1) Sharepoint 2010 Sites Warmup Script
Credit to Emmanuel Bergerat's post at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/emberger/archive/2009/11/16/stop-and-go-with-sharepoint-2010-on-your-workstation.aspx
Disable UAC (if not already disabled)
Copy the below into notepad and saves as say C:\STARTUPSCRIPT\sharepointWarmup.ps1
"Warming up local SharePoint WebApplications"
$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"}
if ([bool]$snapin) {} else {Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell}
function Warmup-Site([string]$url)
$wc = New-Object net.WebClient
$wc.credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
return $wc.DownloadString($url)
Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | Get-SPSite | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Warming up site:" $_.Url ; $html = Warmup-Site -url $_.Url}
"=> Local SharePoint sites warmed up"
Copy the below into notepad and save as say C:\STARTUPSCRIPT\spWarmUp.bat
powershell set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned
powershell C:\STARTUPSCRIPT\sharepointWarmup.ps1
The create a scheduled task in Task Scheduler to run the batch file C:\STARTUPSCRIPT\spWarmUp.bat at say 4am every morning.
Note 1: Use the spFarmAcc credentials to run the batch script (may want to have the spFarmAcc as a local admin, so can login into the server as spFarmAcc, and test the output of the script in a command prompt, to verify its function.)
Note 2: This resolves the problem of SharePoint sites loading slowly first thing. Default behaviour in IIS is to refresh application pools at 2am every day.
2) Activate the SharePointServer Publishing Infrastructure Feature
Specifically resolves "An error occurred while trying to fetch data from your SharePoint site. The SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature must be activated at the site collection level before the Publishing feature can be activated."
Log in with the spFarmAcc account (otherwise will not see the 'Site Collection Administration' options)
Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration -> Site Collection Features ->
Activate : SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure
Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Actions -> Manage Site Features
Activate: SharePoint Server Publishing
This will allow the following additional sites to be available for use:
Publishing Site, Publishing Site with Workflow, Enterprise Search Center, Enterprise Wiki, and FAST Search Center.
3) Install Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010
This is a free download from Microsoft and can be installed on a workstation or server.
Note: From http://sharepoint -> Site Actions -> Edit in SharePoint Designer , this will initiate the download of SharePoint Designer 2010 if not already installed.
4) Implement a backup and restore strategy
5) The hard part!
Everything from part 1 up to this point can be done in a day, after this point the hard bit begins – designing the site layout, permissions, content....
Additional notes:
i: Incorporating existing fileserver infrastructure
One way is to use IIS and Directory Browsing to present pre-existing fileserver shares, folders, and files via the SharePoint.
ii: Incorporating public folder calendars
No way out of the box to do this; other options:
a) Amrein Engineerings Exchange Calendar Web Part (see http://www.amrein.com/apps/page.asp?Q=5778 )
b) Could insert an OWA weblink – check with your Exchange administrator regarding overcoming the problem with forms based authentication, which results in the username and password prompt coming up, unless already pre-logged into OWA.
iii: Permissions
Permissions are set at a site level. Can create subsites off the main site to generate an acceptable permissions structure.
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