How to do a Pre and Post 7MTT Cutover Configuration Comparison

This post is on based on this KB FAQ: 7MTT/Transitioned Data ONTAP features, this post “Shows” in Clustered ONTAP 8.2.1 Clustershell, and a 7-Mode to CDOT options and config files mapping spreadsheet. The commands are for Clustered ONTAP 8.2.X, and apply to transitions with 7MTT 1.2/1.3.

1. Log into the Clustershell
2. Type these commands

rows 0
set d
set -showallfields true
set -showseparator "#"

3. Then run the following list of show commands (the list is more than required...)

job schedule cron show
job schedule interval show
network interface show
network interface show-routing-group
security audit show
security snmpusers
snapmirror policy show
snapmirror show
statistics settings show
volume efficiency policy show
volume efficiency show
volume qtree show
volume quota policy rule show
volume quota policy show
volume quota show
volume show
volume snapshot policy show
vserver active-directory show
vserver audit show
vserver cifs domain name-mapping-search show
vserver cifs domain preferred-dc show
vserver cifs group-policy show
vserver cifs home-directory search-path show
vserver cifs options show
vserver cifs security show
vserver cifs share access-control show
vserver cifs share properties show
vserver cifs share show
vserver cifs show
vserver cifs superuser show
vserver cifs symlink show
vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show
vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show-members
vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show-sid
vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show
vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show-membership
vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show-sid
vserver cifs users-and-groups privilege show
vserver cifs users-and-groups show-domain-sid
vserver export-policy rule show
vserver export-policy show
vserver name-mapping show
vserver nfs kerberos-config show
vserver nfs show
vserver options
vserver services dns hosts show
vserver services dns show
vserver services kerberos-realm show
vserver services ldap client schema show
vserver services ldap client show
vserver services ldap show
vserver services nis-domain show
vserver services unix-group show
vserver services unix-user show

4. Copy and paste the output into excel using the text import wizard, and # as a separator.
5. Run this pre-7MTT transition and post-7MTT transition to see the configuration changes.

Caveat Lector: As always - this is unofficial stuff.
