One of the great new features about SAN HQ 2.5 (released
in December 2012) is the new SAN Assist feature.
First things first, download the latest version of SAN
HeadQuarters from
If you’ve already got SAN HeadQuarters, it is fine to run the setup and upgrade
over an existing installation, keeping configurations and data.
When you first login to SAN HQ Version 2.5.X, you’ll see
a new SAN Assist button,
Image: SAN Assist
The options available from the SAN Assist button are:
1) Configuration
“This wizard will
guide you through the process of enabling SAN Assist data collection for the PS
Series groups that are monitored by SAN Headquarters Servers. SAN Assist data
collection will allow Dell Support to automatically receive detailed diagnostic
and configuration information, enabling pro-active monitoring of well-known
detectable issues and improved customer notification about potential
resolutions. All data collected by SAN Assist is uploaded to the Dell Data
Center using a secure encrypted channel over the internet. No sensitive information,
such as passwords or data stored on PS Series volumes, is collected and
transmitted to the Dell Data Center.
“Under normal
conditions SAN Assist data collection will occur once per week. Data collection
can also be triggered when the system detects critical conditions or when you
choose to run data collection on-demand.”
2) Run Now
3) Decrypt Local
Data Packages
“This wizard allows
for the selection of one or more Diagnostics Local Data Packages to be
decrypted for review before submitting them to the Dell Data Center.”
How to
Configure SAN Assist
Following through the SAN Assist Configuration Wizard
1) Accept the license agreement and Next >
2) Select the PS Series Groups to configure for SAN
Assist and Next >
Image: SACW – PS Series
Group Selection for SAN Assist
3) Provide Group Admin Credentials and a SAN Assist
Read-Only Account Password, then click Apply & Test and Next >
Image: SACW – PS Series
Group Login Credentials
4) Provide an available server IP Address for Group
Syslog Servers and Next >
Image: SACW –
Syslog Server Configuration
6) Specify ‘Data collection and upload settings’ and Next >
Image: SACW – Data collection
and upload settings
Good and helpful guide, nice written!