Manipulating 7MTT Generated TDP SnapMirrors

I thought this was interesting and worth sharing!

We have a volume called ntfsvol1 that’s thin-provisioned (space guarantee none):

vol create ntfsvol1 -l en -s none aggr1 2g
qtree security /vol/ntfsvol1 ntfs
cifs shares -add ntfsvol1

We set up transition from 7-Mode to CDOT using 7MTT 1.2 and the 7MTT CLI:

7-Mode Transition Tool>
transition credentials add -h N7A01 -u root
transition credentials add -h NACLU1 -u admin
transition create -s ntfsvol1_N7A01 -t standalone -n N7A01 -c -h NACLU1 -v NASVM1 -d daily
transition volumepair add -s ntfsvol1_N7A01 -v ntfsvol1 -c ntfsvol1 -g aggr1
transition precheck -s ntfsvol1_N7A01
transition start -s ntfsvol1_N7A01 -n

NACLU1::> snapmirror show -fields type,status,healthy
source-path           destination-path type status healthy
--------------------- ---------------- ---- ------ ------- NASVM1:ntfsvol1  TDP  Idle   true

But when we check the volume on CDOT find it is thick-provisioned (space-guarantee volume):

NACLU1::> vol show ntfsvol1 -vserver NASVM1 -fields space-guarantee,type
vserver volume   type space-guarantee
------- -------- ---- ---------------
NASVM1  ntfsvol1 TMP  volume

Note: Have also checked space-guarantee-enabled

So, we break the SnapMirror using normal Clustershell SnapMirror commands:

NACLU1::> snapmirror break -destination-path NASVM1:ntfsvol1

The volume type is still TMP:

NACLU1::> vol show ntfsvol1 -vserver NASVM1 -fields space-guarantee,type
vserver volume   type space-guarantee
------- -------- ---- ---------------
NASVM1  ntfsvol1 TMP  volume

We go into the diagnostic privilege level and turn off volume transition-protect:

NACLU::> set -privilege diagnostic
NACLU1::*> volume transition-protect -vserver NASVM1 -volume ntfsvol1 -is-enabled off

The volume type is now RW:

NACLU1::*> vol show ntfsvol1 -vserver NASVM1 -fields space-guarantee,type
vserver volume   type space-guarantee
------- -------- ---- ---------------
NASVM1  ntfsvol1 RW   volume

We modify the volume to have a space-guarantee of none:

NACLU1::*> vol modify -vserver NASVM1 -volume ntfsvol1 -space-guarantee none
NACLU1::*> vol show ntfsvol1 -vserver NASVM1 -fields space-guarantee,type
vserver volume   type space-guarantee
------- -------- ---- ---------------
NASVM1  ntfsvol1 RW   none

Restore the volume transition-protect:

NACLU1::*> volume transition-protect -vserver NASVM1 -volume ntfsvol1 -is-enabled on

Resync the volume:

NACLU1::*> snapmirror resync -destination-path NASVM1:ntfsvol1
NACLU1::*> snapmirror show -fields type,status,healthy
source-path           destination-path type status healthy
--------------------- ---------------- ---- ------ ------- NASVM1:ntfsvol1  TDP  Idle   true

And let 7MTT continue with transitioning the volume:

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show
Name           Type       7-Mode system Cluster-Mode system Status
----           ----       ------------- ------------------- ------
ntfsvol1_N7A01 standalone N7A01:vfiler0 NACLU1:NASVM1       Copy-update

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete -s ntfsvol1_N7A01 -m

[1/6] Complete prechecks [Ok]
[2/6] Performing a final copy update from the 7-Mode volumes to Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[3/6] Breaking and deleting SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[4/6] Collecting configuration from the 7-Mode system [Warnings]
[5/6] Translating 7-Mode configurations for the Cluster-Mode environment [Ok]
[6/6] Applying configurations to the Vserver and its volumes [Warnings]

Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.

 0 Errors - No action required
 4 Warnings - Need your attention!
33 Informational messages

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show
Name           Type       7-Mode system Cluster-Mode system Status
----           ----       ------------- ------------------- ------
ntfsvol1_N7A01 standalone N7A01:vfiler0 NACLU1:NASVM1       Complete

Note: This is not an official workaround to BURT 821477 (which will be fixed in a later version of 7MTT.)
