I thought the following might be useful. I already had the code to Upload CSV To Be Processed by the Post ETL Script for the NetApp Cloud Insights DataWarehousw (DWH). And with a couple of tweaks, I was able to enable using API to upload a CSV to be processed by the Annotation Import Utility (AIU). The two minor changes were:
- dwh-management/upload/csvs is a POST, and assets/import is a PUT.
- upload/csvs uses customFile in files, and assets/import uses data in files.
You can simply drop the code into your script/Python CLI in order to use it.
yourTenant = "https://TENANT.cloudinsights.netapp.com"
with Client(yourTenant, apiKey) as client:
upload_CSV_AIU(client, 'annotation_updates.csv')
with Client(yourTenant, apiKey) as client:
upload_CSV_DWH(client, 'dwh_custom_table_update.csv')
with Client(yourTenant, apiKey) as client:
upload_CSV_AIU(client, 'annotation_updates.csv')
with Client(yourTenant, apiKey) as client:
upload_CSV_DWH(client, 'dwh_custom_table_update.csv')
The Code
from enum import Enum
import json
from pathlib import Path
import requests
import urllib3
''' CLASS Client '''
class Client:
### __init__
def __init__(self, instance, token, version='v1', session=None):
self.host = instance.rstrip('/') # Trim trailing slash
self.version = version
self.base_path = f'/rest/{version}'
if session is None:
session = requests.Session()
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-CloudInsights-ApiKey': token,
self.session = session
### __enter__
def __enter__(self):
return self
### __exit__
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
return False
### _convert_to_fully_qualified_url
def _convert_to_fully_qualified_url(self, api_path):
if api_path.startswith(self.host):
# Fully qualified URL
return api_path
if api_path.startswith(self.base_path):
# URL that is only missing the schema and server
return self.host + api_path
# The URL is relative - needs to add prefix
return f'{self.host}{self.base_path}/{api_path.lstrip("/")}'
### _request
def _request(self, method, path, **kwargs):
return_response = kwargs.pop('return_response', None)
response = self.session.request(
if return_response:
return response
# Certain calls like /dwh-management/upload/csvs return an empty result
if not response.text:
return {}
return response.json()
### post
def post(self, path, json=None, **kwargs):
return self._request('POST', path, json=json, **kwargs)
### PUT
def put(self, path, json=None, **kwargs):
return self._request('PUT', path, json=json, **kwargs)
### _raise_for_status
def _raise_for_status(response):
''' Improve the original raise_for_status in the requests library to add some logging '''
if 400 <= response.status_code < 500:
# For client error, raise a regular HTTP error
raise requests.HTTPError(f'{response.status_code} Client Error: {response.reason} {response.text}', response=response)
elif 500 <= response.status_code < 600:
# For server-side errors, we need further parsing to extract OCI specific error information
raise APIError(f'{response.status_code} Server Error: {response.reason}', response=response)
### upload_DWH_csv
def upload_DWH_csv(self, filename):
''' Upload a CSV file to be processed by Data Warehouse. '''
return self.post(
files={'customFile': open(filename, 'rb')},
headers={'Content-Type': None}, # Reset Content-Type from default
return_response=True # Get the response object, as no JSON is returned for this call
### upload_AIU_csv
def upload_AIU_csv(self, filename):
''' Upload a CSV file to be processed by the Annotation Import Utility. '''
return self.put(
files={'data': open(filename, 'rb')},
headers={'Content-Type': None}, # Reset Content-Type from default
return_response=True # Get the response object, as no JSON is returned for this call
### close
def close(self):
''' Close the session. '''
self.session = None
''' CLASS APIError (used in above class)) '''
class APIError(requests.HTTPError)
### __init__
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
super(APIError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
j = self.response.json()
self.errorCode = j['errorCode']
self.errorMessage = j['errorMessage']
### __str__
def __str__(self)
return f'Server error {self.response.status_code} ({self.errorCode}): {self.errorMessage}'
def upload_CSV_DWH(client, csv_file):
if not Path(csv_file).is_file():
print(f'File "{csv_file}" does not exist or is not a file.')
response = client.upload_DWH_csv(csv_file)
if response.ok: print('File uploaded successfully!')
else: print(f'Error posting file: {response.text}')
except Exception as e: print(e)
def upload_CSV_AIU(client, csv_file):
if not Path(csv_file).is_file():
print(f'File "{csv_file}" does not exist or is not a file.')
response = client.upload_AIU_csv(csv_file)
if response.ok: print('File uploaded successfully!')
else: print(f'Error posting file: {response.text}')
except Exception as e: print(e)
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