Lab Series 01: Part 4 – NetApp Data ONTAP 8.1.2 Clustered ONTAP Simulator Build Recipe 01

*for NACSIM101 & NACSIM201 – the “stretched” cluster

Lab Redesign

The initial lab design in Part 1  needs to be amended for this part, and that’s what labs are all about, learning and then making changes on what we’ve learnt.

To setup the “stetched” 2-node SIM cluster (note that we’re not using HA pairs in the SIM), we need the following networks:

i. Cluster Network (stetched across Site 1 and Site 2)
ii. Cluster Management Network (using the existing local management network in site 1)
iii. Node Management Network (using the existing local management networks in Site 1 and Site 2)

Note i: When configuring the cluster network, it does not have a default gateway, it is a dedicated un-routable network for intra-cluster communication
Note ii: The Cluster Management IP Address cannot be in the same subnet as the Cluster Network. The Cluster Administration IP address belongs to a Vserver that initially exists on the first node.

Table: DOT 8.1.2-C-SIM Stretched Cluster Configuration Variables

Continuing with the Build Recipe…

The following how to guide is a concise recipe to setup the Data ONTAP 8.1.2 Clustered ONTAP Simulators which we will call NACSIM101 & NACSIM201 (multi-site cluster.)

RED = site and/or filer specific variable
HIGHLIGHT = user input

0: Pre-boot VM Settings

Rename the Serial Port for NACSIM101 to nacsim101-cons
Rename the Serial Port 2 for NACSIM101 to nacsim101-rgb
Rename the Serial Port for NACSIM201 to nacsim201-cons
Rename the Serial Port 2 for NACSIM201 to nacsim201-rgb
(Optional) Add two additional Network Adapters (check this first!)
(Optional) Set all Network Adapters connection to NAT

Image: Example Virtual Machine Settings for NACSIM101

Note: Notice that the DOT 8.1.2 C-Mode SIM has a thin-provisioned 250GB Hard Disk 4.

1: NACSIM101

The below recipe is for NACSIM101.

Setting the Serial Numbers*
*so you can manage more than one SIM in OnCommand System Manager

Suggested serial numbers:
NACSIM101: 1234563101
NACSIM201: 1234563201

Boot the simulator – NACSIM101.
When you see Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt hit Ctrl-C.
Enter the following commands to set your unique 10 digit serial number.

set bootarg.nvram.sysid=1234563101
set SYS_SERIAL_NUM=1234563101

When you see Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu hit Ctrl-C

Selection? 4 {for Clean configuration and initialize all disks}
Zero disks, reset config, and install a new file system: y
This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure: y


Initial Setup

Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? create
System Defaults:
Private cluster network ports [e0a,e0b].
Cluster port MTU values will be set to 1500.
Cluster interface IP addresses will be automatically generated.
Do you want to use these defaults? n
List the private cluster network ports? e0e,e0f
Enter the cluster ports’ MTU size? 1500
Enter the cluster network netmask?
Enter the cluster interface IP address for port e0e?
Enter the cluster interface IP address for port e0f?
Enter the cluster name: CSIM00
Enter the cluster base license key: JWFJEXMWZWYQSD
Enter an additional license key: {RETURN}
Note: The following Cluster-mode Simulator license codes are for:
CIFS, SnapRestore, NFS, SnapMirror_DP, FlexClone, FlexVol_HPO, iSCSI, FCP
- add these license keys after setup using:
system license add FAXQGXMWZWYQSD
system license add RUUFHXMWZWYQSD
system license add PJQJIXMWZWYQSD
system license add BEOYIXMWZWYQSD
system license add DPSUHXMWZWYQSD
system license add TFZBGXMWZWYQSD
system license add NYLNJXMWZWYQSD
system license add LNHRKXMWZWYQSD
Enter the cluster administrator’s (username “admin”) password: XXXXXXXX
Retype the password: XXXXXXXX
Enter the cluster management interface port: e0d
Enter the cluster management interface IP address:
Note: The cluster management IP cannot be on the cluster subnet!
Enter the cluster management interface netmask:
Enter the cluster management interface default gateway:
Enter the DNS domain names: lab.priv
Enter the name server IP addresses:,
Where is the controller located: LAB01
Enter the node management interface port: e0a
Enter the node management interface IP address:
Enter the node management interface netmask:
Enter the node management interface default gateway:

Use SSH to login to the cluster management IP address as admin
{or preferably for the next section} login to the node management IP address as admin

(Optional) Adding Disks to Cluster-Mode Simulator

Note: Unlike in the previous recipe for 7-Mode, here we’ll just add two additional shelves of 14 x 4 GB disks (t 36 would give 9 GB disks) for additional SIM capacity (may revisit moving the root volume at a later date – time permitting.)

security login unlock -username diag
security login password -username diag
Please enter a new password: XXXXXXXX
Please enter it again: XXXXXXXX
set -privilege advanced
Do you want to continue? y
systemshell local
login: diag
Password: XXXXXXXX
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/sbin"
echo $PATH
cd /sim/dev
ls ,disks/
vsim_makedisks -h
sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 2
sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 31 -a 3
ls ,disks/
security login lock -username diag
system node show local
system node reboot local
Warning: Are you sure you want to reboot the node? y


storage disk show
storage disk modify -disk CSIM00-01:v4.* -owner CSIM00-01
storage disk modify -disk CSIM00-01:v6.* -owner CSIM00-01
storage disk modify -disk CSIM00-01:v7.* -owner CSIM00-01
storage disk show

Note: v5.* is already owned by CSIM00-01 by default

2: NACSIM201

Repeat 1 with the following differences:

set bootarg.nvram.sysid=1234563201
set SYS_SERIAL_NUM=1234563201

Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? join
Do you want to use these defaults? n
List the private cluster network ports? e0e,e0f
Enter the cluster ports’ MTU size? 1500
Enter the cluster network netmask?
Enter the cluster interface IP address for port e0e?
Enter the cluster interface IP address for port e0f?
Enter the name of the cluster you would like to join: CSIM00
This node has joined the cluster CSIM00!
Enter the node management interface port: e0a
Enter the node management interface IP address:
Enter the node management interface netmask:
Enter the node management interface default gateway:

And for the “(Optional) Adding Disks to Cluster-Mode Simulator”

Skip the bit before set –privilege advanced (except the security login unlock -username diag) as the diag password is already set in the cluster!

storage disk show
storage disk modify -disk CSIM00-02:v4.* -owner CSIM00-02
storage disk modify -disk CSIM00-02:v6.* -owner CSIM00-02
storage disk modify -disk CSIM00-02:v7.* -owner CSIM00-02
storage disk show

3: Halt and Take a Snapshot

Finally, system node halt local the simulator filers and take a VMware workstation snapshot before we get to play and break things!
