I was curious to see if I could get an output from a lab MySQL
server, listing all databases on the MySQL server, all tables in these
databases, and all fields in these tables.
First get the ‘MySQL PowerShell cmdlets module’ from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com
and install. The download msi is called ‘it.wiechecki.mysql-cmdlet.msi’.
Then, copy and paste the text below into a text editor
and save as say ‘DescribeAllTablesInAllDatabasesMySQL.ps1’ (doesn’t
really matter what you call it.) Since this is just a curiosity, I didn’t bother
with any error detection or anything like that. And run in PowerShell:
The Script
Import-Module MySqlCmdlets
## INPUT ##
$S = Read-Host "Server"
$U = Read-Host "Username"
$P = Read-Host "Password"
Connect-MySQLserver -Server $S -UserName
$U -Password $P
[System.Object]$DBs = Invoke-MySqlQuery
-Query "show databases"
[System.Object]$Tables = @{}
[System.Object]$Describes = @{}
$DBs | Foreach{
[String]$DBname = $_.Database
[System.Object]$Describes.$DBname = @{}
Invoke-MySqlQuery -Query "use $DBname"
[System.Object]$Tables.$DBname = Invoke-MySqlQuery -Query "show
Foreach($Table in $Tables.$DBname."Tables_in_$DBname"){
Write-Host ($DBname + "." + $Table)
[System.Object]$Describes.$DBname.$Table = Invoke-MySqlQuery -Query
"describe $Table"
## OUTPUT ##
$CountD = 0
$CountT = 0
$CountF = 0
[System.Array]$Output = @()
$DBs | Foreach{
[String]$DBname = $_.Database
Foreach($Table in $Tables.$DBname."Tables_in_$DBname"){
Foreach($Field in $Describes.$DBname.$Table.field){
Write-Host $DBname -F GREEN -N
Write-Host ("." + $Table) -F CYAN -N
Write-Host ("." + $Field) -F YELLOW
$Output += "$DBname.$Table.$Field"
Write-Host "$CountF fields " -F
YELLOW -N;Write-Host "across " -N
Write-Host "$CountT tables " -F
CYAN -N;Write-Host "across " -N
Write-Host "$CountD databases "
$Output += "$CountF fields across
$CountT tables across $CountD databases"
$Output >
Image: Example of PowerShell Input
Image: Example of PowerShell Output
Image: Example of Text File Output
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