NetApp: FAS2040A Walkthrough Setup & Install Notes Part 5/5 – Configuring via the CLI Part 2 (via BMC)

Use PuTTY/SSH client to connect to the BMC's IP Address and login with the root user. And type the system console command to access the Data ONTAP CLI.

Bmc shell -> system console

Updating the Softwares

Note that installing new software can also be done from the boot menu (CTRL+C when boot.) It is beyond the scope of these notes to provide more than one way of doing things.

Download upgrade packages from (you will need a NetApp NOW logon.)

Available upgrade packages you might like to download are:
i. Data ONTAP upgrade
ii. Disk Firmware upgrade
iii. Controller Firmware upgrade

Instructions for updating are available in the README.TXT files contained in the download packages. A quick couple of tips:
i. You will need a http server from which the controller will download the update – this can be a Windows 7 (not Home Edition) laptop with the built in IIS 7 installed.
ii. The command from the Data ONTAP CLI is going to be something like:

FASCTRA> software update {package_URL}

Resizing the Root Volume

The rool volume /vol/vol0 is allocated 420GB to start with, and for most scenarios this is too big. Remember that best practice is not to put any user data in the root volume. To set it to 150GB:

To see the total size and used space of volumes:
FASCTRA> df -h

To reallocate files in vol0
FASCTRA> reallocate start -f -p /vol/vol0

To check reallocate status:
FASCTRA> reallocate status

To resize the volume:
FASCTRA> vol status
FASCTRA> vol size vol0 150g


The FAS2040A should come with licenses pre-installed, if not use the license add command to add licenses after obtaining from
FASCTRA> license add {license code}

Recommend taking a record of all licenses installed with the output from:
FASCTRA> license

Assigning Disks

To find the unassigned disks:
FASCTRA> disk show -n

To assign a disk to the default pool:
FASCTRA> disk assign {disk_name}

To assign all unassigned disks to the default pool:
FASCTRA> disk assign all

To assign a disk to the aggregate:
FASCTRA> aggr add aggr0 -d {disk_name}

To check the aggregate status (i.e RAID type and if it is online):
FASCTRA> aggr status

To check the aggregate disk usage (i.e which disks are data, parity, dparity, spare):
FASCTRA> aggr status -r

To list available hot spares:
FASCTRA> vol status -s

To set RAID minimum spare count to 0 (to disable low spare warnings):
FASCTRA> options raid.min_spare_count 0

To remove a spare disk from one controller (perhaps if you want to take Controller B's spare disk to re-assign to Controller A):
FASCTRB> priv set advanced
FASCTRB*> disk remove_ownership {disk_name}
FASCTRB*> priv set
FASCTRA> disk assign {disk_name}

With the FAS2040A, you will not need to use the follow command, but useful to be aware of for future scenarios - to disable disk auto assign to the default pool 0:
FASCTRA> options disk.auto_assign off

Creating a NFS Volume and Assigning Root Access (for say VMware Hosts)

To see total space on aggregate, and available space:
FASCTRA> df -g -A

To create a thick provisioned 2TB volume, export as an NFS share for clients on, enable dedupe (SIS), disable volume snapshots:
FASCTRA> vol create NFSVOL -s volume aggr0 2000G
FASCTRA> exportfs -p rw=,root= /vol/NFSVOL
FASCTRA> sis on /vol/NFSVOL
FASCTRA> vol options NFSVOL nosnap on

Note that by default scheduled snapshots are enabled, to delete any that were created (after turning nosnap on):
FASCTRA> snap delete NFSVOL {snapshot name}

Configuring Autosupport

FASCTRA> options autosupport.mailhost {IP of Mail Server}
FASCTRA> options autosupport.from from@test.priv
FASCTRA> options to@test.priv
FASCTRA> options smtp

And to see autosupport settings:
FASCTRA> options autosupport

Cluster Configuration & Testing

To start off with the HA cluster is disabled. On one controller, run the cf enable command to enable:
FASCTRA> cf enable

To check the status:
FASCTRA> cf status

To test failover:
FASCTRB> cf takeover

To undo the takeover
FASCTRB> cf giveback

Audit Log

To see the commands you have inputted:
FASCTRA> rdfile /etc/log/auditlog

Final Note

Some of the above commands will need to be run on both Controller A and Controller B.


  1. This isn't post specific, but I wanted to let you know that as a new consultant working for a FlexPod integrator, I find your blog tremendously useful. Cheers!

    1. Cheers Jon! Thank you very much for the comment.

  2. I just wanted to add that a great HTTP server option to use is HFS ( It's a simple executable web server, no install required and you can easily add files and folders. I've had great success using it to help with upgrading Filers.

    Thanks for a great blog!

    - Mike

    1. Hello Mike, thank you very much for the comment. I will give HFS a try. Cheers!

  3. Thanks man, especially on the vol0 resizing. I could have missed that point. But am faced with this slight problem.

    FAS2040 has most of the licenses installed. I installed the missing critical licenses. I want to present the LUN's to Solaris 10 on FC. When I check FCP license its installed:

    xxxxxxxxxxxxx> license add EMXITYG
    license add: "fcp" is included and no license code is necessary.

    disk_sanitization ENABLED
    fcp ENABLED
    flash_cache not licensed
    flex_clone KOCADLK
    flex_scale not licensed

    But when I check FCP its disabled. When I try to enable it fails like this:
    xxxxxxxxxxxx> options fcp.enable on
    fcp: FCP is not licensed.

    What I'm I missing ?

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    Sounds a bit of an odd one, did you ever find a fix for it?
    Perhaps NetApp can provide you with a different FCP license key to test.


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