
(from a lab system) - if the rename works:
2019-10-21T03:20:24.8681832-07:00 Verbose
SAL PID=[10720] TID=[13720] RenameSnapshot: END: Rename-NcSnapshot -Volume vol_N1Log1 -Snapshot
{24171b8f-d400-4664-8e7e-f2c8b04b1fbe} -NewName SCE_10-21-2019_03.20.06.3269
2019-10-21T03:20:24.8681832-07:00 Verbose
SAL PID=[10720] TID=[13720]
2019-10-21T03:20:24.8681832-07:00 Verbose
SAL PID=[10720] TID=[9272] --PSHelper::RunCommand
2019-10-21T03:20:24.8681832-07:00 Verbose
SAL PID=[10720] TID=[13720] Rename
Snapshot {24171b8f-d400-4664-8e7e-f2c8b04b1fbe} on vol_N1Log1 is successful.
If the snapshot fails to rename there is an error
something like (sorry, I don’t have a good example):
'Renaming VSS Snapshot' failed with error: Skip renaming snapshot.
So, you might think - like I initially did - that it would
be easy to write a post-backup script to rename the snapshots. But, no. It’s a
bit tricky because the SCW_XXX.log is not on the SnapCenter server, but on the
server with the SCW plugin (or - in this case - the Exchange Mailbox server).
So, if you wanted to rename the snapshots, you’d have to parse the log from
every involved server in your backup (if it’s a large Exchange DAG, that can be
a fair few servers and they might be large logs). And, even then, once you’ve
renamed the snapshots to their human readable name (the name SnapCenter tried
to rename them to), these are still no good for automated restore purposes
using SnapCenter as not entered into the SnapCenter database (you can still use
the snapshots for manual restore - see this link below SMBR 8 with
SnapCenter - how to restore from secondary).
Having a script running in the background (say once a day)
to tidy up the VSS named snapshots - that won’t get automatically deleted - when
the desired retention expires, makes sense.
SnapCenter Logs Locations
Note: Most of the logs you’ll find on the servers running
the SnapCenter plugins, and not the SnapCenter server itself.
On the SnapCenter Server:
On the Exchange Server running the SnapCenter Plug-in for
Windows (most of the logs will be here):
Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server\job_logs
Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server\log
Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\job_logs
Image: SCW_XXX.log in SMCore\job_logs
Image: SMCore_XXX.log in SMCore\log
Image: SCE_XXX.log in SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft
Exchange Server\job_logs
Image: SnapMgrContracts_XXX.log in SnapCenter Plug-in
for Microsoft Exchange Server\log
Image: SCW_XXX.log in SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows\job_logs
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