List 2/10 of Out-of-the-Box Finders in WFA 2.2 for Clustered ONTAP

Below is a list of Out-of-the-Box Finders from -
WFA > Designer > Finders
- filtered under the CDOT Scheme (cm_storage)

“A finder is a combination of one or more filters that are used together to identify common results.”

Image: WFA > Designer > Finders (Filtered by ‘cm_storage’)

The List of 18 Items

Find aggregate by available capacity
Find aggregate by space, thresholds and RAID type
Find aggregate for SnapMirror destination volume
Find aggregate for SnapVault destination volume
Find aggregates by class of storage
Find clone volumes by parent volume
Find infinite volume constituents by role
Find infinite volume data constituents with no SnapMirror relationship
Find logical interfaces by current node and role
Find logical interfaces by home node and role
Find NAS logical interfaces by current node
Find NAS logical interfaces by home node
Find nodes of a cluster
Find SAN logical interfaces by home node
Find Storage Virtual Machine by key, type, protocol, service and state
Find Storage Virtual Machine in a given cluster
Find volume by name in a given Storage Virtual Machine
Find volumes by node excluding node root volumes
