Continuing from
Part 1...
Firstly run ::>
-privilege admin # The formulas below work for output from admin level
-confirmations off
-showseparator "#"
-units B
3) Volumes
For volumes, at the moment we’re only interested in the
following output from the Clustershell ::>
show -vserver GBHDCNAS300V1 -volume !*rootvol* -fields
Copy and paste this into Excel using the ‘Text Import
Wizard’ and # as a delimiter. Excel will be used to construct the following
create -vserver {vserver} -volume {volume} -aggregate {aggregate} -size {size}
-type {type} -security-style {style} -comment {comment} -space-guarantee
{guarantee} -precent-snapshot-space {percent} -snapshot-policy {policy}
-language {language}
And here is the Excel formula to generate our output:
create -vserver ",A3," -volume ",B3," -aggregate
",C3," -size ",(INT(LEFT(D3,LEN(D3)-1)/(1024*10))),"B -type
-security-style ",F3," -comment ","""",G3,"""","
-space-guarantee ",H3," -percent-snapshot-space
",(I3*100)," -snapshot-policy ",J3," -language ",K3)
And copy and paste the commands in via PuTTY!
Note 1: The /(1024*10)
is because the simulator has a lot less capacity than the real world systems
(you may want to adjust this.)
Note 2: The - IF(E3="RW","RW","DP")
- gets around TMP type volumes needing to be created as type DP.
Note 3: Some
volumes may fail to create with “Error: command failed: Size ... is too small. Minimum size is 20971520” - recreate the
volumes with the minimum size, or - better (since it’s reusable in the
spreadsheet) - edit the size in the spreadsheet to 20971520*1024*10 =
4) TMP Type
Volumes which were originally TMP can be set to TMP using
-privilege diagnostic
And the following Clustershell command ::>
transition-protect -vserver {vserver} -volume {volume} -is-enabled on
We can get the complete script of commands from the
output of the Excel spreadsheet and the formula:
transition-protect -vserver ",A3," -volume ",B3,"
-is-enabled on")),"")
5) Source Volumes
for TMP Type Volumes or DP Type Volumes with a 7-Mode Source
To generate the source volumes on the source 7-Mode
system for volumes that are TMP type, uses the command syntax >
create {vol-name} -l {language} -s {guarantee} {hosting-aggr} {size}
Generate the command script using the spreadsheet and the
Excel formula:
create ",B3," -l ",K3," -s ",H3," aggr0
Note 1: This is also
using /(1024*10) to make the SIM volumes smaller than the real ones.
Note 2: The 7-Mode
SIM here has just one aggr called aggr0.
If volume transition-protect has already been removed,
and there are DP type volumes with a 7-Mode Source, the slightly adjusted Excel
formula will work (verify that the source is indeed 7-mode first!):
create ",B3," -l ",K3," -s ",H3," aggr0
6) Destination DP
type volumes (not Vault)
On the destination Vserver, create the DP type volumes
from the output of the Excel formula, first replacing the contents of column A3 with
the name of the destination SVM, and C3 with the name(s) of the destination aggregate(s):
create -vserver ",A3," -volume ",B3," -aggregate
",C3," -size ",(INT(LEFT(D3,LEN(D3)-1)/(1024*10))),"B -type
DP -security-style ",F3," -comment
-space-guarantee ",H3," -percent-snapshot-space
",(I3*100)," -snapshot-policy none -language ",K3)),"")
Note 1: DP volumes
must be created with a Snapshot Policy of “none”, otherwise you’ll get an error
“Error: command failed: Snapshot policy must be "none" for DC, DP and
LS volumes.”
Note 2: To collect
the not-RW type volumes from the
sheet, the modified Excel formula becomes (replacing the equals with a greater
than and less than sign):
create -vserver ",A3," -volume ",B3," -aggregate
",C3," -size ",(INT(LEFT(D3,LEN(D3)-1)/(1024*10))),"B -type
DP -security-style ",F3," -comment
-space-guarantee ",H3," -percent-snapshot-space
",(I3*100)," -snapshot-policy none -language ",K3)),"")
7) Destination DP type
volumes (SnapVaults)
This is pretty much the same as 6, the only difference is
that we make the volumes twice as big (only divide by (1024*5) and not
(1024*10). The reason for doing this is that eventually the SnapVaults will
have a much larger retention than the production and DR volumes. Again, replace
the contents of column A3 with the name of the destination SnapVault SVM,
and C3
with the name(s) of the destination SnapVault aggregate(s):
create -vserver ",A3," -volume ",B3," -aggregate
",C3," -size ",(INT(LEFT(D3,LEN(D3)-1)/(1024*5))),"B -type
DP -security-style ",F3," -comment
-space-guarantee ",H3," -percent-snapshot-space
",(I3*100)," -snapshot-policy none -language ",K3)),"")
And after this
part, we should have all our volumes in place!
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