The following step-by-step
walkthrough goes through the steps for installing a vSphere 5 infrastructure
with SRM and integrating with Compellent Enterprise Manager. The article has
been split up into 4 parts:
Part 3: Install
the Compellent Enterprise Managers
3.1 Login with the EMService account/an account with
local admin rights
3.2 Install Java 1.6 JRE or later
3.3 Launch the “Compellent Enterprise Manager Data
Collector Setup” exe and run through the InstallShield Wizard
3.4 Run through the Enterprise Manager Data Collector
Setup configuring as per requirements
Note 1: EM01 will
be the Primary Data Collector
Note 2.1: In the
image above the Data Source Type is chosen as File System for the embedded
Note 2.2: Default install
path for the embedded database is ‘C:\Program
Files (x86)\Compellent Technologies\Compellent Enterprise
Manager\msaservice\etc’ - change this to install on the D drive
Note 3: Enterprise
Manager will need a license key, but can skip initially
Note 4: Will need
to create an Administrator User - say emadmin
3.5 When the Enterprise Manager Data Collector Setup is
Complete, connect to the Data Collector Web Site at https://{IP of Enterprise Manager Server}:3033/em/EnterpriseManager
to download Client and Server Agent
3.6 Install the Enterprise Manager Client
Note 1: The Server
Agent is not required here - it is allows Enterprise Manager to free
volume storage space from expired Replays that would otherwise remain locked by
Windows on Windows servers that use iSCSI or FC attached storage on the
Compellent SAN
Note 2: Configuring
Compellent Enterprise Manager is out of scope of this document
3.7 Repeat 3.1 to 3.6 for EM02, the difference is that we
configure the Data Collector as a Remote
Data Collector and will need to input the details for the Primary Data
Collector on install
Note: The Primary
Data Collector must be licensed otherwise receive an error “Primary Data
Collector is not licensed …”
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