7MTT CLI: Apply Config - To Do or Not To Do...

I think this is worth a post...


We have set up a number of single-volume transition sessions using 7MTT CLI. These volumes all belong to the same vFiler/pFiler. We know about the -a {apply-config} switch that’s available with the “transition create” and “transition modify” commands.

-a {apply-config} - When set to true, all configurations of the volumes, protocol and services are transitioned to the Vserver. When set to false, only configurations of the volume are transitioned. Default value is true.

We only want one volume transition session to bring across the vFiler/pFiler configurations. For the other volume transition sessions we only want volume configurations transferred.

Can we change this after we’ve started the transition sessions?

Answer: YES!

{We could even just bring volume information across and no protocol and services configuration at all}


Note: The version of 7MTT used here is version 1.2.

1) Setting Up the Transition Session

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials add -h N7A01 -u root
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition credentials add -h NACLU1 -u admin
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition create -s TESTAPPCFG -n N7A01 -c -h NACLU1 -v NASVM1 -d hourly -t standalone
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition volumepair add -s TESTAPPCFG -v test01 -c test01 -g aggr1
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition start -s TESTAPPCFG
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition show
Name         Type         7-Mode system   Cluster-Mode system   Status
----         ----         -------------   -------------------   ------
TESTAPPCFG   standalone   N7A01:vfiler0   NACLU1:NASVM1         Copy-update

2) Creating a 7MTT Blocker for when Apply Config is True

We know that if we create local users and groups on the destination SVM, 7MTT (1.2) will error about their existence, so we create them on purpose!

::> local-group create -vserver NASVM1 -group-name BLOCKER -description "Blocks 7MTT 1.2 transitioning"
::> local-user create -vserver NASVM1 -user-name BLOCKS7MTT -full-name "Blocks 7MTT" -description "Blocks 7MTT 1.2 Transitioning"

::> local-group show -vserver NASVM1
Vserver   Group Name                 Description
--------- -------------------------- ----------------------------
NASVM1    BUILTIN\Administrators     Built-in Administrators group
NASVM1    BUILTIN\Backup Operators   Backup Operators group
NASVM1    BUILTIN\Power Users        Restricted administrative privileges
NASVM1    BUILTIN\Users              All users
NASVM1    NASVM1\BLOCKER             Blocks 7MTT 1.2 transitioning

::> local-user show -vserver NASVM1
Vserver      User Name              Full Name     Description
------------ ---------------------- ------------- -------------
NASVM1       NASVM1\Administrator                 Built-in administrator account
NASVM1       NASVM1\BLOCKS7MTT      Blocks 7MTT   Blocks 7MTT 1.2 Transitioning

3) Testing Transition Complete when Apply Config is True

Note: Apply Config = True is the default

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition modify -s TESTAPPCFG -a true
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete -s TESTAPPCFG

[1/7] Complete prechecks   [Errors]

Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation on the session 'TESTAPPCFG' has failed.

1 Errors - Failed!

1 Errors:
20842: Checking whether the configuration for CIFS local users and groups can be transitioned to the [Error]
Vserver 'NASVM1': The configuration for CIFS local users and groups cannot be transitioned to the Vserver 'NASVM1' because the specified Vserver already has CIFS local users and groups configured in addition to BUILTIN users and groups. CORRECTIVE-ACTION: Delete the CIFS local users and groups that are created in addition to the BUILTIN CIFS local users and groups on the Vserver, and then retry the operation.

4) Testing Transition Complete when Apply Config is False

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition modify -s TESTAPPCFG -a false
7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete -s TESTAPPCFG

[1/7] Complete prechecks [Warnings]
[2/7] Performing a final copy update from the 7-Mode volumes to Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[3/7] Breaking and deleting SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[4/7] Collecting configuration from the 7-Mode system [Ok]
[5/7] Translating 7-Mode configurations for the Cluster-Mode environment [Ok]
[6/7] Applying configurations to the Vserver and its volumes [Ok]
[7/7] Taking the 7-Mode volumes offline [Ok]

Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.

It works - transition completed!

