Setting up a Basic XenDesktop 5 Proof Of Concept – Part 2 of 2: Walkthrough from Desktop Deployment (Using 'Host Type' None) to Testing
Continuing from Part 1....
1: Initial Configuration
From 'Desktop Studio'
'Initial configuration' tab
Select 'Desktop Deployment'
1: Initial Configuration
From 'Desktop Studio'
'Initial configuration' tab
Select 'Desktop Deployment'
Provide a Site name
Select Edition -> Express Edition
Browse to the license file delivered with the XenDesktop5 Express Edition download ( )
And use default database
Next ->
Select Edition -> Express Edition
Browse to the license file delivered with the XenDesktop5 Express Edition download ( )
And use default database
Next ->
Click OK to let XenDesktop create a database automatically
The Host type in this scenario is 'None' (no access to hosting companies virtual infrastructure servers)
Next ->
Finish ->
Next ->
Finish ->
Initial configuration is complete!
And the Navigation Pane under Desktop Studio will populate with more options.
2: Creating a Catalog
And the Navigation Pane under Desktop Studio will populate with more options.
2: Creating a Catalog
Desktop Studio -> Machines -> Create Catalog (either right-click Machines or select from the Action Pane)
i: Machine Type
Machine type: Physical
Next ->
Machine type: Physical
Next ->
ii: Machines & users
Add Computers and optionally assign to users
Next ->
Add Computers and optionally assign to users
Next ->
iii: Administrators
Choose Administrators or leave on default
Create a Catalog description
Next ->
Choose Administrators or leave on default
Create a Catalog description
Next ->
iv: Summary
Provide a Catalog name:
Finish ->
3: Completing User Assignment
Provide a Catalog name:
Finish ->
3: Completing User Assignment
From 'Desktop Studio'
'Initial configuration' tab
Click 'Configure' next to 'User assignment'
'Initial configuration' tab
Click 'Configure' next to 'User assignment'
Select the recently created Catalog and click Next
Place a tick next to the 'Machine name' under 'User Assignments'
Next ->
Next ->
Next ->
Enter a 'Display name'
Enter a 'Desktop Group name'
Finish ->
3: Testing
Enter a 'Desktop Group name'
Finish ->
3: Testing
From an endpoint machine with network connectivity to the Citrix controller (e.g. workstation or laptop)
Point your browser to the Internal Site URL for the XenDesktop installation - which will be something like
Point your browser to the Internal Site URL for the XenDesktop installation - which will be something like
Tick the 'I agree with the Citrix license agreement' box and click INSTALL to install the CitrixOnlinePluginWeb.exe
Click 'Run' if the File Download - Security Warning appears
Click 'Run' again if the Internet Explorer - Security Warning Appears
Click 'OK' to the Installation Completed Succesfully Prompt
Then Log On with your domain credentials
Click 'Run' again if the Internet Explorer - Security Warning Appears
Click 'OK' to the Installation Completed Succesfully Prompt
Then Log On with your domain credentials
Test complete - welcome to the virtual workstyle!
Appendix - A couple of problems
A couple of problems that might be encountered:
A couple of problems that might be encountered:
1: Sysprep problem when using VMware's deploy from template / clone - “Windows could not finish configuring the system. To attempt to resume configuration, restart the computer.” The fix is to download a patch for Windows 7 - (KB981542) - from (this is due to be included in Windows 7 SP1)
The installer error 0x80070422 occurs when installing the patch if the Windows 7 Optimizer has been used and allowed to disable the Windows Update service.
2: Virtual Desktops coming up as unregistered in Desktop Studio:
On the Virtual Desktop -> Programs and Features -> Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent -> Change -> Reconfigure the VDA
On the Virtual Desktop -> Programs and Features -> Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent -> Change -> Reconfigure the VDA
There are these options for controller Location:
i: Manually enter controller location(s) << FQDNs >>
ii: Select from Active Directory
iii: Configure at a later time - Use Group Policy or this wizard to specify the controller
And can configure as preferred.
iii: Configure at a later time - Use Group Policy or this wizard to specify the controller
And can configure as preferred.
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