Can I Increase the Size a 7-Mode Volume that is in Transition without Needing to Re-Baseline?

The best way to answer the question is via a simple lab.
This lab has already been used for previous transitions from 7-Mode to Clustered ONTAP.

Primary 7-Mode System:

N7A01> version
NetApp Release 8.1.2P4 7-Mode: Fri Apr 26 19:57:25 PDT 2013

Secondary Clustered ONTAP Cluster:

PRICLU1::> version
NetApp Release 8.2.1 Cluster-Mode: Fri Mar 21 14:25:07 PDT 2014

And we’re using 7MTT v1.2

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition version
NetApp Release 7-Mode Transition Tool 1.2: Fri Mar 28 07:51:50 GMT 2014

Create a volume on 7-Mode:

N7A01> vol create vol1 -s none aggr1 2g

Setup transition with 7MTT CLI:

transition credentials add -h N7A01 -u root
transition credentials add -h PRICLU1 -u admin
transition create -s N7A01_vol1 -t primary -n N7A01 -c -h PRICLU1 -v PRICLU1V1 -d hourly
transition volumepair add -s N7A01_vol1 -v vol1 -c vol1 -g aggr1
transition precheck -s N7A01_vol1
transition start -s N7A01_vol1 -n

Verify the status of the SnapMirror on the Clustered ONTAP destination:

PRICLU1::> snapmirror show
Source            Destination  Mirror  Relationship  Total             Last
Path        Type  Path         State   Status        Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            TDP  PRICLU1V1:vol1
                                      Idle           -         true    -

And the volume size:

PRICLU1::> volume size vol1 -vserver PRICLU1V1
vol size: Volume "PRICLU1V1:vol1" has size 2g.

Thet’s increase the size of the 7-Mode volume:

N7A01> vol size vol1 3g
vol size: Flexible volume 'vol1' size set to 3g.

Now perform a SnapMirror Update on the Clustered ONTAP destination:

PRICLU1::> snapmirror update -destination-path PRICLU1V1:vol1
Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination "PRICLU1V1:vol1".

Wait for the SnapMirror Update to complete then check health:

PRICLU1::> snapmirror show
Source            Destination  Mirror  Relationship  Total             Last
Path        Type  Path         State   Status        Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            TDP  PRICLU1V1:vol1
                                      Idle           -         true    -

The relationship is healthy! Excellent! What’s the size of the Clustered ONTAP volume now:

PRICLU1::> volume size vol1 -vserver PRICLU1V1
vol size: Volume "PRICLU1V1:vol1" has size 3g.

The volume has resized on the secondary Clustered ONTAP cluster in line with the size increase on primary 7-Mode system!

Can I Increase the Size a 7-Mode Volume that is in Transition without Needing to Re-Baseline? Yes

Completing the migration with 7MTT:

7-Mode Transition Tool>transition complete -s N7A01_vol1

[1/8] Complete prechecks [Warnings]
[2/8] Performing a final copy update from the 7-Mode volumes to Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[3/8] Breaking and deleting SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[4/8] Collecting configuration from the 7-Mode system [Ok]
[5/8] Translating 7-Mode configurations for the Cluster-Mode environment [Ok]
[6/8] Applying configurations to the Vserver and its volumes [Ok]
[7/8] Establishing SnapMirror relationships between the primary and secondary Cluster-Mode volumes [Ok]
[8/8] Taking the 7-Mode volumes offline [Ok]

Operation summary:
The 'complete' operation is completed with warnings.

 0 Errors - No action required
 1 Warnings - Need your attention!
23 Informational messages

If you’re curious to see what the 1 warning was, it’s nothing to do with having resized the volume mid-transition from 7-Mode to Clustered ONTAP:

1 Warnings:
20993: Checking whether to transition CIFS configuration from the 7-Mode storage system [Warning]
'vfiler0@N7A01'. CIFS configuration will not be transitioned if the security style of all the volumes(and the qtrees inside the volumes) selected for transition is UNIX and if the volumes(and the qtrees inside the volumes) are not serving data to CIFS clients.
> CIFS configuration will not be transitioned from the 7-Mode storage system 'vfiler0@N7A01' because the security style of all the volumes(and the qtrees inside the volumes) selected for transition is UNIX and the volumes(and the qtrees inside the volumes) are not serving data to CIFS clients.
