Here we run through re-sizing a SnapMirror source and destination volume in our lab:
We have a source volume (v_src) that’s 300g in size, and destination
volume (v_dst) that’s 300g in size, we want to increase the size of the source
volume to 1200g:
NASRC> vol size v_src
NADST> snapmirror
update -S nasrc:v_src nadst:v_dst
aborted: destination volume too small; it must be equal to or larger than the
source volume.
NADST> snapmirror
break v_dst
snapmirror break:
Destination v_dst is now writable.
Volume size is
being retained for potential snapmirror resync.
If you would like to grow the volume and do not expect to resync, set
vol option fs_size_fixed to off.
NADST> vol size v_dst
vol size: Volume has the fixed
filesystem size option set.
NADST> vol options
v_dst fs_size_fixed off
NADST> vol size v_dst 1200g
vol size:
Flexible volume 'v_dst' size set to 1200g.
NADST> snapmirror
resync -S nasrc:v_src nadst:v_dst
The resync base
snapshot will be: nadst(4055372815)_v_dst.6
These newer
snapshots will be deleted from the destination:
These older
snapshots have already been deleted from the source and will be deleted from
the destination:
Are you sure you
want to resync the volume? y
Volume v_dst will
be briefly unavailable before coming back online.
Revert to resync
base snapshot was successful!
The End!
this site is very informative. i like the new snap mirror update and i think that the new size will be much more better. However, wish this post was more elaborate.