net port vlan delete - Error command failed invalid operation

In the post we demonstrate how to fix an interesting problem that’s not likely to crop up much!


A NetApp FAS/V-Series controller running Clustered ONTAP (here the version is 8.1.2). VLANs are created on a physical network adapter that is subsequently removed from the controller. The output of the command (see output in APPENDIX A) -

clust::> network port show -node clust-01

- shows the VLANs and old physical ports still there. But attempting the -

clust::> network port vlan delete -node clust-01 -vlan-name e0g-80

- results in -

Error: command failed: invalid operation

Going into the advanced privilege level using -

clust::> set -privilege advanced

- and trying the -

clust::*> network port delete -node clust-01 -port e0g

- results in -

Error: command failed: Cannot delete a port that has a vlan on it.


IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a suggested fix for a specific problem. Before trying this on a production system, please engage with NetApp Global Support first! This blog (like all blogs) comes with a health warning:
Caveat lector (let the reader beware) - this is not official vendor literature and comes with no warranty!

To clear the ghost VLAN ports from Clustered ONTAP, go into the diagnostic privilege level using -

clust::*> set -privilege diagnostic

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Then we delete the vlan from the cdb (configuration database) and recreate it using -

clust::*> net port cdb delete -node clust-01 -port e0g-80
clust::*> net port cdb create -node clust-01 -port e0g-80 -role data -mtu 1500 -autonegotiate-admin false -duplex-admin full -speed-admin auto -up-admin false -type vlan -flowcontrol-admin none -aggr-node clust-01 -aggr-port e0a -vlan-node clust-01 -vlan-port e0g-80 -vlan-tag 80

Note i: The net port cdb delete will delete the VLAN port from display if you run a net port cdb show but it still remains for a net port show.
Note ii: The aggr-port (Interface Group Parent Port) must be an existing port or this won’t work (here we use e0a.)
Note iii: After running the above, from the output of the net port show, you will see the Auto-Negot Admin = false (see output APPENDIX B.)
Note iv: Pretty much all the switches above are required inputs for a net port cdb create (gotta love Clustered ONTAP CLI tab completion!)

Repeat this for all the rogue VLAN ports.

Then reboot the controller!

clust::*> system reboot -node clust-01

After the reboot, if we run a net port show we will see the link status for the VLAN ports are all down (see output APPENDIX C.) Now we can delete our VLANs:

clust::> network port vlan delete -node clust-01 -vlan-name e0g-80

Repeat the above line for all the rogue VLAN ports.

Finally, enter the advanced privilege level and delete the rogue port.

clust::> set -priv advanced
clust::*> network port delete -node clust-01 -port e0g

Verify that the VLANs and port has indeed gone using the command (see output APPENDIX D.)

clust::*> net port show -node clust-01


APPENDIX A: ‘net port show -node clust-01’ at the start

clust::> net port show -node clust-01
Node   Port   Role         Link   MTU Admin/Oper
------ ------ ------------ ---- ----- -----------
       e0a    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0b    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0e    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0f    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0g    data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-80 data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-81 data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-82 data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-83 data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-84 data         -        -  true/-   

APPENDIX B: ‘net port show -node clust-01’ after net port cdb create

clust::*> net port show -node clust-01
Node   Port   Role         Link   MTU Admin/Oper
------ ------ ------------ ---- ----- -----------
       e0a    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0b    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0e    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0f    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0g    data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-80 data         -        - false/-   
       e0g-81 data         -        - false/-   
       e0g-82 data         -        - false/-   
       e0g-83 data         -        - false/-   
       e0g-84 data         -        - false/-   

APPENDIX C: ‘net port show -node clust-01’ after reboot

clust::> net port show -node clust-01
Node   Port   Role         Link   MTU Admin/Oper
------ ------ ------------ ---- ----- -----------
       e0a    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0b    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0e    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0f    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0g    data         -        -  true/-   
       e0g-80 data         down     - false/false
       e0g-81 data         down     - false/false
       e0g-82 data         down     - false/false
       e0g-83 data         down     - false/false
       e0g-84 data         down     - false/false

APPENDIX D: ‘net port show -node clust-01’ after deleting VLANs

clust::*> net port show -node clust-01
Node   Port   Role         Link   MTU Admin/Oper
------ ------ ------------ ---- ----- -----------
       e0a    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0b    data         up    1500  true/true
       e0e    cluster      up    1500  true/true
       e0f    cluster      up    1500  true/true

APPENDIX E: Some Advanced Troubleshooting Commands

set diag
network port cdb show
net port show -smftrace
net port vlan show -smftrace
debug smdb table netport_vlans show
debug smdb table netport_vlans_byname show
debug smdb table vifmgr_netport_vlans show
debug smdb table bootconf_netports show
debug smdb table mgwd_cdb_netports show
debug smdb table netports show
debug smdb table netports_byname show
debug smdb table vifmgr_netports show

To collect some output from the “vifmgrclient”:

security login unlock -username diag
security login password -username diag
systemshell -node nodename
{login as diag user}
vifmgrclient -debug

Are you sure you want to risk a full-reinstall and continue? y

At the "Command:" prompt, enter "show" and it will dump a lot of output to the screen.
When the "Command:" prompt returns, then you can enter “quit” to exit the systemshell.


  1. a much safer resolution can be had by using
    network interface show -home-port e0g-80
    followed by the appropriate network interface modify
    and BING, Bob's your uncle.

    1. I wish it were that easy. If your e0g's disappeared from your machine (say someone took out a NIC for whatever reason) and you try the -
      net int show -home-port e0g-80
      - it comes back with -
      There are no entries matching your query.

    2. Actually if someone removes a card, the -home-port will still report e0g, but the -curr-port will have changed (hopefully, if failover-groups...). That is after all the info in the cdb. It is a bit messy as the error message is misleading.

      If nothing shows on the net int show -home-port e0g-80, then net int show -curr-port e0g-80. But that is not often overlooked. Most often, it is the LIF has been migrated, but not modified, thus locking the delete and giving misleading errors.

    3. In this article, e0g-80 is a VLAN and not a LIF. VLANs are associated with a fixed physical port or ifgrp, they have no home-port attribute. Actually, the example was taken from a SIM (where you can recreate this problem), in reality you'd never see this problem with an e0?-VLAN since you can't remove an onboard port, but can see this problem if someone removes a physical Ethernet IO card without deleting the VLANs that were on it first.


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