
It’s been a bit quiet on recently, partly because of vacations, and partly because I’ve been working on some PowerShell scripts/programs that have consumed far too much of my time.

Here’s the first one:


This script uses DFSUTIL to update DFS links (the Server 2012 PowerShell DFSN modules were trialed, but had issues with the cmdlets timing out and/or being very slow, so reverted back to Server 2008 DFSUTIL). The script can do the following:

> Set referral priority ordering First Among All Targets
> Set referral priority ordering Last Among All Targets
> Set target as Enabled
> Set target as Disabled

It will work across all the namespaces in a domain and multiple standalone namespaces at the same time.

Only requirements:

- Windows Server 2008 or better
- Adequate permissions to run DFSUTIL

To run:

Right-click the file Set-DfsnForDR.ps1 and click "Run with PowerShell" - easy!
It uses a simple (and hopefully intuitive menu system), a screenshot of which is below:

Image: Set-DfsnForDR Menu System

Finally, the script is here:
