Scenario: A Sharepoint 2010 pilot project has been initiated. If the pilot is successful it will be pushed out as an information management and collaboration tool for a 100+ user technical department, with the possibility to expand further for use by other departments.
Installation Walkthrough:
First step is to read Andreas Glaser's excellent "Install Sharepoint Server 2010" manual, available as a free download from:
Highlights/notes from Andreas's manual and additional information pertinent to the pilot project which is installed into a VMware vSphere environment, follow below:
Windows 2008 R2 Sharepoint 2010 Member Server Operating System Setup & Optimize (Pretty typical Windows 2008 R2 generic setup)
1: Create a new Windows Server 2008 R2 Virtual Machine (Standard license is fine for pilot, and here used the 2008 R2 with SP1 ISO) with specs suitable for a pilot:
4 GB RAM, 2 vCPUs, 40 GB O/S disk, 40 GB Data disk, 10 GB Pagefile disk
2: Install VMware Tools and reboot
3: Configure IP Networking (disable IPv6 if not used in your environment)
4: Provide computer name (e.g Sharepoint,) domain join, and reboot
5: Place server in the correct server OU in Active Directory
6: Use diskmgmt.msc to format and setup the Data (D:) and Pagefile (P:) disks
7: Configure the pagefile to be the fixed recommended size on P: drive only, and reboot
8: Enable "File and printer sharing" -> Network and Sharing Center -> Advanced Settings -> Turn on file and printer sharing
9: Enable "Remote Desktop"
10: Turn off Windows Firewall
11: Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration for Administrators and Users
12: Activate Windows
13: Disable indexing on disks (Local Disk Properties -> Untick "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties")
14: Can stop and set to manual start the services - 'Distributed Link Tracking Client', and 'Print Spooler'
15: Set 'Power Options' to 'High Performance'
16: Turn off UAC and reboot
17: Apply any Windows Updates
Add Roles and Features for Sharepoint 2010 Member Server
Server Manager -> Roles -> Add Roles
1: Check 'Application Server' and accept 'Add features required for Application Server'
2: Check 'Web Server (IIS)' -> Next >
3: For 'Application Server – Role Services' check
.NET Framework 3.5.1
WebServer (IIS) Support
TCP Port Sharing
Windows Process Activation Service Support (include all sub components)
Next >
4: Fort 'Web Server – Roles Services' check everything except
Leave unchecked -> Health and Diagnostics - Custom Logging
Leave unchecked -> Health and Diagnostics – ODBC Logging
Leave unchecked -> FTP Server
Leave unchecked -> IIS Hostable Web Core
Next > Install
5: (If you don't have Windows 2008 R2 SP1) need to apply the following updates
-> Windows Server 2008 SP2: download "Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista)"
-> Windows Server 2008 R2: download "Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7)"
Server Manager -> Features -> Add Features
6: Check 'Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)' -> Next > Install
7: Apply any further Windows Updates
Administrative and Service Accounts for Sharepoint 2010
Prior to installing Sharepoint 2010, the following 3 accounts are important (can be normal domain users)
spSqlSvcAcc : Sharepoint SQL Server Service Account
spSetupAdmin : Sharepoint Setup Administrator
spFarmAcc : Sharepoint Farm Account
Recommend set 'Password never expires' on these accounts
The spSetupAdmin account needs to be added to the local administrators group on the Sharepoint server
Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 for Sharepoint 2010
1: Login as spSetupAdmin
2: Run setup.exe from the SQL Server 2008 R2 media
3: Installation -> New installation ...
and follow the prompts, entering Product Key, etcetera ...
4: Setup Role -> SQL Server Feature Installation
5: Feature Selection -> Select
Database Engine Services
Management Tools – Basic
Management Tools – Complete
Next > Next >
6: Instance Configuration -> Select 'Default Instance'
and change the 'Instance root directory' path to the Data drive
Next > Next >
7: Server configuration -> Enter the account as DOMAIN\spSqlSvcAcc and password for both:
'SQL Server Agent' and
'SQL Server Database Engine'
Keep the Collation as the dafault "Latin1_General_CI_AS"
Next >
8: Database Engine Configuration ->
Add spSetupAdmin under 'Specify SQL Server administrators'
(Might also want to add 'Domain Admins' and/or backup account in here.)
Check 'Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access'
Check 'Enable FILESTREAM for file I/O streaming access'
Next > Next > Next >
9: Install
Configuring SQL Server 2008 R2 for Sharepoint 2010
Logged in as spSetupAdmin
1: Using SQL Server Management Studio
login to locahost and assign spSetupAdmin with the roles:
via Security -> Logins -> spSetupAdmin:Properties -> Server Roles
2: Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
Verify TCP/IP is Enabled
Do you have an article on migrating sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013