Parts in this
Part 2 - SCOM 2012 Install
Insert the System Center 2012 Operations Manager DVD/ISO
and run SETUP.EXE (if autorun disabled):
The Microsoft System Center 2012 - Operations Manager
setup screen appears:
Links for
Click the Install button:
Select features to install (here we’re going for a
complete install) and Next >:
Select installation location and Next >:
Verify Prerequisites and if okay then Next >:
Specify whether this is going to be the first Management
server or an additional one (here we are creating a first one, so we need to
provide a Management group name) and Next >:
Accept the license terms and Next >:
Configure the operational database - provide name and
instance name of the SQL server to be used, configure further as required, and
Next >:
Configure the data warehouse database as required and
Next >:
SQL Server instance for reporting services - since we
installed SSRS locally, this will pick up the local instance, Next >:
Specify a web site for use with the Web console - use
‘Default Web Site’ or select as required, Next >:
Select an authentication mode for use with the Web
console, Next >:
Configure Operations Manage accounts (for the demo using
the domain administrator account which is not best practice - see Operations Manager
Security Guide), Next >:
Customer Experience Improvement and other stuff, Next
Microsoft Update setting, Next >:
Installation Summary, Install:
The End!
Note: In hindsight;
for a demo you could probably get away with a local installation SQL Standard
or Enterprise on the SCOM Server, with an additional instance for Reporting
Services. Apologies I have no time to verify this.
Further reading:
Great post!!! Thanks for sharing.