How to SnapMirror a Large File from an Enormous Volume and Only Need the Large File Size Available on the Destination

Scenario: You have a database file in a volume on cluster1, and you want to get that file to cluster2. The problem is that the volume is too big to be SnapMirror-ed to cluster2 (there is not enough space on cluster2’s aggregates). So, how do you get just the file you want to move to cluster2?

The answer is to use FlexClone. We can:
- Flexclone the volume
- Delete everything but the “Large File” from the volume
- Split the clone
- Delete the clone snapshots
- SnapMirror the “Large File” to where it needs to go.

The following example illustrates this with fairly small files really, but hopefully you get the gist.


Our volume has 7821MB used. And the aggregate utilization on cluster1 aggr_dp is 8037MB. The volume ‘tvol_001’ is made up of 6 *.db files.

cluster1::> vol show -volume tvol_001 -fields used,snapshot-policy
vserver volume   used   snapshot-policy
------- -------- ------ ---------------
svm1    tvol_001 7821MB none

cluster1::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields usedsize
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   8037MB

Image: tvol_001 with 6 database files

We create our flexclone volume tvol_001_clone. And see it makes little difference to the aggregate size.

cluster1::> volume clone create -flexclone tvol_001_clone -vserver svm1 -junction-path /tvol_001_clone -parent-volume tvol_001

cluster1::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields usedsize
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   8094MB

cluster1::> vol show -volume tvol_001_clone -fields used,snapshot-policy
vserver volume         used   snapshot-policy
------- -------------- ------ ---------------
svm1    tvol_001_clone 7799MB none

Then we create a cifs share to get to the flexclone and delete all the *.db files except database6.db. Notice the aggregate size does not change.

cluster1::> cifs share create -share-name tvol_001_clone -vserver svm1 -path /tvol_001_clone

Image: Deleted everything except database6

cluster1::> vol show -volume tvol_001_clone -fields used,snapshot-policy
vserver volume         used   snapshot-policy
------- -------------- ------ ---------------
svm1    tvol_001_clone 6798MB none

cluster1::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields usedsize
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   8095MB

cluster1::> vol snapshot show -volume tvol_001* -fields owners,size
vserver volume   snapshot               owners         size
------- -------- ---------------------- -------------- ----
svm1    tvol_001 clone_tvol_001_clone.1 "volume clone" 0MB
svm1    tvol_001_clone clone_tvol_001_clone.1 "volume clone" 5545MB

Then we split the clone and see that the used size of the aggregate roughly increases by the size of the database6.db file.

cluster1::> vol clone split start -vserver svm1 -flexclone tvol_001_clone

Warning: Are you sure you want to split clone volume tvol_001_clone in Vserver svm1? {y|n}: y
[Job 107] Job is queued: Split tvol_001_clone.

cluster1::> vol clone split show -fields block-percentage-complete
vserver flexclone      block-percentage-complete
------- -------------- -------------------------
svm1    tvol_001_clone 65

cluster1::> vol clone split show -fields block-percentage-complete
There are no entries matching your query.

cluster1::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields usedsize
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   11122MB

Now we delete the clone snapshots. If we didn’t, we’d end up replicating the full size of the tvol_001, when we replicate tvol_001_clone, since the previous deletions were captured in the clone snapshot which would get mirrored too.

cluster1::> vol snapshot show -volume tvol_001* -fields owners,size
vserver volume   snapshot               owners size
------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
svm1    tvol_001 clone_tvol_001_clone.1 -      0MB
svm1    tvol_001_clone clone_tvol_001_clone.1 - 5545MB

cluster1::> vol snapshot delete -vserver svm1 -volume tvol_001* -snapshot *

cluster1::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields usedsize
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   8150MB

Not totally sure why the aggregate space went down after deleting the snapshots, could it be to do with aggregate deduplication (this lab is running ONTAP 9.4)? Answers on a postcard...

cluster1::> aggr show -field sis-space-saved
aggregate         sis-space-saved
----------------- ---------------
aggr0_cluster1_01 0MB
aggr_dp           5337MB

So, now we are left with our original volume (untouched) and the clone volume with the database6.db file in.

cluster1::> volume show -volume tvol_001* -fields used
vserver volume   used
------- -------- ------
svm1    tvol_001 7822MB
svm1    tvol_001_clone 2277MB

Now we SnapMirror the volume with the file in to cluster2. Essentially one action command and the volume is SnapMirrored!

cluster2::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields used
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   40MB

cluster2::> snapmirror protect -path-list svm1:tvol_001_clone -destination-vserver svm_dst1 -policy MirrorAllSnapshots
[Job 103] Job is queued: snapmirror protect for list of volumes beginning with "svm1:tvol_001_clone".

cluster2::> snapmirror show -destination-path svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst -fields state,status
source-path         destination-path            state        status
------------------- --------------------------- ------------ ------
svm1:tvol_001_clone svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst Snapmirrored Idle

cluster2::> aggr show -aggr aggr_dp -fields used
aggregate usedsize
--------- --------
aggr_dp   2325MB

‌cluster2::> volume show -volume tvol_001* -fields used
vserver  volume             used
-------- ------------------ ------
svm_dst1 tvol_001_clone_dst 2229MB

Finally, we can tidy up the SnapMirror relationship: break (on destination), delete (on destination), release (on source).

cluster2::> snapmirror break -destination-path svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst
Operation succeeded: snapmirror break for destination "svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst".

cluster2::> snapmirror delete -destination-path svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst
Operation succeeded: snapmirror delete for the relationship with destination "svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst".

cluster1::> snapmirror release -destination-path svm_dst1:tvol_001_clone_dst

Job done!
