EMC CLARiiON CX600: Documenting the FC Fabric, Logs, and Password Reset when Login Credentials are Unknown
Continuing from
the preceding blast from the past post with the CLARiiON CX600....
Documenting the Fibre Channel
odds are high that the Fibre Channel switch(es) in use is(are)
Brocade even if it is not badged so. Example:
HP B-Series switches are made by Brocade, EMC DS-16B2' is essentially
a Brocade 3800....
SAN Health
from http://www.brocade.com
, run it and with a little configuration it will happily go away and
generate a highly detailed report file that gets sent off by email to
Brocade and comes back as an Excel spreadsheet and Visio diagram
(assuming you have login(s) to your Brocade switches.)
Gettings Configuration and Logs
from Service Processors (SPs)
NaviCLI from http://powerlink.emc.com
and from the command line run:
-h X.X.X.X
getall > spa_getall.txt
-h X.X.X.X
getlog > spa_getlog.txt
{Where X.X.X.X is the IP address of Service Processor A}
And repeat for Service Processor B.
Note 1: This does not need a login for the SP.
Note 2: Useful things from the getall output include HBA's and
whether they are logged in or not, serial numbers of SPs and DAEs,
.... From the getlog output, you can check for any errors, see users
logging in or out....
The Password
the login to the Navisphere 6 GUI via either SP's LAN address is
unknown, or lost – and this is after trying global and local, and
trying the default username = admin
and password = password
(can also try clariion
/ clariion!
) - then using the CLARiiON serial cable (not
quite a standard serial cable with 2 x DB-9 RS232 9-PIN female
connectors on – the CLARiiON cable has a pin out that makes it
and a laptop with either a serial COM port, or using a USB to Serial
Converter; connect the laptop to the serial port on either SP, and
follow the procedure below (1.1 to 1.3 are derived from this post) to setup a PPP connection to the SP.
Note: The below is for Windows XP,
and if you're lucky (even in 2012, a good 11 years on from the birth
of Microsoft's mighty XP desktop operating system which still does
everything you need a desktop operating system to do) you might
just happen to have a dual boot XP and Windows 7 laptop. It is
possible to setup the PPP connection from Windows 7 but a little more
fiddly - see Atari
Internet Connectivity via PPP on Windows 7 for clues on how to do
it (involves using the 'Phone and Modem' applet, and then 'Network
and Sharing Center' with 'Set up a new connection or network link.')
1.1 To
configure a modem connection for communications cable between two
Control Panel
Phone and Modem Options
Under the Modems tab, click on Add...
Don’t select my modem; I will select it from a list
The Add Hardware Wizard will open up, select (Standard Modem Types)
Under Models, Select 'Communications cable between two computers'
Select your port – COM?
1.2 To setup
dial-up networking:
Control Panel
Network Connections
New Connection Wizard
Using the New Connection Wizard, select 'Set up an advanced
Select 'Connect directly to another computer'
Select 'Guest'
Connection Name – {enter whatever name you like – e.g. COM?}
Select a device: Communications cable between two computer (COM?)
1.3 To
configure the dial-up connection:
Right-click on your new connection and select Properties
General tab – click on Configure...
Change Maximum speed (bps): to 115200
Check 'Enable hardware flow control'
Networking tab – Type of dial-up server I am calling should be
“PPP: Windows 95/98/NT4/2000, Internet”
Click Settings
Check 'Enable LCP extensions'
Check 'Enable software compression'
Select 'Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)' and click on Properties
Check 'Obtain an IP address automatically'
Check 'Obtain DNS server address
Click on Advanced...
Advanced TCP/IP Settings – General tab
'Use default gateway on remote network'
Check 'Use IP header compression'
1.4 To login
to the SP and reset password
Right-click your new connection and select Connect
Username = clariion
Password = clariion!
Point your browser to http://
Click "Create New Account" (you need to be connected to the master node to see this.)
Enter a user name and in the New Password Verification text box, type
in the password again.
And that's it - you have a new global administrator password you can use to log in to the Navisphere GUI with!
Point your browser to http://{IP_address_ of
Log in with the newly-set username and password.
Note: You also have the option of
completely resetting domain security. However, if you select this
option, you will destroy ALL domain information, including domain
information for the master, other arrays, and portals. To
reset domain security, use the "Reset Security" button and
confirm (you must reset security on both SPs.)
Fig. The CLARiiON CX600 SP setup webpage looks like the below
(image from 'CX600 and CX400 Series INITIALIZATION GUIDE.pdf')
The CX600
Now you should be able to login via
the Navisphere GUI on http://{IP_address_
of _SP} and
document the old beast!
CLARiiON SP also has a LAN service port to which you can connect
using a standard straight-through Ethernet cable. The default IP
addresses for the LAN service ports are for SPA and for SP B. (These are documented on EMC PowerLink; see
EMC Knowledgebase article emc199379.) Once you’ve connected using
the LAN service port, then you can access the SP using
http:///setup to change the
SP’s IP address. (Changing the IP address of the SP does not affect
the IP address of the LAN service port, so your own network
connectivity is not affected.)”
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