How to install Veeam nworks MP for VMware with SCOM 2012: Part 3/6 - Install nworks Enterprise Manager Web UI

Parts in this series:

Part 3 - Install nworks Enterprise Manager Web UI

Note: The UI can be installed on the EMS or a different computer, and here we are installing on the EMS (the UI is not supported on a VMware vCenter server)

Server Manager > Roles > Add Roles > Select ‘Web Server (IIS)’ and follow the wizard to install

Additional role services required for Web Server (IIS) are:
·         IIS 6 Management Compatibility
·         Windows Authentication support
·         ASP. NET

Double-click on the nworksUI.exe executable:

Click Next >

Accept the License Agreement and Next >

Destination Folder: Accept/Change… install path and Next >

Enterprise Manager Server Information: Enter EMS server FQDN name, and port (default is 8084) and Next >

nworks Enterprise Manager WebUI Web Site Configuration: accept/change default port 4430 and Next >

Ready to Install the Program: Install

InstallShield Wizard Completed: Finish

Log off and log back in.

Note 1: nworks Enterprise Manager should now be accessible on http://{Name_or_FQDN_of_EM_WebUI}:4430
Note 2: There is a local group called “nworks Enterprise Manager accounts” on the EMS for “Allows users to access Enterprise Manager via Web UI, and remote Collectors to access Enterprise Manager for Licensing and Configuration settings.”
