The following are a
few notes taken from watching the excellent NetAppTV YouTube Video -
- by Christopher
Lab Elements
Windows 2008 Host, Fibre Channel Switch(es), Clustered
ONTAP (4 nodes)
Consoles Used
To watch ALUA in
action and see the Optimized path update:
(Win. 2008) Server Manager > Storage > Data ONTAP
DSM Manager > Virtual Disks
To see read/write
bytes/sec and more:
(Win. 2008) Reliability and Performance Monitor
Running sio_ntap to
general some load:
(Win 2008) Command Prompt
And an SSH client!
Running the
Via command prompt >
To generate some
sio_ntap_win32.exe 90 100 32k 5g 600000 24
Via CDOT cluster shell ::>
To get statistics
for the fibre channel traffic on a node:
statistics show-periodic
-object fcp_lif -instance vs1.cdot-01-fl -counter read_data|write data
statistics show-periodic
-object fcp_lif -instance vs1.cdot-03-fl -counter read_data|write data
(We run this in two
separate SSH console windows - once for the node that is the current home for
the volume, and once for the node that will be the new home for the volume to
be moved.)
To get statistics
on the Fibre Channel LUN itself:
statistics show-periodic -object
lun -instance /vol/win_t_drive/t_drive -counter read_data|write_data|avg_latency
To move the volume:
volume move start -vserver vs1 -volume win_t_drive -destination-aggregate aggr1_cdot03 -foreground true
(The ‘foreground
true’ is optional but useful for watching the progress of the volume move - the
cluster shell prompt becomes available again after the job has finished.)
Note: If you
disable the Optimized path (which is on the node that homes the volume),
traffic to the FC lun travels equally down the Non-optimized paths (i.e. the
other nodes each take a share of the traffic to the Windows host, with the data
from/to the volume traversing the cluster interconnect.)
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