Tech Round Up 31st December 2012

A set of links with some brief notes – and perhaps even images – of interesting tech things happened upon since the 23rd December Tech Round Up, which are well worth a look if you get the time! With stuff from: Condusiv, Dell, Microsoft, NetApp, Veeam, Vladan, VMware!

## Condusiv Technologies ##

25% Faster VMs or the Software is FREE!

## Dell ##

Configuring iSCSI Connectivity with VMware vSphere 5 and Dell EqualLogic PS Series Storage
*PDF download

## Microsoft ##

Microsoft Test Lab Guides

## NetApp ##

NetApp - A Look Back at 2012
- by Larry Freeman

"A Little Bit of Flash Goes a Long Way...": Bye-Bye Automated Storage Tiering
- by Cesaro

How to configure LIF failover destinations in Data ONTAP 8.0 Cluster-Mode

SnapManager for Exchange snapshots are unusually large
“The following are the possible causes:
- Misalignment would cause up to 2x larger snapshots, but not more than 2x.
- Automated maintenance schedule

Troubleshooting Workflow: SnapMirror Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is not met

How to find the volume fsid, directory ID, inode and file name from a packet trace on file handle

## Veeam ##

Patches released just before Christmas:

## Vladan ##

Top 10 on ESX Virtualization in 2012

## VMware ##

Technical Marketing Update 2012 – Week 50

Installing vCenter Server 5.1 best practices

Upgrading to vCloud Networking and Security 5.1.2 best practices

Commands to monitor snapshot deletion in ESX 2.5/3.x/4.x and ESXi 3.x.x/4.x.x/5.x

Issues known to occur after upgrading vSphere 5.0 Update 2 to vSphere 5.1

ESXCLI Basics: Setup SNMP on ESXi 5.x
Very easy to do:
esxcli system snmp set –t ip_or_fqdn@port/community
esxcli system snmp set –e yes

Business Speak: Talking the Talk to Get Dream Tech Projects Funded
- by Chris Westphal

“One way to think about it is to consider how the investment is going to help your company:
- Make money
- Save money
- Protect you from losing money
- Do something that they couldn’t do before”

“An executive summary can be a written document, but consider a short presentation. Slides that can be covered in 15–20 minutes will give you enough time to present your business case and leave time for Q&A in a 30-minute meeting. Here’s a sample outline of the information that you might consider including in your deck:
1. Problem — What is the issue we are trying to solve?
2. Current risk — What is the risk if we don’t put a solution in place?
3. Proposal — What is the proposed solution?
4. Total cost of ownership (TCO) — What is the cost of the solution including HW, SW, licensing, recurring, people, support, etc.?
5. Return on investment (ROI) — What is the expected result from implementing the proposed solution and when do you expect to realize it? (money saved, business protected, etc.)
6. Project risks — What are the dependencies? What are the things that you control and what are the things out of your control that may create a challenge for the project?
7. Next steps — What is the action that you’re asking the approver to take, and what are the recommended next steps for the project?”
