In Data ONTAP 7-Mode, it was possible to get a list of
the volumes in an aggregate using the command:
aggr status AGGR_NAME
In Clustered ONTAP, taking from the ‘7-Mode to
Cluster-Mode Command Map’ document, the above command maps to:
storage aggregate show
Playing around with this command, I could only get the
number of volumes in an aggregate, not a list of volumes.
The solution was to use the command:
volume show -aggregate AGGR_NAME -fields volume
The above command shows the volumes in the aggregate, and
the vServers to which those volumes belong.
Volumes in Aggregates on CDOT Nodes
We can use this to document a Clustered ONTAP environment
for Volumes to Aggregates to Nodes. The commands we use are:
cluster show
node show -node NODE_NAME
storage aggregate show -fields
storage aggregate show -fields
volume show -aggregate AGGR_NAME -fields volume
The output from the commands can be copy and pasted into
Notepad++ and edited (ALT and click is very powerful in Notepad++) and then
copied into say Microsoft Excel.
Documenting 3 CDOT clusters (2 x 6 node clusters, and a 1
x 2 node cluster) using the above method, didn’t take much more than an hour.
An example of the produced Excel documentation is below (private info has been removed!)
Figure: Documenting
Volumes in Clustered ONTAP Aggregates
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