For an UPDATE of the UPDATE see: PowerShell
Script to Delete Aged Snapshots for NetApp Clustered ONTAP
The following post is an update of the PowerShell script from the below post after some development:
The following post is an update of the PowerShell script from the below post after some development:
Essentially the
script is the same except it now:
- Has a customer
friendly amount of comment
- Details how to
create a minimal permission role and user account to run SnapDeletor
- Outputs to
console much more detail (such as the individual Snapshots being deleted, date
they were created)
- Outputs to a
date-stamped log file at a user specified path
- Has intelligence
to know if the volume has no aged Snapshots
- Has intelligence
to alert/report if a Snapshot could not be deleted
- Sends a simple
text email to an administrator(s)
An example of its
The script was
designed to work in an environment with Exchange 2010 DAGs across two sites.
The remote DAGs required 90 day retention using NetApp SnapManager for Exchange
(SME). The Snapshots of the transaction logs beyond 7 days were not required (I
mean, who’s going to roll database beyond much more than 7 days of logs and
definitely not 90!) And the SME version in use (6.0.4) did not have the ability
to have different Snapshot retention on transaction log volumes compared to
database volumes. Hence, the script was designed to run as a scheduled task on
a management server, to keep the Snapshot retention on the transaction log
volumes to a more reasonable level (like 9 days.)
The Script
Save the following script into Notepad++ as say ‘cdotsnapdeletor.ps1’
and run in PowerShell (after first setting credentials with set-cred.ps1):
CDOT Snapshot Deletor of Snapshots older than X days ##
## (Non-interactive using Cluster login, and for
a specified ##
## list of volumes only) ##
AUTHOR: vCosonok @ ##
CREDITS: The awesome PowerShell community on the internet! ##
For the cluster, cluster user account, Vserver, list of volumes #
# and number of days specified in SECTION 1:
this script will #
# delete snapshots older than the specified
number of days #
# of days. Also specify $logFilePath. #
If you want to email the text report, unhash SECTION 3 and #
# specify: email from, email to, and SMTP
server #
If you want to run it in "REPORT-MODE" then simply hash out the #
# one line that starts with Remove-NcSnapshot #
This script does not force delete snapshots, the Powershell #
# option "-IgnoreOwners" flag has not
been added to the #
# Remove-NcSnapshot line #
SECTION 2: Removes snapshots/does reporting #
SECTION 3: Creates and sends the report as an email #
Save this script in notepad/notepad++ as say #
# cdotSnapshotDeletor.ps1 and run in
Powershell! #
NOTE: This script designed specifically to trim down snapshots #
# on certain volumes to a certain number of
days (example: #
# remote Exchange DAG transaction log snapshots
where a database #
# retention of 90 days is required but logs
only for 7 days, and #
# SME cannot currently do this
(27/11/2013) #
Pre-requisities: #
# 1) The file c:\scripts\encrypted_password.txt
must have been #
# created first using set-cred.ps1 #
# (commented below for reference) #
# 2) Additionally the Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit
must be #
# installed, and PowerShell execution
policy set accordingly #
# (RemoteSigned will work.) #
# #
set-cred.ps1 file contents
# #
Creates a text file with encrypted password string
# #
Note: A blank file c:\scripts\encrypted_password.txt must be created first!
$credential = Get-Credential
$credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content
Using a specific cluster logon account for SnapDeletor: #
If you don't want to use your cluster admin account to run this #
(which you shouldn't really be using for security reasons), #
then the following Clustershell commands can be used to #
create a SnapDeletor role and SnapDeletor account that will #
work with this script #
::> sec login role create -role SnapDeletor -cmddirname DEFAULT -access
::> sec login role create -role SnapDeletor -cmddirname snapshot -access all
::> sec login role create -role SnapDeletor -cmddirname volume -access all
::> sec login create -username SnapDeletor -application ontapi -authmethod
password -role SnapDeletor
SECTION 1: Set Up Variables ##
Enter the following variables/lists:
$cluster = ""
$username = "SnapDeletor"
$vserver = "vs1"
$volumes = "REMOTEDAG_TL01", "REMOTEDAG_TL02",
$daysWorth = 9
$logFilePath = "C:\scripts\logs\"
These two lines get the encrypted password string from the text file
$encrypted = Get-Content c:\scripts\encrypted_password.txt |
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($username, $encrypted)
The following section creates the filename for the output report file
$fileTag = "CLUSTER_SnapshotDeletorOutput_"
$dateStamp = (get-date).tostring("yyyyMMddHHmm")
$extension = ".log"
$filename = $filetag + $dateStamp + $extension
$fullPathToFile = $logFilePath
+ $filename
SECTION 2: Removing Snapshots ##
If you want to test (run in "report-mode"), hash the
Remove-NcSnapshot line
Connect to Cluster
"Connecting ... this can take a few minutes!"
$cluster -Credential $credential -Vserver $vserver
"Connected to cluster $cluster and vserver $vserver" ""
"Connected to cluster $cluster and vserver $vserver" ""
>> $fullPathToFile
POWERSHELL NOTE 1: If this was Powershell 3.0, we could use:
> "text","" | tee-object -FilePath $fullPathToFile -Append
but -Append is not available Powershell pre-3.0.
POWERSHELL NOTE 2: write-host has more functionality than echo but echo works
here for our purposes
"The following snapshots are older than $daysWorth days and are being
deleted!" ""
"The following snapshots are older than $daysWorth days and are being
deleted!" "" >> $fullPathToFile
This line cycles through each volume in the $volumes list
foreach ($volume in $volumes){
"" "Volume=$volume" ""
"" "Volume=$volume" "" >> $fullPathToFile
$snapshots = Get-NcSnapshot -Volume $volume
| where-object {$_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysWorth)}
This if statement operates if $snapshots is not null/empty
if ($snapshots){
This line cycles through each snapshot in the $snapshots list
foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots){
$snapshotName = $
$snapshotDate = $snapshot.created
NOTE: If you hash the next line this script just does reporting!
Remove-NcSnapshot -Volume $volume -Snapshot $snapshotName -confirm:$false
$snapStillThere = Get-NcSnapshot -Volume $volume -Snapshot $snapshotName
This if statement operates if $snapStillThere is null/empty
if (!$snapStillThere) {
"Deleted $snapshotName from $snapshotDate. "
"Deleted $snapshotName from $snapshotDate. " >> $fullPathToFile
} # END of if (!$snapStillThere)
This if statement operates if $snapStillThere is not null/empty
if ($snapStillThere) {
"$snapshotName from $snapshotDate @@@@@ WAS NOT DELETED!"
"$snapshotName from $snapshotDate @@@@@ WAS NOT DELETED!" >>
} # END of if ($snapStillThere)
} # END of "foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots)"
} # END of "if ($snapshots)"
This if statement operates if $snapshots is null/empty
if (!$snapshots){
"Volume $volume has no snapshots older than $daysWorth days!"
"Volume $volume has no snapshots older than $daysWorth days!"
>> $fullPathToFile
} # END of "if (!$snapshots)
} # END of "foreach ($volume in $volumes)"
"" "Snapshot deletion complete." "Report saved as
"" "Snapshot deletion complete." "Report saved as
$filename." >> $fullPathToFile
SECTION 3: Sending the report as an email! ##
Define these 3 email variables
$emailFrom = ""
$emailTo = ","
$smtpserver = ""
Subject will be the output filename
$subject = $filename
Email message contents taken from the output file
[string]$message = ""
$messageRaw = get-content -path $fullPathToFile
foreach ($line in $messageRaw) {$message =
$message + $line + "`r`n"}
Send the email
$smtp=new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $message)
Image: Example of
SnapDeletor running on a LAB VSIM and deleting snapshots older than 2 days!
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