Quick reference/walkthrough/how-to
on obtaining packet traces in NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP (8.1/8.2+). Comes in
7 brief parts - some parts can be skipped if already done!
Part 1:
Enabling Access to https://CLUSTER-IP/spi/NODENAME/etc/log
vserver services web modify -name
spi -enabled true -vserver CLUSTERNAME
vserver services web access
create -role admin -name spi -vserver CLUSTERNAME
security login create -username
USERNAME -application
http -authmethod password
More complete
instructions are detailed here in Method
Part 2: Unlock
the diag user account for systemshell access
security login unlock -username
security login password
-username diag
Part 3: Create
a folder in /mroot/etc/log for the packet traces
set -priv diag
systemshell -node NODENAME
cd /mroot/etc/log
mkdir traces
Note: This is optional;
you could just have the traces generate in /mroot/etc/log.
Part 4:
Generate packet traces for the port(s) in question
system node run -node NODENAME
Two examples!
Example 1:
pktt start e0a -d /etc/log/traces
{wait say 30
pktt dump e0a
pktt stop all
Example 2:
pktt start all -d /etc/log/traces
{wait say 30
pktt dump all
pktt stop all
Note: Depending on
port and filer in question, packet traces can generate at a rate 200MB per
minute or more - please exercise caution to not fill up the root volume with
Part 5:
Download the traces from https://CLUSTER-IP/spi/NODENAME/etc/log/traces
Enter https://CLUSTER-IP/spi/NODENAME/etc/log/traces
into your web browser, login and click the filenames to download!
Image: Downloading
packet traces via the spi (Service Processor Infrastructure) in Clustered ONTAP
Part 6: Tidy up
(delete) the traces
set -priv diag
systemshell -node NODENAME
cd /mroot/etc/log/traces
rm *.*
Note: Please
exercise caution with rm *.*!
Consider using ls and ls *.trc to get more insight into the contents of the
folder, and then rm TRACEFILE.trc to remove files individually.
Part 7: Analyze
the packet trace
Not covered here but … Using your favourite packet
analysis tool/network protocol analyzer - such as Wireshark from http://www.wireshark.org - load in the
trace file.
In 9.3 -- you need to be in diag mode to be able to run the systemshell command. 'set diag'
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Unknown. I've updated the post to use diag. Cheers, VC